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Okay so I have my computer, an ES2L motherboardblahdy bla blah, right. I currently have a 10.5.6 retail install which I updated to 10.5.7. How can I get it now so that I can dualboot with windows 7?\


Could I just install it then use EasyBCD to boot into the mac?


Thanks, Chris

yes, EasyBCD is the solution. Important to have MBR and your windows partition first on the boot tree, and good to have it set as active the usual diskpart->list disk->select disk n (where n is your disk)-> list partition-> select partition n (where n is your windows 7 partition) -> active. Done. use EasyBCD to add the Mac Boot. I advise using the diskpart from Windows 7 repair command prompt.


*make sure you have the 100 or 200mb partition visible!

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