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Problem: Sleep doesn't work. If I put the machine to sleep, it won't wake up and it will also not turn off completely like it does in Windows. Fans still spinning and all that. Hard drives and displays do turn off.


Restart and shutdown works perfectly fine though.


My system:

- Abit IP35 (P35 chipset, ICH9) motherboard

- Core2Quad Q9550 @ 3.4 GHz

- 4 GB DDR2 800 MHz

- GTX 260 896 MB graphics card

- Echo AudioFire4 audio interface (mobo internal soundcard disabled so don't need audio kexts)


So originally I have installed using the iDeneb 10.5.6 package. I think I did mostly a vanilla install except I did install the drivers for the ICH9 chipset. Even then sleep and shutdown didn't work. Updated to 10.5.7 using software update. Using vanilla 9.7.0 kernel.


Now I've got Chameleon 2.0RC1 installed and the only extra kexts are

- what comes with Chameleon (AHCIPortInjector, IOACHIBlockStorageInjector, removed ATAPortInjector because I have no ATA devices anymore)

- Disabler.kext for disabling the powermanagement kext

- GeForce 200 series drivers (GeForce.kext, NVDAHAL50, NVDAResman etc)

- netkas' GeForce 200 Enabler kext (ATY_Init.kext)

- Driver for network (AppleYukon2.kext)


So far everything else seems to work, except System Profiler says error on the Hardware tab and RAM speed isn't detected correctly (shows 667 instead of 800). When starting in verbose mode, I notice a few AppleYukon errors (network works perfectly fine tho) and an ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin: getCPU_PSSdata error. Don't know what that is.


Any ideas what I could do to get sleep working?


EDIT: Shutdown now works thanks to Voodoo kernel. First post and thread title changed to reflect this.

I tried reinstalling iDeneb with as vanilla setup as I could, apart from the afore-mentioned kexts. Now restart doesn't work either, still no luck with the other problems and it seems to boot erratically. Seems like I must install some specific kext fixes or try a different kernel or something. Network not working either at the moment, probably just needs a driver for that.

Haven't tried with 2GB RAM. I don't see how that would make any difference.


Now I've got the correct RAM speeds and CPU speeds but there is probably something off with the CPU detection (not passing the correct halt etc commands?) because sleep doesn't work. Restart and shutdown works after I installed Voodoo XNU kernel 2 alpha2 (based on 9.7.0).


Got network working again, needed AppleYukon2.kext from iDeneb CD. Strangely it didn't work if placed in Chameleon's Extra directory. I suppose drivers need to be in the real Extensions dir?

Haven't tried with 2GB RAM. I don't see how that would make any difference.


It makes a difference. Just try it.

Normally all the resources are mapped to the memory area over 3 GB.

That is also the reason you often can't get more than 3GB with Windows.

On my machine with 2GB the the sleep works perfect and with 4 GB it does not.

Just try it.





I use vanilla. I get the same messages:


Jun 14 11:04:25 hack-o-macII kernel[0]: ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::start - waitForService(resourceMatching(AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement) timed out

Jun 14 11:04:25 hack-o-macII kernel[0]: ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::getCPU_PSSData - _PSS evaluation failed



I have a P5B Premium (ICH 8R board). Sleep works fine, even under 10.5.7 unless I don't put more than 2 GB in.

As mentioned in this thread: <http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=141769&st=560>

you could try to replace AppleUSBEHCI.kext or better edit the one you have in extra to become a version higher than 3.2.3 . I also tried that, but on my board it makes no difference.



Some progress: Installed the IOUSBFamily.kext from this thread: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=117029


Now the 'puter goes to sleep like it should, power turns off and when I hit a key it turns on but I seem to get no display. Don't know if the system comes back at all, hard to do anything in the dark...


Where could I look for error messages etc specifically when the system goes to sleep?

Some progress: Installed the IOUSBFamily.kext from this thread: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=117029


Now the 'puter goes to sleep like it should, power turns off and when I hit a key it turns on but I seem to get no display. Don't know if the system comes back at all, hard to do anything in the dark...


Where could I look for error messages etc specifically when the system goes to sleep?


What driver do you use? If you use NVkush or similar you should change to EFI-String method.



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