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XCode and KalyWay 10.5 Problems


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How's it going you all, I got my IBM THinkpad t42 to successfully install, and work without the boot disc. Im running KalyWay 10.5.


When using XCode it says you must have 10.6, so to work around this, I changed the system version in the SystemVersion.plist and it worked like a charm.




When getting to the LAST install item in the process for XCode, it can't find a particular file.


XCode installing lags on the XCrun installing section and error log is saying "No such Directory" anyone else have this problem or a way to solve it?



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I installed Snow Leopard on my hacintosh and get the same {censored}. I have gotten this error twice. When I go to re-install the xcode it freezes from the beginning. Is there a work arround for this. E-mail timbojill@gmail.com.

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