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Islam Q & A


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Actually came accross the answer to that when doing some research today - Islam post dates christianity (just) and judaism. Islam came about when the prophet mohammed was enlightened by God with the definitive version of life the universe and everything. Islam recognises portions of the bible (the law of moses, the psalms etc) as containing god inspired knowledge but believes a lot of it to be corrupted by people/time etc. They reject the christian canonical gospel of jesus as the son of god also rejecting that he died or rose again - instead recognising him is another profit.


Some christians believe the qur'an as written by mohammed was the result of mohammed's enounters with early christians who had a flawed understanding having never had access to the gospels we have now.

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Hear, Hear! Mad props to ya Suleiman for starting this thread... May Allah, As-Salam (The All-Peaceful, The Bestower of peace), reward you 100x fold ;)


I look forward to participating in this forum...

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*** I just realized I double posted - Sorry! ***


in short... If every Muslim in the world actualy did what the Koran says then there would be no war in the world (started by Muslims) No Muslim would attack the country he lives in whether it is Egypt or England. It's the fault of people like Bin Laden AND Bush that the Islamic world has a bad name.

ps Sorry for my bad English


True, but I also believe that applies to Christians and the Jewish people too! Don't you think?


Also, and I need to correct you on this, it wasn't the Muslims who started any war for that matter (Islam means Peace & Submission to God). In the early days, Islam was perceived as an ideological threat to other religions & nations and we all know about the Christian Crusades against the Muslims and Jews. Muslims, as a nation of people, have the right to defend themselves against such aggressions. Please don't confuse us, the Muslims, with individuals like Bin Laden as he is acting on his own extremist beliefs and his judgement day surely awaits him like it awaits the rest of us.


I do, however, agree with you that 'individuals' like Bin Laden, Bush and Ariel Sharon have contributed dramatically to the image tainting of not only Islam, but also Christianity & Judaism.


May God (Allah) have mercy on all of us & peace to you all...

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  • 2 weeks later...

0uch!p0tat0 I’m impressed with your interest and research in Islam. I’m glad you you're looking into something other than your own faith. I try and do the same when I can.


Islam in the modern sense does post date Christianity and Judaism, in that the prophet of the current (and last – i.e. no more prophets) Ummah (Muslim nation) is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).


However the first Muslim on earth was not Muhammad (pbuh) but Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham - pbuh) as he was the first to submit totally to Allah. And so it can be said Ibrahim (pbuh) is the father of Islam. Ibrahim (pbuh) had 8 sons; the first of whom was Prophet Isma’il (Ishmael - pbuh). The Prophet Muhammad was a descendant of Isma’il (pbuh). The Jews and therefore Christians also, descended from Prophet Ishaq (Isaac - pbuh), the second son of Ibrahim (pbuh).


Allah created man to worship him and to lead a virtuous life based on his teachings. But how can man know his role or purpose if he does not receive guidance?...........



Follow the link to read the rest and reply in "ISLAM - cartoons & general"

ISLAM - cartoons & general - post #29

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  • 4 weeks later...

After watching the loose change videos-my sincerest condolences to the families that have lost their loved ones on that day and days that followed.


Americans should seriously start thinking of toppling down their government. What a shame?! What a shame?!


I'm speechless...


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in short... If every Muslim in the world actualy did what the Koran says then there would be no war in the world (started by Muslims) No Muslim would attack the country he lives in whether it is Egypt or England. It's the fault of people like Bin Laden AND Bush that the Islamic world has a bad name.

ps Sorry for my bad English




is this true?


it is my understanding due to some literature ive read that while the Quran calls for peace and tolerance, it also calls for holy wars and alike, particularly against the jewish faith.


the problem is how do you decide which parts of the Quran to follow.


The principle of Nasikh decides this, as any contradicting laws are cancelled out by laws later (the Quran is the direct word of Allah).


Therefore, you get fundamentalists like Bin Laden who follow these principles, while much of the Quran promotes peace.


Is this true?

Am i totally off base?

Feel free to correct me if I am, like ive said this is only from some books ive read, im no expert, but id like to understand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Muslims belief regarding bible...


The thing is both Muhammad and Jesus(pbut) were reformers.

They clarified things and brought people back to the true message of god.

People were in dispute and in confusion, and these two men, they straightened things out,

things that were misinterpreted/removed/added.

Jesus(pbuh) did this for the teachings of Moses(pbuh), Muhammad(pbuh) did this for Jesus and Moses(pbut).

I as a Muslim, believe in all the books of God, i mean the Sermon on the Mount in the bible is incredible in my opinion, i have hadith literature and the bible literature that are very compatible and parallel to each other, in other words the saying that all of these men come from the same God with the same message is a true statement.

Things that didn't make sense, didn't come from the mouths of the beautifull prophets like original sin, wich where later added, were clarified by Muhammad(pbuh).

The Qur'an was send as a judge for the other books, it explains the other two books, it tells us what was added and what not.

Things like the birth of Jesus(pbuh) wich were romantised, as him fleeing so that he wouldn't be executed as an infant, just so the jews would feel related(Moses(pbuh) as infant escaping death from the hands of the paraoh).

This was clarified, by the Quranic version of a simple birth of Jesus(pbuh) while Mary retreated without making too much fuss.

There are many stories in the Qur'an and the funny thing is, there is one version of each story(cause there is one Qur'an), the birth of Jesus(pbuh) is explained one way not four but one way.




W've established that Jihad means a struggle in the name of God(Allah, al = the , Lah = God, the God).

This can mean an alcaholic giving alcahol up in the name of God(cause he knows drinking is against his command), but his inner desires are very strong so he struggles with it, he fights it..

You have a large group of muslims, they are being opressed, can't express their religion freely, but they wan't to express there religion, they want to adhere to God's laws and commands, so in the name of God they are out there fighting the opression, this can be achieved by starting a party and "democraticly" achieving your goal, possible?, can mean a millitary campaign etc...

God says he didn't leave any thing out of his book(Qur'an), this is truly true, from divorce to war everything is in it, isn't it wonderfull that there is a legislation for these things, like for war, i mean what if Muhammad(pbuh) didn't go to war, what if he didn't say you can never kill the women nor children, the Muslims were bound to go to war at some point, wouldn't hey have freely killed both women and children?

Islam is a complete way of life spelled from A-Z by God.

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