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some info I found on win2osx


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I found this on win2osx but now they seem to be down. I got a message that the site was taken down becuase of some sort of violation,so it seems the apple legal team has been busy. I have stripped the links and such out to avoid a reoccurance of the events of the last several days. The rest of the info may or may not be of any help. Edits I have done are denoted by (Edit by Phlatlyn:) other edits were in the origonal wiki. When I realized the site was down and my bookmarks no longer worked,I found these in the google cache. There are two articles. The second one looks a little more usefull than the first,but I have tried neither of them,so they could be gold,or they could make your computer hack into the pentagon and start a global nuclear war,unless you can get it to play tic-tac-toe and convince it to stop the countdown. The risk is entirely yours.




10.4.4 Install

From Win2OSX Community Hacking Wiki


!!!!!!!!GUIDE NOT TESTED!!!!!!!!!!!!


Someone wanna finish it off and make it nice??



Guide Written on 02/15/06 All that is available now is the raw maxxus-antiTPM patches v0.2


Things to remember before trying this:


2. If you have trouble, try google, then forums





1.Obtain the 10.4.4 DVD


2.Obtain the patches from <deleted> EDIT: The files have been deleted from both of Maxxuss links!





1.Download Transmac from: (Edit by phlatlyne: This is free software that has a 30 day free trial) http://www.sharewaresoft.com/TransMac-downloads-3085.htm


2.Get a liscenced version of UltraISO


3.Convert the Install dvd from DMG to ISO


4.open the Install dvd ISO with transmac


5. From the Maxxuss Patch rar, copy the following (which can be found in Decrypted/decrypted) to the indicated directory on the Install ISO and replace

Copy "translate" To /usr/libexec/oah

Copy "translated" To /usr/libexec/oah

Copy "Dock" To /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS

Copy "Finder" To /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS

Copy "loginwindow" To /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS

Copy "SystemUIServer" To /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/MacOS

Copy "ATSServer" To /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Support

Copy "mds" To /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support

Copy "diskimages-helper" To /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Versions/A/Resources


6. Copy mach_kernel to / of the DVD ISO in transmac and make a backup of the original


If you have EFI bios (if you dont know what that is then you DONT have it... or if you arent sure YOU DONT... its very hard to find a computer with EFI) then skip step 7

(Edit by Phlatlyn: I dont think the disk will boot even with a EFI Bios,as the Bios wont have a mac filesystem driver)

7. Replace bootloader files.... HOW TO DO THIS WITH WINDOWS???????? SOMEONE EDIT THIS PLEASE


Now Reboot the computer and install macOS 10.4.4

Retrieved from "http://www.win2osx.net/wiki/index.php/10.4.4_Install"



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This one may also be of some value.
























Custom BIOS bootable DVD

From Win2OSX Community Hacking Wiki


Things to keep in mind with this Script


* The script never mounts or needs a 10.4.3 DVD image you only need the i386 folder from 10.4.3 and a couple of kext's listed below.

* The MASTERCD variable is the name of your 10.4.4 dmg you converted to an iso

* MSTRCDMNTD variable is the name of the MASTERCD volume when its mounted in finder.

* You will need a working verison of mkisofs which you can get from http://rapidshare.de/files/12913464/mkisofs.zip.html this can be put anywhere but the script assumes /usr/bin (Edit by pflatlyn: This seems to be a free utility which can also be obtained here http://www.andante.org/mkisofs.html. It seems to no longer be maintained so there may be better things to use.)


Once the script has created you a new DVD you will need to add Maxxuss's patches to it as well.


* The following are the apparent patches needed prior to burning (copied from Maxxuss' site):

o Replace the mach_kernel with the one supplied with the 10.4.4 Anti-TPM patch. This is in the base (root) directory of the mounted ISO.

o On the mounted ISO, modify the file /System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg/Contents/OSInstall.dist with your text editor and change the JavaScript function hwbeModelCheck:


<script>function hwbeModelCheck() {

return true;



* (news flash: this step apparently is NOT for dvd boot) On the mounted ISO, modify the BaseSystem package file /System/Installation/Packages/BaseSystem.pkg/Contents/Info.plist. Search for IFPkgFlagAltSourceLocation and replace the string value like shown below:



<string>../../../../Volumes/Mac OS X Install Disc 1/</string>



Steps to get things working


* Convert the 10.4.4 dmg to and iso which will be about 4.73gb in size

* Use hdiutil attach masterisoname -readwrite from the terminal to open the ISO in writable mode.

* Remove the /usr/standalone/i386 folder from the 10.4.4 mounted ISO

* Remove the Xcode Folder to free up some space.

* Get the i386 folder from a 10.4.3 DVD image and copy it to /usr/standalone/ on the 10.4.4 mounted ISO

* Rename the mounted name of the 10.4.4 iso from Mac OS X Install Disc 1 to Mac_OS_X_Install_Disc_1 (This is because the script doesn't like spaces in the name of a volume).

