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I have spent hours searching for this information but I am not getting any matching answers.


I have already bought:


E8500 Wolfdale 3.16GHz

8gb DDR2 1066

GeForce 8400


I was told to:

Dont mess around with the packaged installes. Get grub-dfe boot 132 ISO, use it to boot your mac. Grab the latest version of chameleon. Install the retail disk. Install chameleon, pop in all the P45 kexts into the extras folder. Run your graphics card EFI string. Upgrade to 10.5.5. Then install PC EFI v9 install it in root, grab the DSDT installer, run it and install it in the root. Install 10.5.6. Enjoy your mac.


I have found the grub-dfe boot 132 ISO.

What is the latest version of chameleon I found lots but not sure which one I need.

I can not find PC EFI v9 only v8?

Is this the correct dsdt installer? DSDT_Patcher1.0.1e.zip


Is there a tutorial on this type of install?

Is this better then just using Kalway?

What about iATKOS?


Thanks Guys

You have been great.

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what rule did I miss?

I understand the tutorials is not the place for starting new posts.

I figured this was a question about one of the tutorials since I just need to know which tutorial.

This forum has grown and it is getting hard to find specific things.

what rule did I miss?

I understand the tutorials is not the place for starting new posts.

I figured this was a question about one of the tutorials since I just need to know which tutorial.

This forum has grown and it is getting hard to find specific things.


I know what you mean!!!!!! Quick & easy instructions if you have a non hacked kernel.


Download Installer and install v9 at http://insanelymac.blogspot.com/2008/12/ho...-installer.html


Google -Download & install osx86tools


Download from apple.com OSX 10.5.6 Combo


!!! back up extensions before you start


Open Terminal


sudo -s


*type your password*


while sleep 1; do rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext; done


open 10.5.6 installer




go back to terminal and press Control C to end script


I terminal Type:

nano /System/InstallAtStartup/Script/1




find the line & replace Don't steal mac osx.kext with dsmos.kext

Do not restart


open osx86tools.


check repair permissions

set kext permissions

clear extensions cache.



boot using -v to see if any errors.


Worked for me from 10.5.1 - 10.5.6 like a charm

Depending on your hardware and any changes you have made you might have a minor issue.


Thanks to chopperreid & braveskunk for your help...


My p5e is working great with 10.5.6..

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