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I'm tearing my hair out over this. It worked fine when I used it in a script on Tiger. Now I'm working on a droplet on Snow and can't get it to execute the bundled binary.


The code reads like this:


set progpath to quoted form of ((path to me as string) & "Contents:Resources:" & "binary")


When it's called (do shell script progpath etc etc) I get this error:


"sh: Macintosh HD:Users:Me:Desktop:MyApp.app:Contents:Resources:binary: command not found"


Has something changed or am I doing something so silly I can't even see it? Does that trailing colon mean it's adding an extra forward slash to the end of the path? If so how can I avoid that?




OK I was doing something really silly. It should have read


set progpath to quoted form of posix path of ((path to me as string)

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