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Ok, so last night I tried for real the first time installing Mac OSX86, so you know I put in the disk, it boot up into the install everything seems to go well, so I open up the disk utility so I can make another partition for OSX, it gives me an error, no biggie, I'll just delete the unused linux partition, and that's where things went wrong, it started deleting it but then it gave me an error then stops, I thought "Well I'll boot back into windows and use a different partitioner," but when I looked at my partitions from disk utility there is none, no windows, no linux, no apple, it didn't format the hard drive just corrupt the partitions. I can't boot into windows, ubuntu, or osx, I can still boot from a cd so I can install osx but then I would have to format and theres some information on there I would rather not lose. So my questions; Would I be able to fix this problem by going into recovery with a windows xp disk? Why did the disk utility do this? and What should I use to partition my drive instead next time?


I don't think it's going to make a huge difference but heres my specs:

Windows XP Pro SP2

Intel Dual Core Processer

1 gig ram

nVidia 8500 512 vram

x1 500 gig HDD with windows and ubuntu installed on it.


And what I copied from the disk information earlier from disk utility:

Name: WDC WD5000 AAKS-00TMA0

Type: Disk

Media Name: EDC WD5000 AAKS-00TMA0 Media

Media Type: Genaric

Connection Bus: serial ATA

Connection Type: internal

Connection ID: Device 1

Device Tree: /PC10@0/IDE1@1F,2/SECD@1/@11:0

Writtable: Yes

Ejectable: No

Mac OS9 Divers Installed: No

Location: Internal

Total Capacity: 465.8 GB (500,107,862,016 bytes)

S.M.A.R.T. Status: not supported

Disk #: 0

Partition #: 0


I still havent tried recovery with a windows CD yet, I gotta find it first.

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Testdisk is supposed to be able to recover deleted partitions of lots of file formats, look into that maybe.


I personally like using Acronis Disk Director Suite for partitioning, it's pretty easy to use which is perfect for someone who isn't too knowledgeable like myself. It's on Hiren's Boot CD...a boot cd full of useful utilities, maybe look into burning yourself a copy of that.


Sorry to hear about your bad luck, hopefully it'll get better for you. The whole osx86 is really rewarding if you stick with it, I'm happy to say I hardly ever use windows anymore.

I used my windows disk to recover but it said there was no partitions so I made one for windows and one for OSX, hopefully all my information will be on there after the windows installation, and even if it isn't there's only a few things on there I'm going to miss; some text files, pictures, few games, nothing I can't recover from in a few months, but yeah I'm not giving on on the installation. I'll look into the Disk Directors Suite program after I windows fixed.

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