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n00b help - how do i compile source with gcc

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if its a native mac app, then there should just be an xcode project that you launch into the nice gui, and choose your build settings, and build...


but if it uses makefiles, here it is


$: ./configure

$: make

#: make install



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Generally, you specify command parameters along with the ./configure command. What package are you trying to compile?


For some reason, software doesn't like to compile on my computer, so I find workarounds for it, such as using MacPorts. But it really depends on what you're trying to make in the first place.

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well lets say i had a .tar.gz file or some Unix file like that how would i go about compiling it - even if it wassnt a mac antive app - wold i just go through iterm in xtools.... and to the ./configure thing

Edited by bxsci(macuser)
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Yes, but you might get an error for unmet dependencies, Fink might help you if it is in their repo, since it will install all dependences. But go ahead and try it.


./configure after unpack


sudo make install

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Yeah. As I suggested in my earlier post, there are a few command-line utilities which can make built-from-source software installation easier. Both MacPorts and Fink will download all dependencies for you, compile and install them, then download the actual software package and compile/install it. MacPorts will even symlink things so you can access the software in Terminal without editing $PATH.

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