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I know, I know.. You don't need to defrag an OSX volume. I don't believe it!


When I had a real intel mac, I used to boot to the techtools disc to defrag my OSX volume, and it made a difference, really!


As far as I know, I can't boot to this DVD on a hackintosh, and you can't *properly* defrag a hard drive that is active, so..... How do you do it?!

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TTP is dangerous, poorly written, overpriced garbage. That program killed many more macs than its fixed.


They only other program I can think of is iDefrag. They just don't have defrag programs for Mac, the reason being... well... you answered that in your first sentence. If you noticed any speed increase after using TTP it was a placebo effect.

I've used iDefrag before, it only does the quick (online) defrag..


I definitely heard less hard drive seeking after doing a full defrag. I was one of those guys who would defrag daily on windows, so it just bugs me not to be able to do it anymore. Even a year after being windows free.. Oh well.

How much ram do you have in the machine?


And iDefrag does offline defrags with a boot cd just like TTP, and gets higher ratings than TTP. If your gonna risk fraggin' your drive in a pointless endeavor you may as well use the better of the two useless products. :P

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