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iPhoto fullscreen?


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I have a problem with iPhoto. Installing different versions of either Kalaway or iAtkos goes quite easily. Videocard seems to work fine as I am able to use it at any desired resolution.


But when I try to edit a photo in fullscreen the screen stays black. (Can't see video's in iTunes either).


I noticed there's little to be found at this subject in forums, and if there is, it comes with no clear solution.




Intel core2duo

Ati (Sapphire) x1800xt

Asus p5k

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, Has anyone else had this problem? I run into this problem when I install from a Leopard retail disk. When I did a Kalyway install iPhoto works great. Thanks,






Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L v.2

2.53 Core 2 Duo e7200


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Had this problem on a recent install (except it was in VLC).


If you have the application XBench. Run it, and during the "OpenGL" test see if you see the boxes flying around or just black. If you see only black, then something has gone wrong with whatever OPENGL driver you use.


When this happened to me, it was because during install I forgot to select any NVInject package at all. And tried to install it post-installation. I had other problems and it was just quicker to reinstall the whole OS, and it worked after that.


Hope that helps.

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