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for anyone who has Intel HD Graphics 1st gen (5700MHD) and want to try OS X Lion, this is the kext for you, this kext only work on OS X Lion 10.7.5 (i think), this kext using single-link framebuffer., the binary file from os x snowleopard 10.6.8 and i modify the Info.plist file to 0 (zero) and the binary file ... Safe Boot are enabled..


first follow this guide from GhostRaider (to edit your DSDT and etc) :




Also, if you're curious about the Binary files i'm using, you can read Verteks post here :




Tanks For Everyone who made Intel HD Graphics 1st gen QE/CI :D:thumbsup_anim::wink_anim:


Credits to:

verteks (patches for full QE/CI)

GhostRaider (QE/CI partial support, guides and explanations)

iWin32 and RemC (Resolution module)

mnorthern (DSDT brightness and sleep)

mehdymehdy (CI only support)

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