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I've been running stable at 10.5.4 for about 6 months now... but today had to install the new updates (so I can use Pro Tools 8)


After installing 10.5.6, my sound was knocked out, so I got osx86tools, and clicked on download and install hardware, trying to fix my alc888... but it downloaded and installed 5 things instead of just 1...


Now when I boot, I get a screen telling me I need to restart my computer... if I boot with -v or -v -f, I get this:




Somebody please help, I was dumb and didn't make a backup...

Maybe some of your USB kexts got replaced or messed up by osx86tools. Try to boot in safe mode with the -x flag first and replace your IOUSBFamily.kext and IOUSBMassStorageClass.kext with these from my working 10.5.6 install to /System/Library/Extensions/. If you can't boot with -x, then unzip these files and copy them to a USB flash drive. Then boot from whatever OSX86 Install DVD you have and run the disk utility. Make sure your USB flash is mounted. Then run the terminal utility and run these simple commands.


cp -r /Volumes/YOURFLASHDRIVENAME/iousbfamily.kext /Volumes/YOUROSX86HARDDRIVE/System/Library/Extensions/


cp -r /Volumes/YOURFLASHDRIVENAME/iousbmassstorageclass.kext /Volumes/YOUROSX86HARDDRIVE/System/Library/Extensions/



maybe it will work....dunno...might be a usb peripheral too...try disconnecting all usb stuff u got. Could be a kernel problem too. Can you run vanilla kernels on your mobo?


Okay it's definitely IOUSBFAMILY.kext...


I (before I saw this post) tried deleting that file from my extensions (from windows XP using macdrive, I forgot how to do the terminal thing!), and the computer booted... of course, not being able to use my USB keyboard or mouse made it difficult... thanks for these files! I'll try this, hopefully it works...


I don't think I can run vanilla kernels... not sure though. It's an ABIT IP35Pro...

Okay, that fixed it... well I couldn't get the USB drive to mount, but going to the terminal that way I found some old kext backups that fixed my USB problem... sadly, all that and my sound still doesn't work :rolleyes:


Thanks for your help though! Now at least I have back my important iCal, contacts, documents, etc... !!!

havent u tried applehdapatcher 1.2 with a linux codec dump?




You know, that worked!! Weird, that's what I did when I installed it a long time ago... guess it just needed to be done again.


Anyways, thanks for your help!

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