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I was having a problem taking screenshots using key-combination: Command+Shift+3


I went on google and found this page


Since I was having problems, I decided to open Terminal and enter the following:


defaults write com.apple.screencapture type png
killall SystemUIServer


as soon as had initiated the second line, my eye caught elements at the top right of my screen flicker. I soon found that SystemUIServer controls menu icons and stuff.


Anyway, now I have this problem.... a text alignment problem. Obvious with the battery percentage but its also on any menu text (clock, window title, etc.) that I have circled in the image below.


Can anyone help me fix this please? I don't understand how killing a service can cause such a problem.


Thanks peeps! ;)



I assume that service controls the thing your having problems with. I've never ever killed that service, only ever Finder and the Dock. If you log out/in, the service should start. Basically, don't stop it again.


I'm pretty certain you only needed the first command.

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