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When i first got my iTouch I was wanting to jailbreak it to get all the sweet stuff you can put on it, well i just got around to doing it with ZIphone's app and it was so easy i nearly {censored} myself. One click and boom done (of course i still had 1.1.4 so I didnt have to downgrade).

Anyways Thanks Ziphone, you rock.

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Well, since no one answered your question, I will do so.


PwnageTool is a jailbreak/activate/unlock utility (only jailbreak and activate for 3G so far). What it does is "pwn" the iPod/iPhone bootloader at the DFU level (which is a hardware exploit only recoverable from a hardware revision, not software, and all three devices have the same exploit). This allows unsigned code to be run and loaded into the device.


How it works is simple: You take the latest firmware, 2.0.1, and you load it into PwnageTool 2.0.2. It takes the firmware, decrypts it, modifies it to your specifications, and rebuilds it as a custom package. Then you load up iTunes, and restore your device with the newly created firmware, and that's it. You now have a jailbroken/activated/unlocked (only iPhone 2.5G, not 3G yet) device.

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