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Desktop GMA950 now works after graphics update!


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I am so happy, my gma950 graphics card no longer has mouse tearing or artifacts after downloading the graphics update! I did have to change the com.apple.Boot.plist to boot up in the resolution I wanted but qe/ci works. So if you are having issues with your gma950 this may fix them!

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i've got blue screen :( gma950 desktop version



i'm sorry, it booted at the second try but i noticed that the boot time increased dramatically and i got my display settings broken. cursor tearing seems to have gone away but now the cursor blinks over the dock (same thing when i tried to change appleintegratedframebuffer.kext). So by now i guess we have to choose whether to have tearing or blinking (second one is better of course :))any advice on repairing the resolution would be appreciated.

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Which appleintegratedframebuffer.kext did you use or did you edit the new one?


With 10.5.0 I used the one that came with BrazilMac's patch, and when I upgraded to 10.5.1 I used the same one but allowed the GMA950 extensions to be updated. I get slight artifacts that I did not have in Tiger. After I upgrade to 10.5.2, hould I use the Graphics Update appleintegratedframebuffer.kext untouched or do I need to make some sort of edit in the Info.plist?

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the original one was from the kalyway 10.5.1 dvd, i replaced it with the one from this forum (don't remember the exact topic). it did the same thing as this new graphics update 1.0.


resoltuion issue fixed via editing com.apple.Boot.plist.

also i noticed that before the update i had my display name detected correcly (vx700-3) and even had a color profile with the same name.

Now the resolition list has only 1280x1024, no refresh rate available.

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hey i also did the graphics update and it fixed all mouse tearing and issues!


Of course as many of you know, I only have 1280x1024 resolution.


any development on how to increase to 1600x1050? is this a homebrew issue or something everyone is have problems with?


thanks everyone.

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hey i also did the graphics update and it fixed all mouse tearing and issues!


Of course as many of you know, I only have 1280x1024 resolution.


any development on how to increase to 1600x1050? is this a homebrew issue or something everyone is have problems with?


thanks everyone.


don't you have cursor blinking over the dock?

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No, I have not noticed any mouse flashing over the dock, but if it does exist, just like ^said, I would rather have that since I didnt notice it lol. But I have to find a way to increase the RES before that computer is usable.


anyone figure this out?


(praise kaly!)

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well, cursor flashing is not a big problem but i noticed that it appears in a few more places (e.g. over any flash movie in safari or over flashing OK button in dialogue boxes).


as for resolution - have you tried editing your com.apple.Boot.plist?

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no i havent edited anything. I dont really know my way around when it comes to stuff like that, although I did see some directions on how to do it. I also have a x600 card laying around, If I could find the driver I wonder if that might help the situation?

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you should give a try, it's not very difficult.


just copy com.apple.Boot.plist from Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ to your desktop and edit like this


add after <key>Kernel Flags</key>


this line


<string>"Graphics Mode"="1280x1024x32"</string>


then copy it back to its native location and confirm replacement.


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i edited the plist and could not get any results. inserting 1280x1024 as you directed, and I also tried to replace with 1680x1050- as I wasnt sure if this is the desired resolution or some way of viewing all possible resolutions. either way- no luck :D

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Anyone have any luck getting 1680 x 1050 working? I'm only getting 1280 x 1024.


com.apple.Boot.plist looks as follows:




<key>Kernel Flags</key>




<key>Graphics Mode</key>




(ps cursor tearing is gone, i do get the blinking cursor over dock)

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I dont really consider "restoring previous kexts" as a solution- if this makes tearing happen again. might as well not install the graphics update if it does that.


Sounds like a large number of people are having this issue- including legit macs- so isnt it reasonable to think that apple will be fixing the problem soon?

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if you need the 1680x1050 resolution, then just backup the new kext and use the old one until theres an alternative option.


If legit macs are reporting this, it'll get fixed. I prefer good resolution over a few tears, they don't even really bother me that much.

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Anyone have any luck getting 1680 x 1050 working? I'm only getting 1280 x 1024.


com.apple.Boot.plist looks as follows:




<key>Kernel Flags</key>




<key>Graphics Mode</key>




(ps cursor tearing is gone, i do get the blinking cursor over dock)


try this (that's what i have in my plist). change the resolution to desired


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

<plist version="1.0">




<key>Kernel Flags</key>

<string>"Graphics Mode"="1280x1024x32"</string>





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So I just did the Graphic Update, and on first reboot I got blue screen. I forced another reboot, and also a blue screen. The thing is that it loads the OS, cause I can turn up the sound and I'll get feed back. What can I do to stop having blue screens? Please help, I really don't want to reinstall again.

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