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ASUS P5B + E6400 & JaS 10.4.8 ReLoaded


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Hello all!


I know that many of you have (or want to purchase) an ASUS P5B mb and/or Conroe Core 2 Duo E6400 and requested some installation details, here it is...


I installed last night the latest JaS 10.4.8 release. I (re)installed it for 3 times, I think, untill I got it to work properly on my configuration. First - here's my (almost) complete configuration:


- ASUS P5B Deluxe (ICH8/965 chipset)

- Conroe E6400 (FSB: 266)

- 2 x 512 MB RAM Corsair

- GeForce 7900 GS

- Seagate SATA HDD (on ICH8)


So... installation details:


In the first install attempt I selected Semthex's kernel and the fixes for USB, ICH8, Azalia and 10.4.4 "About this Mac" window. Result - the system was working fine, but:

- audio didn't worked;

- USB didn't worked (!);

- Titan didn't worked (incompatibility with Semthex kernel? or what?);

- modified AppleAzaliaAudio.kext (which was working in 10.4.7) didn't worked also;

Even more, the system complained that it couldn't load the Titan and AppleAzaliaAudio kexts. So... I had to reinstall...


In the second attempt - I selected Mifki's kernel and patches for ICH8, Azalia and 10.4.4 "About this Mac" window.

Result - the system was working fine, and:

- Titan was recognized and loaded (with QE/CI enabled, yeeesss :D);

- USB worked;

- network was recognized using skge.kext (posted here on the forums, somewhere... );


- still no audio, not even by modifying the AppleAzaliaAudio.kext from 10.4.8 or putting the modified kext from 10.4.7, which worked fine in 10.4.7;


In the third (and last attempt) I selected almost the same packages like in the second attempt, except for the 10.4.8 AppleAzaliaAudio patch, hoping that I can use the 10.4.7 kext. Still nothing, though... :)


Bottom line - using Mifki's kernel (I didn't tried yet the Nebukadnezar kernel, I will try it this evening and keep you posted), the patches for ICH8 and 10.4.4 "About this Mac" during installation and the Titan and skge kexts after the install, I have a working 10.4.8 system, just no audio (for now... ).


I didn't tried any fsb=266 setting in com.apple.Boot.plist, because I don't think I need it or that it has any effect and/or improvements. I will try it, thought... who knows ;)


If anyone has any working solution for the audio, it would be veeeeery apreciated (I'm music addict :D ).




Good luck!


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Hi good work

i have almost the same config and try to install Jas 10.4.8 since a couple of days


Please tell me about your bios config

concern the sata

mine is Enhanced mode AHCI this is the lonely to make my hd detected

with JMicron no way to work


my DVD burner is a sata one from samsung





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Using the new Jas 10.4.8 DVD I got everything working! I also checked the ICH8 package and I can use the Intel SATA in IDE mode. JMicron works using this mod: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...858&st=220#

You have to use a IDE-USB converter for install though. Using the DaemonES kernel and FSB gets detected correctly (have overclocked it to FSB 400).

I got the Azalia working, but don't use it as I have an USB audio. Also use the method decribed here somewhere.

Can't comment on the titan.kext yet, but will try with my older 6600GT soon!


Good luck!

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@ Alexiase - in BIOS the SATA controller is set to AHCI, and the JMicron is disabled (was useless in OSX, anyway).


@ Kiphaas7 - I used a IDE drive, connected thru USB.



Good luck! :hysterical:


I got the Azalia working, but don't use it as I have an USB audio. Also use the method decribed here somewhere.

Can't comment on the titan.kext yet, but will try with my older 6600GT soon!


Good luck!


Hello vaderd!


How did you got the Azalia audio to work? using ReLoad's method? or...?!


Thanks, I'm waiting for your answer!

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Why start one more thread on the P5B?? Doesn't it make sense to keep all the info in one thread?? Makes it so much easier to keep up and we don't need to "re-invent the wheel" all the time.


Here are four things I would like to add:


1) You can get your second Ethernet port working also.

