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sto tentando di installare sul mio notebook dell inspiron 1720 la kaliway 10.5.2 e la jas 10.5.4,


il problema si presenta dopo che premo f8,ho provato con -v, -x -v -f


il cursore si ferma alla voce


dsmos: starting

ioapic:version 0x20 vectors 0:23

extension com.apple.driver.acpi_smc_platformplugin" has immediate


dependencies on both com.apple.kernel and com.apple.kpi compon ents;use only


one style.


con entrambe le distribuzioni


come devo fare per proseguire?



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sempre uguale


con la 10.5.5 mi esce questo:



dsmos: initialiting

dsmos: hook and decryption contexts set!

dsmos: starappleacpicpu:processor apicid=0 localapicid=0 enabled

appleacpicpu:processor apicid=1 localapicid=1 enabled

loading security extention com.apple.nke.applicationfirewall

loading security extention com.apple.security.seatbelt

calling mpo_policy_init for mb

seatbelt macf policy initialized.

security policy loaded:seatbelt policy (mb)

loading security extension com.apple.security.tmsafetynet

calling mpo_policy_init for tmsafetynet

security policy loaded:safety net for time machine (tmsafetynet)

copyright © 1982,1986,1989,1991,1993

the regents of the university of california. all right reserved.

mac framework successfully initialized

using 10485 buffer headers and 4096 cluster io buffer headers


ioapic: version 0x20 vectors 0:23

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