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Challenge: ATI Radeon HD3650 with QE, CI and higher resolutions than EDID limit

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I have and ATI Radeon HD3650 PCIe graphic card. It has 512MB of DDR2 memory and works in 128bit. It's a very good and not expensive graphic card but people are having issues with it while using Mac OS X Leopard.


I could find two working drivers. One enables QE and CI but don't show resolutions higher than EDID allows.


The other one, developed by Netkas (netkas.org) shows a lot of resolutions, like 2048x1280 while my monitor's EDID tells that 1680x1050 should be the limit. I prefer to use higher resolutions and bypass/ignore EDID information. The problem is that Netkas driver don't support or don't enable QE and CI.


What should be great: merge the two drivers or add QE/CI to Netkas driver (I prefer).


This driver is developed by Netkas. It shows a lot of high resolutions, bypassing EDID information. It's great because higher resolutions allow us to work with a lot of stuff at same time. But QE/CI don't work and everybody needs these features working.




This driver enables QE/CI but don't support higher resolutions than EDID limit. This low resolution thing is a big limitation. Would be great to have QE/CI and 2048x1280/32bit/60Hz or higher resolutions together.




The question is: can someone delevop a driver based on Netkas nice work but enabling Quartz Extreme and all the other cool stuff that this graphic card supports and a good Leopard PC should have? I'll make my donation and I'm sure that many people will do the same.

You can try :

1 Install QE CI Low Res pkg

2 Delete Natit.kext, ATINDRV.kext and ATIRNDRV.kext from Syst*/Lib*/Extensions

3 Extract Natit.kext, ATINDRV.kext and ATIRNDRV.kext from NO QE pkg with Pacifist and instal the 3 kexts with kextehelper

4 Repair permissions and reboot

Hope it will work :thumbsup_anim:

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