2) JMicron is not useless, I use it to connect my DVD.

3) Sound does work, only need to use 198b as device ID on the P5B Deluxe.

4) Please merge this thread with the old P5B thread.

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@ tomtefar - with all the respect...


This thread was started from one main reason - I saw many posts where people who own (or want to buy) an ASUS P5B mother board and/or a Conroe E6x00 asking various questions related to 10.4.8 (which kernel? what packages? what patches (don't) work? etc.), and, given the fact that I succeeded installing and patching 10.4.8 to a state where *everything* works (SATA, LAN, QE/CI, sleep, audio), I wanted to share my experience with the other users.


I didn't posted in the other thread because there were mainly 10.4.7 installation and/or configuration related posts, and I guess that everyone wants to move on (to 10.4.8), so another thread would be welcomed.




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Lot of threads hours of reading i'm nearly a skinhead


time for me to explain how i got it



Motherboard P5B Deluxe

Proc: CORE 2 DUO E6600

video ASUS 7300GT

HD seagate 320Go SATA2 16Mo+ 2* 400 Seagate SATA2 16Mo+300Go Maxtor SATA 8Mo

2x 1204 DDR2 PC5400

important: DVD Burner samsung a sata one (no ide for me)


in bios turn IDE to AHCI

Jmicron is set to disable

install dvd Jas 10.4.8 SSE3 INtel only (re seed one publication 3 november i guess)


first using partition magic to get 5 partition on my 320Go

but unable to get the conversion from FAT32 to HSF+ grrrr


then I get all partition from DiskUtil during Mac osx install

the windows partitions set to MS DOS mode


severals try with semthex kernel mif.. one ...


finally i chosse semthex with combo update and sata support for Intel and Azilia



after reboot no sound bad graphical performances no usb no network


time to work hard dude!!!



for USB with Jas patch (usb fix) nothing to do without everything ok then for me i did'nt install USB fix patch


for sound just search for Conroe Mac Thread call Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 sound is now 2 speakers out nothing input but i don't care (ReLoad thread call Asus P5B is fine too)


for graphical card issue with nvidia 7300GT i use titan.kext just have a look on macgeek blog

CI/QE ok


and at least network:

there is onboard 2 adapters one PCI and a PCIex

the lower on is working in 1Gb mode after:

installing RTL1xxx_1.02.pkg not good

then i found m.musashi thread calls Marvell Yukon 8001 - the driver

install version 0.2d reboot

then network was detected but blinking ip adress

then install again RTL1xxx_1.02.pkg reboot and everything is fine the second

onboard card is seen as Yucon Lite


It's really a race

may be I can tune up a little my PC but everything is working

I will install now XP and do the multiboot after this


good luck everybody

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one step further


in my case core 2 duo E6600 -> fsb is 266


Xbench result 102 with default fsb (200)


change com.apple.boot.plist


location: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/


how to:


in terminal

type sudo -s then password


nano /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist


before edit

<key>Kernel Flags</key>




<key>Kernel Flags</key>



ctrl o to save (answer yes)


then correect permissions


chown -R root:wheel /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist

chmod -R 755 /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist


diskutil repairPermissions /



Xbench result now is 130 30% better

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Hey Guys,


Ahh, Finally I can also add some of my own experiences. I spent the last 3 (!!) days installing and configuring OSX86 a gazillion times, so I´m sure this info will be helpful to a hell lot of people. Okay, first of all, my specs:


1) Asus P5b Deluxe/Wifi AP

2) Core 2 Duo E6600

3) 2gb RAM

4) Samsung SATA DVD Drive

5) 1 SATA HD and 2 IDE HDs that are connected via a SATA Adaptor.


Okay, now here´s what I had to do to get OSX running and later on I´ll tell you guys what isn´t running yet:


1) You CAN NOT Install OSX on this board with an IDE CD/DVD Rom Drive - you´ll immediately get a .plist error. So either use a USB DVD Drive or a SATA Drive - I bought a SATA DVD Drive for 30 EUR, so that wasn´t a problem.

