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Hackintoshing a Virtual Machine...


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It's easy to run Windows on a Mac (Fusion, Parallels...), but can I create a VM in native Windows, and then Hackintosh that VM, so I can run Mac OS on Windows?


Has anyone ever tried this? I'd imagine it should be doable. Just want to make sure I can before I try.


Thanks in advance!


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In theory it's doable, and I've seen pre-made VMWare images of OS X 10.4 floating around. There may be similar images for OS X 10.5, but I don't recall ever seeing one. In practice it can be tough. I've wasted quite a few hours trying to get OS X working under QEMU in Linux. I can get the software to install (it takes quite a few hours!), but then it hangs when I try to boot. I suspect driver issues related to the emulated disk hardware. Of course, different virtualization packages are likely to emulate different disk hardware, or at least emulate it in different ways, so what produces problems under QEMU might work just fine under VMWare, Bochs, or some other package, and vice-versa.


Note that there is a multi-booting and virtualization forum here. You should check it out. My impression is that most of the virtualization discussions center around VMWare.

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