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EDIT4: Main issue right now seems to be that I need a way to get the Leopard 10.5.6 Retail DVD to begin to install. I would like to us my USB Flash drive (1GB) to get the process started. if it works easier with a BOOT-132 CD then so be it, does anyone have a suggetion on a good SATA DVD-/+RW for a Hackintosh?


alright, i have decided to take the plunge into the hackintosh world. from a little quick browsing i have found that my hardware seems to be fairly well supported. i am running:


Pentium E5200

Gigabyte EP45-DS3R


Sapphire HD 4850

WD Caviar Green 1TB



I have purchased a retail DVD of 10.5.6


I want to be prepared as possible when the time comes to install the software. I would like to use EFI to help avoid issues with updates and the like. i am a little bit concerned about weather i can get my ATi 4850 supported. if anyone can point me in the right directions for things to look out for to help make this work with a minimal amount of modification that may break when i update to 10.5.7 or later. I have a spare usb drive hanging around that i would be able to use as a permanent attachment to the back of my computer, i noticed something called EFI-X which doesn't seem to be much other than a USB drive. I have heard of people being able to boot directly from thier drive and having time-machine working. this would be optimal if at all possible. sleep would be nice, and SOUND is a must. I really appreciate your help. I just want to make it throught the install the first time with as few (unforeseen) problems as possible.


EDIT: i guess 10.5.7 natively supports my 4850, is that true? if so does that mean that i could install 10.5.6 then update it to 10.5.7 then have perfect support for my video card?


EDIT2: okay, so, from what i have gathered, i need to burn a boot-132 CD in order to get my leopard disk to initially boot so that i can use the disk utility to format my HDD to HFS+ in GUID to get my EFI partition. then i want to install leopard onto the formatted disk. switch the leopard DVd for Boot-132 Cd and then reboot then switch back to leopard DVD and boot into OSX. from here i write my EFI partition and add my Kexts to the EFI area so that when i install chameleon2RC1 i can use that to run all of my modifiers at boot. once that is done i simply reboot without any disk in the drive? is any/all of this right? am i going to run into any major issues using this?


EDIT3(moved from first reply): Is it possible to do this without burning any CDs or DVDs, my burner just broke, so all i have is my DVD-ROM on IDE (I think i read somewhere that the IDE bus doesn't work), will this work? or do i need to newegg a DVD+RW SATA drive? or is it possible for me to us a USB Flash Drive (i have a 1GB one) to use for booting into the Retail DVD? if so, how would i go about making my USB flash drive bootable in the same fashion as the BOOT-132 CD? I really appreciate all of the help i get and look forward to helping people out myself once i have successfully hacked my box to run OSX. i hope to author a guide once i know the process works.


As always any help is good help, and greatly appreciated.

I am confused as to weather or not you can use a USB to boot for a fresh install of Leopard from a Retail DVD. a friend of mine owns a 10.5.6 Family Pack that he is letting me borrow so that i can give OSX a try. i have a DVD drive also on IDE and I was hoping someone would be able to help me understand whether I could us a USB thumb drive as a starting point to get my leopard DVD installing.


Thank you in advance.

a friend of mine owns a 10.5.6 Family Pack that he is letting me borrow so that i can give OSX a try.


Lucky you... I had to shell out about $89 for my copy. I hope that we can figure this out, if you get your install working let me know. and i will be sure to keep this thread updated with what i find out as well.

  • 3 months later...

Have a look at netkas_dot_org. Follow his guides....


Get Chameleon Boot loader + DSDT.aml (complicated to modify) for your MB, make sure it's the right bois F# +


Chameleon use the .kext files included + smbois.plist.


& Yes you can install osx on a usb drive 16gig, fortmat as guid. Saved my life many times while funking around with dsdt/ updates.


Good luck!

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