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Genious Needed Thread deleted, how to Paralles USENET

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First off I think a word I used maybe made the thread dissapate....


Anyway, I will keep it simple...


Running 10.4.6, have seen Parallels Tools 1.0.3 floating around as well as Parallels desktop 3036.


My question is will these versions allow me to run/install windows and have dual boot with 10.4.6?


I have been running without a crash for more than 6 months thus, I don't want to try and install something aka Parallels only to get a message I need 10.4.8 or something.


I need to be able to access windows on this machine (HackNtosh).




If this post needs further elaboration please advise.

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Just install Windows in another partition and use something like Acronis OS Selector.


What about parallels with that work on OSX hackntosh?



Also, if you do it your way, this means putting in WIN XP install cd and creating a partition?


Won't this destroy the OSX that exists? Or is it possible to create a WIN partion in OSX then use the WINXP install disk?




Really confused......



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