* Create a custom Extensions.mkext including IOATAFamilty.kext and IONetworkingFamily.kext from the 10.4.3 DVD.

o Create a folder on your desktop or other convenient place with the name Extensions.

o Copy the 10.4.3 IOATAFamily.kext and IONetworkingFamily.kext from your 10.4.3 /System/Library/Extensions folder into this new one. It's best to do this via finder, as you want all contained files moved with the kexts. If you have problems seeing certain files, folders, or kexts from the Finder, use TinkerTool and disable hidden files in the Finder.

o kextcache -k Extensions (this assumes your terminal is "cd" to the parent directory where your new Extensions folder lives. It should create an Extensions.mkext for you.)

* Remove the Extensions folder and Extensions.mkext from the 10.4.4 mounted ISO (they are in /System/Library/).

* Add your new Extensions.mkext and Extensions folder to /System/Library/ on the mounted ISO.

* Un-mount (eject) the 10.4.4 iso you have been working on.

* Run the script from the terminal with ./mkboot.sh



Below is the script for the rest of the boot image processing. You may change the MASTERCD and CDDMG variables to suit. You may copy this text and paste it into a terminal window that is editing a new file called mkboot.sh. Be sure after editing to perform a chmod +x mkboot.sh





VOLNAME="Mac OS X Install Disc x86"




# This is the modified 10.4 disc with the new kernel and extensions.mkext


# This is the name of the above disc when mounted


# This give's you a DVD-R sized Disc Image


# The following can be anywhere you like its the the output image



hdiutil attach $MASTERCD -owners on

mkdir -p /tmp/i386

cp $MSTRCDMNTD/usr/standalone/i386/* /tmp/i386/

cd /tmp/i386

#"$MKISOFS" -R -V "$VOLNAME" -no-emul-boot -T -J -c boot.cat -b cdboot -hide-joliet-trans-tbl $MKISOFS_QUIET -o "$I386ISO" .

"$MKISOFS" -V "$VOLNAME" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -c boot.cat -b cdboot $MKISOFS_QUIET -o "$I386ISO" .


sectors=`du "$I386ISO" | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`


# create a bootable image and remove any previous copies


if [ -f "$CDDMG" -o -f "$CDDMG".dmg ]; then

rm -f "$CDDMG" "$CDDMG".dmg


hdiutil create $HDIUTIL_QUIET "$CDDMG".dmg -size $SIZE -layout NONE

dev=`hdid -nomount "$CDDMG".dmg | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`

rdev=`echo $dev | sed s/disk/rdisk/`


pdisk $rdev -initialize

blocks=`pdisk $rdev -dump | grep 2: | awk -F" " '{print $4}'`

if [ "$QUIET" == "" ]; then

pdisk $rdev -dump


# create the partition on the image

pdisk $rdev -createPartition "$VOLNAME" Apple_HFS $sectors `expr $blocks - $sectors`

# figure out what slice the partition was created on

slice=`pdisk $rdev -dump | grep "$VOLNAME" | awk -F: '{print $1}' | awk -F" " '{print $1}'`


# copy the data onto the image

dd if="$I386ISO" of=$rdev skip=64 seek=64 bs=512

newfs_hfs -v "$VOLNAME" ${rdev}s${slice}

mkdir -p /mnt

mount -t hfs -o perm ${dev}s${slice} /mnt

ditto -rsrc "$MSTRCDMNTD" /mnt

bless -folder /mnt/System/Library/CoreServices -bootinfo /mnt/usr/standalone/ppc/bootx.bootinfo -label "$VOLNAME"

umount /mnt

hdiutil eject $HDIUTIL_QUIET $dev

cd /tmp/

diskutil eject "$MSTRCDMNTD"


Retrieved from "http://www.win2osx.net/wiki/index.php/Custom_BIOS_bootable_DVD"



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All I can say is... Wow...


What we need is to actually test it now... I'll get started on the first way (seeming as I don't actually have the 10.4.3 DVD and I don't feel like getting it...).


Wish me luck :)

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Ok, I've ran into a bit of a problem...


5. From the Maxxuss Patch rar, copy the following (which can be found in Decrypted/decrypted) to the indicated directory on the Install ISO and replace

Copy "translate" To /usr/libexec/oah

Copy "translated" To /usr/libexec/oah

Copy "Dock" To /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS

Copy "Finder" To /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS

Copy "loginwindow" To /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS

Copy "SystemUIServer" To /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/MacOS

Copy "ATSServer" To /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Support

Copy "mds" To /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support

Copy "diskimages-helper" To /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Versions/A/Resources


There is no /usr/libexec/oah directory! I can't find this one either: /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS


Little help, please, heh?