2) Make SURE that both your Macintosh HD (The harddrive that you want to install OSX on) AND the SATA DVD are using the black ICH8 Connectors, otherwise you´ll get a prohibitory sign (the circle with a slash through it thing) while boot up and it´ll take OSX years to boot. Also, once booted up and once you let the system rest for a few minutes, OSX will stop your HDs and if you try to access them at that point the only thing you´ll see is a spinning beachball and the system will eventually freeze.

3) Setting the partition to primary and active is important, just a reminder, otherwise you´ll just see a blinking underscore and the thing won´t boot. You can set the disks to primary and active over a Windows Command Prombt, using Diskpart, search the forums here.

4) For OSX to boot, you have to set the ICH8 Controller to AHCI - setting it to IDE won´t work for me. I also disabled the JMicron Controller, since I didn´t connect any devices to the IDE port anymore.

5) Do NOT use the 10.4.8 USB Fix - it´s not working. It´s not the Semthex Kernel that is messing up your USB 2.0, it´s this darned fix.

6) Install with the Combo Update, the Semthex Kernel, the 10.4.4 About this Mac Fix - I also used the Azalia Fix, but my soundcard still isn´t working.

7) I don´t think we can get the Wifi Adaptor to work, what a shame.

8) After OSX has booted, use the skge driver from this thread: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...c=15700&hl=

...and reboot. Voila, one of the onboard LAN devices will work (the upper one, actually). You don´t need to install the Realtek Patch as previously mentioned, it should work with just the skge.


Now, what isn´t working yet:


1) The Azalia Soundcard: I tried Reloads instructions and changed the strings, but it didn´t really work.

2) Titan. I´m using a 7900gto (which is essentially a 7900gtx, 512mb) and I read pretty often that this card isn´t supported by Titan yet. I installed it before and at reboot I got a "Please restart this Mac" or something message. I really hope Titan will support 512mb cards soon enough, that´d just so freaking rock. I can´t wait to have QE, CI and OGL support.


Also, I get some weird graphical glitches with this card, doesn´t matter what kernel I´m using. When I´m scrolling part of the window will update, while a lot of the pixels stay behind, which results in a jumbled pixel mess. Also, when moving windows, you actually see a transparent ghosty effect that messes up your desktop - I already made some screenshots, will upload them in a second. I´d really like to know if that´s a common problem and if Titan will fix this.

3) Wifi isn´t working, as is the second Onboard Lan. I read that there´s a chance to get the second onboard LAN working, I just wasn´t able to figure out how so far.


Okay, I´ll edit and update this post once I made some more progress, if someone could give me advice about how to make the rest work, I´d be happy. OSX is damn snappy and already boots much faster than my Mac Mini, heh! :construction:


Once I got everything working, I´ll write a step by step tutorial, since it takes a huge amount of time to figure all this stuff out by oneself and I haven´t found a comprehensible step by step tutorial for the p5b yet. Looking for bits and pieces of information about the p5b just takes such a huge amount of time and I´m sure people would love to buy this hardware and get everything working with detailed step by step instructions, screenshots and all that jazz.


EDIT: Update already:


1) IDE Mode for the Drives IS working. I´m not sure if it´s because I updated the kernel with the automated script installer here: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=33039

...or because I connected the drives correctly now, but it surely didn´t work before.


2) Natit definitely is not working. I tried it again and while rebooting, the restart your mac screen pops up again. So I booted the Installer Disc, repaired the permissions, reboot and I just get a black screen. Everything boots up fine, I can see Darwin detecting the 7900gto in verbosity mode (-v), but the screen goes black - the monitor doesn´t lose it´s signal but just shows a black screen.


When that happens, -x isn´t working as well.


I´ll update later on.

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hei guys my luck is too bad..

I installed it for 3 times.but all failed.

