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Does anyone know why the Kalyway Leopard 10.5.1 won't play in my system?

It installs, then when I restart it it gives me the gray apple screen and all of the sudden a darker grey screen appears saying I have to restart my machine.....And all over again...



What is wrong with it?

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Could be that you selected the wrong settings for your machine when installing. Try again with different settings. I had sorta the same problem with Kalyway distros in the past. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It depends on the setting. Try and grab iATKOS 5i 10.5.5. You can't go wrong there plus you will be up to date too.

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What do you mean ''you can't go wrong there''?

Isn't it the same installer?

Don't you have to select all the same things you select when you install kalyway?


In Kalyway you have way too many options to choose from. Sometimes I am not sure if I need something so I either select it or not and that either works or it doesn't. In the iATKOS release i think it is easier to select the right settings. But again, it's a free world so install whatever you feel most comfortable with. That's all.


Sorry for double post. As stated above, try to boot with "-v" and see where it stops. That will tell you what the problem is. Maybe you've chosen a kernel that doesn't work with your hardware.

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I tried the iAtkos edition but had some problems there as well....

I btried to install it but the install failed with the message:''Could not validate the contents of the 10.5.5 intel package''

Can Anyone match a set up with my hardware that WORKS?

Can ANYONE tell me the settings that I need to check in order to WORK???

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I tried the iAtkos edition but had some problems there as well....

I btried to install it but the install failed with the message:''Could not validate the contents of the 10.5.5 intel package''

Can Anyone match a set up with my hardware that WORKS?

Can ANYONE tell me the settings that I need to check in order to WORK???


Interesting. Did you burn the DVD at the lowest speed? Maybe you got corrupted DVD. As for the settings, try this:


Bootloader - PC EFI V9

X86 Patches - Decrypters - AppleDecrypt

- SMBIOS drivers - SMBIOS Enablers - AMBIOS EFI (its for desktops. EFI Air for laptops)

- Kernel - 9.2.0 Kernel ToH (should work fine I think)

- ACPI - X86 ACPI (just to be safe)

- Disabler.kext

- Remove PowerManagement.kext

- Remove Thermal kexts

Drivers - select the Graphics Update plus the drivers for your card.

System - SATA - select the one for your HD

- Speedstep - Inel Speedsep b (just like the app that comes with it better than the one from the "a")

- Network - well, I would select all of them in case you change the LAN card or something.


I hope it works.

Now, with those settings I think you should have no problems to update using "Software update" to 10.5.6. I did it on my laptop and it worked fine.

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