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I have installed iATKOS 10.5.5 on my PC. I found a lot of programs did not load during the installation and several won't run on my machine. It also did not recognize my external serial port modem. The programs that won't run are iCal, Front Row, and the picture program but this one says my vedio card doesn't support it. Programs that didn't load are iMovie, all of the development tools. There are probably more I just don't know what they are as I am new to this. I have found threads wheer iCal doesn't run but I haven't found a solution. Front Row might be the same issue as the picture program. There are several programs I don't think run correctly but not knowing anyone with a Mac and the same software I really don't know. Like Acrobat Pro will not open unless you open a file, then it seems to work perfectly. Preview will not open unless you open a file, then it seems to work properly also. It seems a little slow and the mouse seems really slugish but I found an article here, http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/SpeedBoost that hopefully will fix that issue. I have burnded DVD's with the other 2 distro's I found, Kallyaway and Ideneb. They would not install on my machine. The Kallaway just keep rebooting cycle and the other just would stop. I got the iATKOS to load and it looked like everything was fine. It even had picked up my external serial port modem but stupidly I upgraded from Apple and it never booted again after that. Well man many tries to get it to install again I finally got it and this is where I am at now.

My question is can I use Pacifist to load these programs from one of these disc's that I have? I have downloaded the developer tools from Apple so that's not an issue I hope. I have read an article where teher si something that need doen with the video card to make some of these programs work but there was a problem with the lick and I don't know what or how to fix this. Maybe my vedio card can't support this. It's a nVida GEforce mx4000 with 128 ram.


My machine is kind of old but still good and fast itel processor 3.0 gHz, 2 gigs ram. Even with these issues I am really impressed with this OS and I' am real close to saying goodby to Windows forever. But it would be nice to at least have iCal. I know this isn't the best written or has good information about my system because I don't know. But any help at all would be appriciated.



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1. Your video card is unsupported (thus far) by the OSX86 project. Since it's an older card, it's unlikely that it will be supported in the future. Many programs and features of (including Front Row) OS X require Quartz Extreme and/or Core Image, which are features of the video card. Consider investing in a better video card, if you have a PCI-Express slot, I highly recommend the nVidia 9600GT. I bought two of these cards from different manufacturers, and both have worked pretty much perfectly (easy driver install, no white menus or other B.S.). A video card upgrade will also make a BIG difference in overall system performance.


Another reason some of your programs might not be launching is if you're running a Pre-Prescott Pentium 4: These older P4 processors don't have SSE3, which is almost REQUIRED for a good Leopard install. You can find out if your CPU supports SSE3 by looking at the system profiler (Applications/Utilities/System Profiler): when the program launches, you should see a list of features supported by the CPU (a bunch of 2, 3, and 4 letter acronyms) one of these should say SSE3.


2. The iAtkos 10.5.5 omits alot of stuff to maintain both single layer DVD compatibility and short download times. iAtkos doesn't include the iLife suite (iPhoto, GarageBand, iMovie, etc.), and it doesn't include some other stuff you'll probably want, like the oxford dictionaries (check the dictionary widget), and some (most) of the Macintalk voices (there's at least one program that complains about this: Temperature Monitor). There's probably other stuff too, that I haven't yet discovered that I'm without.


3. What I've done is use pacifist to install missing OS X elements (Dictionaries, Widget, and Voices) from a Leopard Retail DVD that I have sitting here, and that's what I'd suggest you do :censored2: I Installed iLife '08 from a retail iLife DVD I have (just ran through the standard install process).

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Macindude was exactly right, (knew he was) about my system. I love the Mac so much I am not going back to Windows. I looked briefly at Windows 7 but that is just Visa by another name. It's still Windows. I am so tired of Windows. I have worked on both Unix and Linux systems and find them far superior to Windows but I never seen a Mac. When I finally got so fed up with Windows that I had to do something I found this stuff and thought I'd give it a try. Even with the problems I stated in my first post I don't think I will ever go back to Windows. Though missing some functionality, the system is fast stable and much easier to use then Windows ever was or could be. That said this is my real question. I have read but don't quite understand so maybe someone can help me. I have read that I can install the retail version of os X on my machine without too much effort. I have read that I can buy an Intel D915GAVL mother board along with a Celeron D processor and pretty much load os X right out of the box. Is this true? The problem is I can't afford a Mac. I have limited funds but I could afford these 2 item as everything I now have, memory, hard drive, DVD, etc would work so I could get out cheap. But I also read about a boot loader, pc_efi_V51 and or boot-132 bootloader. Would I need one of these? The other problem is where do I get either one of these. For all that I have read I can't seem to figure out where to download these from. I would love very much and I am willing to purchase a retail version of the Mac OS if I could get the retail version to load with out a hitch on my machine or on the mother board and processor I mentioned. Could someone please help me. At this point this is not just an experiment for me. I really want this OS permanently installed for my use. I am just so done with Windows. Any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.

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You'd be miserable with that setup. It sounds like a headache waiting to happen. Never, EVER buy a celery. Save your pennies a while longer. I did, for over a year. Let me tell you, it's absolutely worth it to start out with the right hardware, and now I have $3,000 worth of Mac for $477 ala Newegg.com

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