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Problem with Interface Builder and UITableView

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I've been playing with Interface Builder, after reading the "Your First iPhone application" document at the Apple iPhone Dev Center. Everything works fine with simple controls, but I can't manage to add an UITableView to my view: I can't "simulate interface", nor build and run my application to check the interface.


Using IB, I set the connection from my controller's UITableView to the interface's UITableView. Still using IB, I set my controller as the delegate and source of the interface's UITableView (the controller implements the table delegate and data source protocols). Also just to safe, after loading the Nib in the controller's loadView method, I set the controller as the table view delegate and data source a second time.


And I get the following error:

Line Location FrontView.xib:0: Command /Developer/usr/bin/ibtool failed with exit code 1
Line Location FrontView.xib:0: The delegate must be set for <UITableView: 0x354d10>, but is currently nil.
Line Location FrontView.xib:0: 	Description: ibtool failed with exception: [NOTE: this exception originated in the server.]
Line Location FrontView.xib:0: Internal Error:
Line Location FrontView.xib:0: /* com.apple.ibtool.errors */


Is it a bug? Did someone actually manage to create a view with a UITableView using Interface Builder? :)


Thanks for your help.

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It seems the latest beta (b5) must be installed in /Developer/, not in any other location. If you've installed the SDK in a separate location (I installed in /Developer (iPhone)/ for example), you'll get the above problem and others (or at least that's my theory; just reinstalling into my custom location didn't help, installing on top of /Developer helped.)

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