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PHP + GD + Freetype

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So, I installed GD library for php following this tutorial: http://www.veola.net/macintosh/adding-gd-l...ac-os-x-leopard


It worked ok, but none of the freetype text-related functions work. I realized X11 wasn't working so I installed it again from here http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/xquartz/wiki/X112.1.4 (using the dvd package didn't work). I thought it may have something to do since I'm compling gd with with-freetype-dir=/usr/X11R6. Now X11 works but still no freetype in php (although it appears as enabled in phpinfo()).


I installed freetype using fink and recompiled gd with the correct path (with-freetype-dir=/sw/lib/freetype2). Still, no text functions. I get no error at all so I don't know what to do, it just doesn't work.


Any help would be REALLY appreciated :censored2:

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