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Weird issue after NVInjectGo

Erudite ICC

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I'm running 10.5.1 (iATKOS) on an EL80 and put drivers in for my video card. I thought it was working really well, until my screen suddenly shut off. I thought it wasn't a big deal - I just needed to adjust my screen power-off time. It was set lower than my screensaver was set to come on. But when I moved my mouse, the backlight came on, but there was no picture.


It seems a bit random. I also noticed the problem the other day when I launched Front Row. I was poking around in it, and suddenly the picture went away, but the backlight stayed on. If I push buttons, I can hear the occasional beep, like it is still working okay, but aside from being able to tell that the backlight is still on, the system is completly useless. I have to power the system down by holding the power button, then power it back up. Aside from that, I'm loving my hackintosh.

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I'm running 10.5.1 (iATKOS) on an EL80 and put drivers in for my video card. I thought it was working really well, until my screen suddenly shut off. I thought it wasn't a big deal - I just needed to adjust my screen power-off time. It was set lower than my screensaver was set to come on. But when I moved my mouse, the backlight came on, but there was no picture.


It seems a bit random. I also noticed the problem the other day when I launched Front Row. I was poking around in it, and suddenly the picture went away, but the backlight stayed on. If I push buttons, I can hear the occasional beep, like it is still working okay, but aside from being able to tell that the backlight is still on, the system is completly useless. I have to power the system down by holding the power button, then power it back up. Aside from that, I'm loving my hackintosh.


Do you have to use cpus=1 on your computer? I have an HGL30 and it's always had a problem with OSX.


Your problem I believe is caused by a wrong NVCAP so it's not re-initializing the screen.

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Do you have to use cpus=1 on your computer? I have an HGL30 and it's always had a problem with OSX.


Your problem I believe is caused by a wrong NVCAP so it's not re-initializing the screen.



I haven't had to set cpus=1... I pretty much just got into OSx86, so I'm not sure where I'd set that if I needed to. Everything works fine except for the screen issue, and the OS thinking it is running on the battery even if the laptop is plugged in (I have posted that issue in another section of the forum).


Since I'm a noob at this, what is an NVCAP? I'll Google it tomorrow to try and find out, but is it something (a setting) that I can change? Or did I somehow use the wrong video driver? I think it shows my video card correctly in the system, and I have the option to run at the native resolution. The only real issue I noticed was when I was using SketchUp, the 3D seemed a bit choppy, but I figured I can't complain much about that, I'm kind of running an OS that wasn't designed to be run on the computer I'm using. And for some reason, the first time I put a DVD in the drive, there seemed to be some sort of a green semi-transparent overlay over the video. But as soon as I started the main video, it cleared right up...

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