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Speeding up your BITTORRENT downloads

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Before I was gettings <10kb\s and now: 100kb\s downloads.

These tips will increase your download speed.


--Make sure your upload rate isnt to slow or to fast. 80% of max upload speed is best.

---Cable(and some others) Before packets are sent, a verification packet needs to be recieved. Higher upload ---allows this to be done more effenciently, but too high will clog your internet

--Many ISPs block the default ports of bittorents, change the default from 6889 to 16889

--Make sure the correct ports are open on any hardware/software firewalls, this includes 16889(or 6889 if you ---keeping default), many use 6969 as the listning port, a few more clients may use more.

-- some ISPs block .torrent files, have the owner/whatever change the xtension(i.e. .screwISP)

--try some of the older clients- they are smaller on ram, easier to figure out, ect. I do find Bitcomet very good

--set the max IP connections to 50, icreasing the number of people you can connect (does it fore you, windows ---only: http://lvllord.de/?lang=en&url=downloads (for some people this will hurt the speeds)

--leave your torrents open atleast a few hours after fully downloading(improved with next step)

--Spread this around. The more people do this, the more it improves for everyone


If you have any more tips, post em. Any questions or need to know how to do this, PM me...

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