EDIT: You have to select "Show hidden files" in the settings.... My bad, although, it should be in the guide... :)

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quick question: am I able to install 10.4.4 from 10.4.1 in VMWare? Because I try opening the OSIntall.mpkg and it comes up saying it needs to check if it's compatible with my system. A couple of seconds later in immediately closes ;)

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This must be using the very first version of the maxxus patch. The guide was written before win2osx went down. I bookmarked it intending to give it more attention this weekend. When I went back the entire site was taken down,it looks like they got DMCA'd just like here,but their provider took them down. At least thats what I got from the message that came up when I went there. Now the site is gone altogether last time I checked. I decided to post a copy from the google cache up here before apple contacted google and had all the win2osx stuff deleted. I stripped out all the links to the patch files so it should be in compliance now. Everyone take a good read over it and make certain I didnt miss anything that would get the site in trouble. I was very very carefull (I read it over three times and checked all the links I left in to make sure they were legal) ,but it pays to be hyper vigilant. The second guide appears to be using a linux install. It seems you will need a copy of the 8f1111 disk and the 10.4.4 release. I would suggest that a copy of Darwin OS might substitute for a 8f1111 disk in this case. Ill have to check it out.

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i have some problems with


Copy "Dock" To /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS

Copy "Finder" To /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS

Copy "loginwindow" To /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS

Copy "SystemUIServer" To /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/MacOS


cannot find the *.app on the dvd... anyone can help me out with that?

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Those folders (actually APPs) are not on the DVD in those locations. They are actually inside some of the install packages, but inside archives, so you can't replace them directly the way the guide suggests (it was not tested before being posted). What is going to have to happen is someone is going to have to make an install package that contains these files and modify the installation to install this package at the end of the install (this is how the JaS patch worked).

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Yes, the steps with the apps is making bad assumptions. I do not know who wrote that procedure, but they obviously didn't check their work.


I found another shell script that builds a bootable DVD and applies various changes to the Packages directory, but when booted there are NO startup options I can use to get past a panic about ACPI drivers.


Maxxuss 1.0 mentions a new procedure, which I follow and it quits right after Installing Base System Part 1. His instructions mention this very problem, but say it's solved by having the Install image mounted. I have had the original DVD mounted, and have had a DMG of the install DVD mounted, both didn't help at all.


I tried it, and again as usual, it goes to the Installing Base System Part 1 then immediately croaks. I have performed a command-line install invocation so I can post the verboseR version of its output. It still is as clear as mud just what the fricken problem is...


/Packages root# installer -verboseR -pkg OSInstall.mpkg -target


installer: Package name is Mac OS X

installer: Installing onto volume mounted at /Volumes/macosx-10.4.4.

installer:PHASE:Preparing for installation

installer:PHASE:Preparing the Disk


installer:STATUS:Preparing Target Volume


installer:PHASE:Preparing Mac OS X

installer:STATUS:Running Mac OS X Installer script

installer:STATUS:Running Base System Part 1 Installer script

installer:STATUS:Running Essentials Installer script

installer:STATUS:Running BSD Subsystem Installer script

installer:STATUS:Running Additional Essentials Installer script

installer:STATUS:Running Migration Assistant Installer script

installer:STATUS:Running iTunes Installer script


installer:PHASE:Installing Base System Part 1


installer:STATUS:Configuring Installation




installer:STATUS:Running Installer Script

installer:STATUS:Writing files

installer: The install failed.


Well at least I can see I managed to get 0.016731% through the install

before it quit! :dev:



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Yes, the steps with the apps is making bad assumptions. I do not know who wrote that procedure, but they obviously didn't check their work.


I found another shell script that builds a bootable DVD and applies various changes to the Packages directory, but when booted there are NO startup options I can use to get past a panic about ACPI drivers.



Another shell script? Other than the one that was suggested in the second procedure? Where did you find it.


The ones here seem to be more conjecture than a procedure to install. My hope is that they will provide some nuggets of usefull information so that we might finally devise a way to make this work. Im am considering comparing the 8f1111a Jas patched disk to the 10.4.4 install. My hope is that much of it will be the same. I can extract the boot sector,and peice together a bootable 10.4.4. That seems to me to be the best path so I will give it a try. I suspect,at the rate that Maxxuss is going,hes going to get a bootable disk cobbled together and release a PPF before I muddle my way through it. I personally have no clue how OSX works,Ive mostly dealt with windows and linux,and a little NetBSD (oddly enough,on a microvax) so Im learning as I go.


The hardest part,and something I think will eventually need to be done,may be getting the disk to boot from a PC efi firmware. The way I read things,EFI must be able to understand the filesystem its booting from. One way might be to add a HFS driver (perhaps ripped out of the mac bios). I dont know if the latest versions can read ext3 or not,but another option might be to convert the entire install disk into ext2,and use elilo (may need some modification,but at least we have the source) as our boot loader. Does ext2 support all the features of HFS?

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