My Error details:

I can go through the whole install but when reboot . A screen apears with 4 languages saying: restart my computer .And my computer stuck on that.

my lagtop computer details:

Cpu :Mobile DualCore Intel Core Duo, 1666 MHz (10 x 167)

Matherboard :Asus A6000J Series Notebook

Chip group : Mobile Intel Calistoga i945PM

Graphic card :ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 (512 MB)

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my lagtop computer details:

Cpu :Mobile DualCore Intel Core Duo, 1666 MHz (10 x 167)

Matherboard :Asus A6000J Series Notebook

Chip group : Mobile Intel Calistoga i945PM

Graphic card :ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 (512 MB)


So you felt like posting into the ASUS P5B Thread?


Could a mod move this post and delete mine here in order to keep this thread clean? It´s already pretty messy around here.

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Hey Tom,


Got another question:


Now, I have 2 IDE Drives and one SATA Drive. I want to setup my system so that I have:


1) First IDE Drive, 2 Partitions, both NTFS, used for Windows.

2) SATA Storage Drive, HFS+, so Windows can access it (Macdrive) and OSX as well, formatted in Macdrive.

3) Second IDE Drive, 1 Partition, HFS+, formatted through OSX (to make the drive active, setting the id to af)


Now, the problem is that, when I format the second IDE Drive in Macdrive, I somehow can´t make the Drive active - As soon as I try that in Windows or Diskpart I get an error, either Macdrive is jumping in, telling me that I should never ever do that or Diskpart is telling me that there´s a problem with my HFS+ partition.


Okay, if I format the Drive in Windows without making it HFS+ through Macdrive, I can format it to NTFS and set it so that it´s an ACTIVE PRIMARY partition. I can also install OSX on that drive and it boots as well since it´s active. But as soon as I´m back in Windows, Macdrive can´t access the drive, since it´s not been formated through Macdrive.


So that sucks, that way, I can´t access the files that are directly on the OSX HD - And I want to read/write to that drive as well, since it´s over 200gigs big.


Is there a way to format the drive using Macdrive and later on set the partition id to active? If I try this through the OSX Terminal while using the installer CD, the partition table is cleared - there are just a bunch of zeros and I can´t set any partition to anything.


That´s really weird. The perfect setup would be so that I could access all the HFS+ files from within osx AND windows, in windows using Macdrive. It´s so strange that Macdrive just won´t read the system drive if it´s been formated with OSX´ Disk Utility. If someone has an idea, I´ve an open ear for it!


I think the source of the problem is that, if I format the drive in Windows to NTFS it sets a PC MBR - Disk Utility won´t override this MBR and the active status, so I can boot per chain0 without any b0 trouble. But if I format the drive through Macdrive, it somehow takes away the active status and also deletes the MBR table - which Macdrive shouldn´t do. But using Macdrive to format the disk is the only way so that I can later on also access the drive in Windows.

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Congratulations everybody!


I have also OSX running on my ASUS P5B (non-deluxe)

  • I installed 10.4.7 native through vmware and updated afterwards to 10.4.8 with Semthex' newest Nebukadnezar kernel. (thanks)
  • Geforce 7600GT and onboard LAN are working great with Natit and RTL1xxx drivers from this site. (thanks again)
  • Audio works with the method mentioned above. Stereo out, nothing in, but that's ok.
  • System Profiler didn't show any details about my CPU so i installed "Colonel System Profiler Patch", now it's fine for me.

The only thing that does not work for me is sleepmode :thumbsdown_anim:


