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I'm having a problem with some burning software

every time i want to burn it doesnt work i got roxio toast 8 to work last night as i burnt a dvd but this morning i wanted to burn a new movie i just downloaded and it wouldnt it got stuck on the part where the cd's go down in the toaster and the time and % bar comes up my disc drive was making weird noises and i left it for a good 5mins and nothing i went to close it and it wouldnt so i had to restart.

i started fresh again but with roxio toast 9 and the same problem.

has any one had a problem like this or similar and how did they sovle it

or does any body know of some different software i tryed research but no luck so far


many thanks




(burn is good but it doesnt seem to want to burn Video_TS folders (.VOB/.IFO/.BUF Files) have u got it to burn them if so how did u do it)

Thanks Again

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Don't use toast. There's a free program called Burn that just well...burns.


Download it here...never had a problem with it.


It's easy to use and super fast...and doesn't hog your system


Good luck and happy burning

I really don't think that the software is the issue here.


To the OP: How exactly is your DVD-Rom connected to your computer.

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