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Hi guys, i'm opening this thread for it question for all users of Mac OS X x86 than are Web Designers and than today already have made websites and others works using the OS X x86 with standard plataform of development. I Work with webdesigner and now i'm thinking on it use the OS X x86 for it do my works, then i would like of it know works created using the generic system of the apple.



Thank you a lot, and i wait it find several professionals for than we can switch experiences.

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Dreamweaver is a good app but is a little bloated for my tastes. When doing what little CSS I know, I usually use a text editor.


I would also highly recommend Style Master for CSS work in OS X (there's a Windows version too!): http://www.westciv.com/style_master/


It has a ton of CSS tutorials and resources that are handy for even the experts. I don't think it's universal yet, though.

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Yeah Mashugly the Dreamweaver is an good app. I in particular i am using the TextMate for create my codes CSS and XHMTL, i like not visual editors, but i go it test your suggestion, the Style Master.


Thank you.


If someone has some work, where this was made using the OS X x86 system, post it here. :thumbsdown_anim:

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You don't need any fancy editor for coding xhtml/css if you know what you're doing. Use BBEdit or TextWrangler. They suit my needs just nicely.


If you require FTP, get Transmit by Panic, or Cyberduck which is free (it intergrates well with BBEdit/TextWrangler.)


Graphics? Photoshop.


Basically, same as in Windows.. not too much of a change.

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agreed with A Nonny Moose. until adobe/macromedia get on the ball in becomming unibin its going to be a little slow but, if you dont yous filters alot, like me, it runs fine. since there is no port of swishmax on mac and it dosent work in wine, i do most of my webdesigning in xp.


flash 8 professional runs faster than mx 2004 in OSx86 even though its still PPC only. -dont install flash player tho!-


BTW- ignorantcow, i love the new macvidia skin!!

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I switched over to Mac OS X86 four weeks ago and didn't have used my Windows since them.

I'm planning and developing internet portals and use Java/JSP as my main technique. It took me only a half of a day to install all server-apps, database and my prefered development platform (Eclipse 3.2m4 works fine with MacOS) and to port my projects. Meanwhile I released two projects and plan to release my last project next week.


The only thing I miss is Photoshop, I've done all artwork with photoshop CS on my PC and currently I'm using the CS trial. Its a lot slower than on my PC, but at least, it works. I'll have a look to some alternative products until Adobe releases an Universal.



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I like skEdit better than BBedit or Textwrangler, specially if you are on PHP. On the other hand, Dreamweaver still the best I think. I learned HTML using notepad and an oldie called ACE Html, and I did a lot of sites that way. But since I tried the 1.0 beta version of DW (back in 1998 I think) it's been my favorite. No matter how much you master code, it's always useful to have the ability to build complex structures in a visual environment. However, I agree that latest versions have become more and more overbloated.

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Yeah guys, i'm happy of know than if has several webdesigners here in the osx86project forum, then all statements of you are much important for than we can it contribute for than we all we use the osx for it build our works. Unfortunately i see than x86 not run good the adobe products, and unfortunately i use all its. I wait than your performance improves to the long of the time.


Guys, here to be some works made for me and more two friends, everybody it see and post your works here also. (All works were made using the Windows Plataform by while.)

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I like Dreamweaver, but I agree it's a bit bloated. I really like the contextual popups while you are typing, but I have found that many people don't like it. The Macromedia Studio 8 software is a huge improvement over the previous versions in my opinion. Dreamweaver is a lot of standards compliant, and they fixed a lot of the stability issues I had with the previous version. I rarely use the design view to edit my pages. I do 99% of the work by hand coding, and I use the design view sometimes for quickly changing some text.


Now if you want a speedy, minimalistic app that's really powerful, I highly suggest BBEdit. There is a universal version out also. BBEdit is not freeware, and is only available on the Mac platform. With BBEdit, you have to code everything, but that is the way you should do it anyway.

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I like Dreamweaver, but I agree it's a bit bloated. I really like the contextual popups while you are typing, but I have found that many people don't like it. The Macromedia Studio 8 software is a huge improvement over the previous versions in my opinion. Dreamweaver is a lot of standards compliant, and they fixed a lot of the stability issues I had with the previous version. I rarely use the design view to edit my pages. I do 99% of the work by hand coding, and I use the design view sometimes for quickly changing some text.


Now if you want a speedy, minimalistic app that's really powerful, I highly suggest BBEdit. There is a universal version out also. BBEdit is not freeware, and is only available on the Mac platform. With BBEdit, you have to code everything, but that is the way you should do it anyway.


Very fine your experience kday, as you i also not use design view for it do my works, i work with web standards, then i only work with coding. :(


Do you work only with web projects? Do you haven't none website (or portfolio) for it show for we? :whistle:

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I run a professional web agency


We've in the past been using Dreamweaver & Topstyle (no mac equiv) for development. Now however we are moving more towards development in TextMate on OSX (both on G5 & on Intel), and we also make use of ZEND studio


i've just recently created a MacBox out of an old PC I had around ... it runs TextMate well (a little slow) .. but yeah!

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you have to remember that Photoshop and such like are not universal apps yet and so run through emulation. This will always be slower


Apparently Adobe will not be releasing Universal version of photoshop anytime soon. We will probably have to wait to CS3 ... which will be a while as this will be the first release of the new integrated Macromedia/Adobe applications

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I've been using macromedia products for over 2 years but for complex web apps Adobe GoLive is the way to go... Both platforms osx & windows. I've only recently tried to work on osx86 as 10.4.6 has been rock stable!!!


And ofcourse lets not forget Adobe CS2 kicks a$$ for design & print media...

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  • 1 month later...

For me dreamweaver works fast enough! photoshop CS works fast 2 ( CS2 was SLOW ), but i mostly just use BBedit.


I downloaded a random app called freeway pro, its a web design app made for print designers. it has no option for using code atall, but look sliek it would be good if u dnt understand HTML and are used to quark or indesign

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  • 3 weeks later...
The only way to do things correctly is to do all the coding by hand, which is what I do.


TextMate is what I use as an editor on OS X, I highly recommend it for anyone serious about webdesign.

Its a great way to learn, but not the most efficient. I've tried coding ASP and PHP by hand, and it's not for the ones with little patience with short deadlines.


I say, try out the plethera of applications and use/support the ones you are most comfortable with. Flash MX, EditPlus 2 (windows), SubEthaEdit or BBEdit (Mac) , and Dreamweaver are my top tools. I outsource my images, flash, and multimedia to real pros.

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The only way to do things correctly is to do all the coding by hand, which is what I do.

TextMate is what I use as an editor on OS X, I highly recommend it for anyone serious about webdesign.


If you wan't to be "seriously", you should differ between webDESIGN and webDEVELOPMENT.

And there's not single way "to do things correctly".

I am working for large scale internet portals (up to 60 million PI's a day) for years now and you'll find coders who do the backend with Eclipse (or similar tools) and designers who use Macromedia MX and Dreamweaver who do the design. Another - not yet unusual - way: the creatives do they work completely in photoshop (assuming that there is no flash needed) and the backend-coder slices this photoshop file to a stripped down html/jsp/php-file.




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