My System.log:
v--------------------< going to sleepmode..
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: hi mem tramps at 0xffe00000
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: PAE enabled
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: 64 bit mode enabled
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: enabling INTEL features
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 514515 free pages
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: mig_table_max_displ = 71
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: ACPI CA 20060421
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: ready
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=1 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=2 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=3 LocalApicId=130 Disabled
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=4 LocalApicId=131 Disabled
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: using 10485 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Started CPU 01
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Security auditing service present
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: BSM auditing present
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: disabled
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: From path: "uuid", 
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting for boot volume with UUID FE5FF17A-D2BD-33EB-8E14-481859AE478F
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: USB caused wake event (EHCI)
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleAHCI/CHN0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/SAMSUNG HD400LJ Media/IOFDiskPartitionScheme/Untitled 2@2
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 5854720 to: 690176 (joffset 0xca000)
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	  15.782		EHCI controller unable to take control from BIOS
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	  15.782		AppleUSBEHCI[0x34f5000]: unable to obtain ownership: 0xe00002be
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	  15.782		AppleUSBEHCI[0x34f5000]::UIMInitialize - Error occurred (0xe00002be)
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF:	  15.784		AppleUSBEHCI: unable to initialize UIM
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhostcalhost kernel[0]: Jettisoning kernel linker.
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: display: family specific matching fails
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 2
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 3
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 3
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 3
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 3
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 4
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Apple16X50ACPI1: Identified Serial Port on ACPI Device=UAR1
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Apple16X50UARTSync1: Detected 16550AF/C/CF FIFO=16 MaxBaud=115200
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: NVDANV40HAL loaded and registered.
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: display: family specific matching fails
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: display: family specific matching fails
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Natit: Starting.
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Natit: Iterating IORegistry.
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Natit: Match found.
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Natit: Setting device_type=NVDA,Parent
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Natit: Setting @0,device_type=display
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Natit: Setting @1,device_type=display
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Natit: Setting @0,compatible=NVDA,NVMac
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Natit: Setting @1,compatible=NVDA,NVMac
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Natit: Setting @0,name=NVDA,Display-A
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Natit: Setting @1,name=NVDA,Display-B
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Natit: Setting @0,fboffset=0x20000
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost kernel[0]: Natit: Setting model=GeForce 7600 GT
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost memberd[53]: memberd starting up
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost mDNSResponder-108.2 (Aug 25 2006 14: 50:48)[46]: starting
Nov 19 22:43:49 localhost lookupd[58]: lookupd (version 369.6) starting - Sun Nov 19 22:43:49 2006
Nov 19 22:43:52 localhost kernel[0]: rtl_r1000_nic_ext: Ethernet address 00:17:31:66:d9:cb
Nov 19 22:43:52 localhost configd[50]: No AirPort Driver found.
Nov 19 22:43:53 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 495616 to: 701952 (joffset 0xca000)
Nov 19 22:43:53 localhost diskarbitrationd[52]: disk0s1	hfs	  D1BA8F63-BC69-3197-BF72-62F987EB6569 Daten				   /Volumes/Daten
Nov 19 22:43:53 localhost diskarbitrationd[52]: disk0s2	hfs	  FE5FF17A-D2BD-33EB-8E14-481859AE478F OSX86				   /
Nov 19 22:43:53 localhost diskarbitrationd[52]: disk0s3	ntfs	 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Untitled				/Volumes/Untitled
Nov 19 22:43:53 localhost DirectoryService[57]: Launched version 2.1 (v353.5)
Nov 19 22:43:55 localhost kernel[0]: IONetworkController::enable
Nov 19 22:43:56 lixx-computer configd[50]: setting hostname to "lixx-computer.local"
Nov 19 22:43:58 lixx-computer SystemStarter[59]: "/Library/StartupItems/Tablet" failed security check: permissions
Nov 19 22:43:58 lixx-computer configd[50]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-network
Nov 19 22:43:58 lixx-computer configd[50]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
Nov 19 22:43:58 lixx-computer lookupd[83]: lookupd (version 369.6) starting - Sun Nov 19 22:43:58 2006
Nov 19 22:44:00 lixx-computer mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
Nov 19 22:44:00 lixx-computer configd[50]:   target=enable-network: disabled
Nov 19 22:44:21 lixx-computer /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow: Login Window Application Started
Nov 19 22:44:22 lixx-computer loginwindow[182]: Login Window Started Security Agent
Nov 19 22:44:22 lixx-computer TabletDriver[191]: RunApplication called while eRelaunching


Seems like it has something to do with USB (EHCI), but I do not have any idea :( Has anyone similiar experiences?


greetings, lixx


(Sorry for my poor english)

