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Hey guys.. again..


Just wondering.. Which applesmbios is best suited for my setup? Also, where can i find it? o.O

Currently, I have the default one from setup.

During the initial install, I unchecked all the things I thought I didn't need. It seemed fine so far, but lately my setup has been a TAD unstable.


So I'm wondering if


1) I installed the os with the wrong customization options


2) I need to update smbios.


But I'm not sure of either of them. So I would greatly appreciate


1) which options should be installed on my setup (specs below)

2) where and which smbios to get.



Although I feel bad asking for such info, I'm so lost when it comes to this... >_>



specs :



Abit IP35-PRO

8800 Ultra

4 x 2gb DDR2



Thanks guys.

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