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I know this is a duplicate post but only 4 users even looked at the last post.


So I have atkıos ınstalled and updatıng


The problem ıs my keyboard ıs wrong

The letters and numbers are correct

However all the punctuation ıs wrong

and the row of numbers above the letter

keys are ıncorrect when you use shıft


123 ect work

but not the other symbols


any ıdeas

I have trıed settıng keyboard type ın system prefferences

ıt ıs set for ansı and others

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Does no response mean that everyone's keyboard works perfectly?

It doent make since for my install of iATKOS to be the only one with this issue.

If I am the only one I am fine with trying more install options,

but some response would be nice.


In OSX I can not type @ the @ key gives me a ^ and alot of other keys are strange

I solved this issue.


When installing iATKOS if i do not reformat the partition planed for installation the keyboard will be incorrect.

I have tested this several times. If I install iAtkos everything works the first time. But if I go back and reinstall iAtkos

without erasing the partition the keyboard will not work.


Strange Issue.


Just though someone else might have the same problem some day.

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