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Was checking out eBay several days ago, and came across a heck of a deal. Someone was selling eMac pulls from a school for $50 plus $35 shipping, and I made the impulse buy. It's one of the 1GHz models (G4, of course) and has a 60GB HDD and came with 256MB (but now has 512) RAM and ATI Radeon 7500 or 8500 graphics, I forget which; and 10.4.6 which I upgraded to 10.4.11 immediately.


Didn't come with a KB/mouse, but a $35 MS Wireless Mac combo solved that problem quite elegantly. So for a total of $120 i've got myself quite a nice system. Aside from some scuff marks on top, and very minor scuffing on the front, it's a really clean system (with a pristine screen).


It's also quite a fast system for its age. Had a grand old time playing Cro-Mag rally on it (1280x960/32-bit) at a really good clip. It IS however one of the louder Apple systems i've ever heard. That cooling fan is pretty heavy-duty. Of course, i'm a Windows/Hackintosh PC guy, so the noise is comforting *LOL*


Well, anyways, I guess this thread doesn't have too much of a point, except to brag about what I consider a very good deal. The average $120 PC isn't half the system this little guy is, and I guess the 1GHz eMacs are still worth $350-$500, according to everymac.

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congrats :) if those machines have the same kind of power audio wise as some of the older macs, will make a good itunes box also.


Ahhhh, if only it were a USB2.0 model. As it is, USB1.1 is a bit too slow for large transfers to my iPod touch. I use my backup Hackintosh (Asus P5K-E based, 3GHz OCed C2D e6600) to sync my iPod. Does a nifty job in a jiffy. The eMac is just a fun thing to play around with, and now i've installed an Airport Extreme card, so I may move it elsewhere in the house as a wireless internet terminal. One that cost me, all parts considered, a whopping $150; the price of a low-midrange PC processor chip.

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