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I'm trying to install the "iPC_OSx86_Leopard_10_5_6_Intel_AMD_SSE2_SSE3" distro on my laptop.


The specs are: AMD Turion X2 Ultra, ATI Radeon HD3650, 4GB DDR2 RAM, and it's an Acer Aspire 6530G.


When I boot from the disk I made of the iso, the apple logo comes up with the spinning circle, then a circle with a slash in it appears over the apple logo. (Picture attached) Since I had no idea what to do next, I found some info online and tried entering "-v" on booting up. The diagnostic mode goes well until it stops and says "No boot device found" or something like that.


Now I truly have no idea what to do. Any ideas?


Most likely NForce disk controller problem. The install disk you are using, doesn't has an appropriate NForce driver.


One may try any older "distro" e.g. Kalyway 10.5.1 or any of iAtkos older versions. Such a "distros" usually contains drivers for older ICH controllers. I personally have had no luck with any other "distros", only the above stated (Kalyway 10.5.1 in particulare) worked. You can always update to 10.5.8 version. The newer version doesn't necessary means the better performance though.


Another hint is to use the rd=diskXsY flag. X=disk name, Y=partition name. During the installation one must enter the above values for the install DVD. One may see this values written as hd1,1 or so, then presses F8 on Darwin prompt. Just replace "," with "s".


Alternatively one may use a boot-uuid=xxxxxxxxx flag. Actually it does the same thing as the rd=diskXsY. But it may work then rd=diskXsY doesn't. The xxxxxxxxx value stands for the install disk or HDD disk UUID number. Unfortunately you can know the UUID only via OS X Disk Utility, which assumes one already have other OS X install or can boot to OS X install DVD.


Also try -f flag. This will force load the Extension folder to make sure all the extensions (aka drivers) loaded.

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