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So if its not broken don't fix it right?


to start off my setup is as below

asus p5q deluxe running kabyl's patched bios


bios settings


firewire off

CIE Support - disabled

MAX CPUID - disabled

Intel Virt. Tech - disabled

CPU TM Fcn - disabled

Exec Disable bit - enabled


2 gb ddr2800

nvidia 8600 gts

2 sata drives

sata dvd

I'm running ideneb


I pulled a tb HD from a MyBook by western digital the other day. I then ran Carbon Copy Cloner on a different external disk and it stopped saying it was unsuccessful. I restarted it and NOTHING... It wouldn't boot at all and after 4 hours of trying to get it going I gave up and reflashed my bios, installed a fresh new iDeneb.


I decided now woube be an ideal time to install windows on the 1TB drive and get a duel boot sytem going. I formatted the 1TB drive in FAT32 and put in the new hard drive and took out my primary osx drive and tried the install on windows with my SATA set on AHCI. Ran windows xp installer and got the blue screen of death error code: 0x0000007b (0xF78D2524, 0xc0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000). blah blah blah


I've searched and most say to change it from AHCI


Any suggestions? I went ahead and reinstalled on my osx drive which is actually booting slower which is strange...



I cleared the drive with disk utility and had to reflash the bios with the real asus version. It installed via IDE (you were right). I installed the ahci driver and reflashed with the modded bios and set to ahci. My question is, why when i partition my 1TB drive with one as fat32 and 2 macosx format does windows not install on the fat32 partition? I'm not a windows guy so can I install xp on the 1tb volume and add partitions later for time machine and other partitions I'd want?

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