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NVIDIA GF8800 GTS 512 (G92) - WORKED!


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i have problems with my graphics card. I used the nvinject kext. On their homepage i downloaded the nvinject 0.2.1-512 version and the nvinject permissions command script. After i copied it from downloads to /System/Library/Extensions i used the permission script. Then reboot. After my dashboard appears i get an error message that the nvinject.kext could not beload and i should contact the manufacturer.


I also tried to repair the disc permissions with the disc utility to be sure that all permissions are right. but with no effect.


Have anybody an idea ?










problem solved - title changed to WORKED

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If you are using Leopard,


Use the repair script again, then go to System/Library and delete "Extensions.mkext". After a few seconds this file will rebuild itself, when it has - reboot. your kext should now work. Make sure you follow the procedure in the order I have described.

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ok but now when the loading screen comes up with the apple logo, after 10secs the screen goes gray with a message i should restart my computer. This comes up every boot. Booting with -v shows that the system hangs after the message LoadingLoginWindow.


What should i do now ?

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you need besides nvinject ( which is an enabler for Nvidia Cards)

the 10.5.2 kexts.


before you have to remove nvidia manually, via windows, via boot disk, whatever.

so you should come on generic screen 1024x768


scottdangel.com has made a nice installer, which installs all you need.

run it and report

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Do you have a download link for the nvinstaller v31, because the site where the download should be is a blank page.



Okay i have a nvinstallerv31.pkg - is this the right or not ? Actually i am installing mac osx and then i will test it.

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