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This has been the only problem I've really had so far with my new Mac. SATA, USB, Firewire, Ethernet, Audio, all works fine. Except for my graphics card.


Right now, openGL is not being done through my card (Sapphire Radeon 9800Pro). That's not the only problem, it even has troubles when watching movies or rendering work in After Effects. Other than that, everything is real smooth with no mouse tearing at all or choppiness in the UI.


So what possible fixes are out there, I've search a lot. Also, what cards are supported through OSx86 10.4.6? I thought I heard x1600's were. What other cards are supported? (I've been looking to upgrade anyways)

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hi (I'm french, sorry for my english!)


I have the sapphire radeon 9800 pro and Mac OS 10.4.3


I work on a project in opengl with xcode -> all works fine!

The screensaver flurry (which uses opengl) works very well too.


But when I want to launch quake, I've got an error message: "could not initialize opengl"


Is this problem similar as yours? And if anybody has a solution for me... :censored2:

Does Apple System Profiler show that the .kext is loaded? Post a copy of the text for your graphics card and someone here will be able to help. I posted some advice for someone else with a 9700 card under the drivers forum.


Type: VGA-Compatible Controller

Bus: PCI

VRAM (Total): 128 MB

Vendor: ATI (0x1002)

Device ID: 0x4e48

Revision ID: 0x0000

Kernel Extension Info: No Kext Loaded



Resolution: 1280 x 1024

Depth: 32-bit Color

Core Image: Not Supported

Main Display: Yes

Mirror: Off

Online: Yes

Quartz Extreme: Not Supported


So that's what's going on right now. I can't even remember how I installed the damn thing. But I do remember it had something to do with going into the terminal and typing in about 6-7 lines to compile or install the drivers. As I said, the graphics card works great for regular use, but anything intense, it's very slow.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

bentruyman here's what you have to do:


In order to use Quartz Extreme and Core Image with your ATI Radeon video card, you have to modify ATIRadeon9700.kext file.

This file is in /System/Library/Extensions/. Copy that kext to your desktop. Right-click on it and choose 'Show Package Contents'. Go into the Info.plist file inside your ATIRadeon9700.kext folder, open it with TextEdit and add the Device ID of your video card (you will find it in System Profiler at Graphics/Display) to the list which begins at line 48. It doesn't matter the position in that list (I added mine somewhere in the middle). Save the changes.

Now go to /System/Library/Extensions and delete the original kext (make sure to have a back-up of the kext before you do that). You will have to authenticate yourself to do that. Then drag-n-drop the modified kext from the desktop. Again you'll have to authenticate yourself.

Now you need to make sure that the permissions are correct! Type in Terminal:

chmod -R 755 /system/library/extensions

chown -R root:wheel /system/library/extensions


Reload your kernel extensions cache. Also, in Terminal:

kextcache -k /system/library/extensions


Now try a manual load of your driver before the reboot:

kextload /system/library/extensions/ATIRadeon9700.kext


If after reboot you receive an error about 'unable to load ATIRadeon9700.kext', you have to repair the permissions on your HDD from Disk Utility.

After System Profiler reports QE and CI are supported, you will have to deal with the mouse artifacts. Search the forum (in The Genius Bar, I think) for 'mousepose'.




My only problem is not being able to make OS X identify my video card as AGP and not PCI, and with the right amount of VRAM.

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