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THX Clayman

for your experience report


as you i spend 3 days to get all infos together and make my p5b work well


for the sound the azilia tricks is ok

but don't wait to hear sound at boot

i check sound with itunes and it's ok but no system sound like on my ibook


read my post here and don't forget to repair permissions


for the graphic card as you and before titan, windows were half cut with fix lines and new ones changing under scrolling effect to bad


in my case i'm using a 7300GT with 256Mo titan is working well full CI/QE


perhaps you should try the macvidia driver just google it

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When you create your OSX partition do it from Windows diskpart (don't have MacDrive installed if it gives you problems). I'm *guessing* MacDrive sets up GPT partitions and that won't work, you need MBR partitions.


Create your partition in diskpart with "create partition primary id=af" and then format with OSX install as per this guide. You should not have any problems with this since you want to have OSX on a second HDD (as first partition on that one) just set your XP partition to active (and boot from BIOS), set your OSX partition on other HDD to active and add chain0 to boot.ini in XP.


Only use MacDrive to access (read/write) drives, not format and such.


Note: I will probably return my P5B Deluxe/Wifi in favour of my AB9 Pro so I will not post that much in P5B-related threads anymore (will probably not even look at them).

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Hey guys,


What a great thread, I'm sure a lot of P5b owner will appreciate it. Some new things I found out:


1) Macdrive can be a {censored}. I have two Drives that use HFS+ - the Macintosh HD and a 'Storage' HD. I formatted the Storage HD in the OSX Installer and it set the partition table to 'GUID'. Now, that wasn't actually a problem. Macdrive was able to read and write to the drive. But as soon as Windows crashed for the first time, I was in serious trouble after a reboot. Macdrive told me that the drive was improperly shut down and that I should either repair it in OSX or reformat it. WHOA! That's my storage data! That's where all my project data, windows files, etc. are stored. So you can imagine how I felt. But it wasn't a complete disaster - I was still able to copy data from that drive to another drive. So I did just that and reformatted the drive again. Now, here's the thing:


I read that Windows needs you to leave at least 8mb of free space unpartitioned in order to work. I'm not sure if the Disk Manager in the Computer Management is doing this on it's own and just hides it from the user or so and I actually thought that's BS - But I now reformatted the drive and left 12mb free and it works like a charm. Even when Windows crashes, the drives stay untouched. The partition table is set to MBR as well now. I don't know if the 8mb thing is actually true of if my partitioning wasn't correct in the first place, but it's for sure a lot more stable now.


Actually, HFS+ is quite a bitchin' format. I mean, when using it with Macdrive in Windows, it's a lot faster than NTFS. A LOT faster. That's a nice sideeffect actually. And you've got none of the Fat32 file-limit issues. Very nice.


2) I think IDE only works when you install OSX when the system HD is set to slave - (I'm on a SATA disk here). It's working like a charm here now, I can dual boot Windows AND OSX with the ICH set to IDE, it's really nice. Also, no prohibitory signs anymore.


3) The graphical glitches seem to be very common without QE, CI Support, so I don't worry anymore. If the graphical glitch happens, just use Expose real quick and it's gone for a while. I think it's based on rendering sessions. As soon as OSX has to render a new Window or reloads a windows content, it'll glitch again. So keep that in mind.


I've got a question left: For the Azalia and the second LAN Chip - are the device IDs the same for all the P5B boards? Whatever I'm doing, I can't get the Azalia to work. I enter all the Device IDs through pico, I repair the permissions... but as soon as I restart OSX, it tells me that the Azalia driver can't be used.


@Tom: Why a AB9 Pro? Is that even more suited for OSX86?

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Lamertus Loire


I've got same thing after first boot

bad permission repair


yes signatures are the same for all mobo in same cat

ids are vendor and device signatures not specific mobo's one


don't forget to clear the cache than OSX will rebuild it and including your new specification


something like that:


in terminal

sudo -s then password edit what u need then :



chown -R root:wheel /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist

chmod -R 755 /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist



sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.mkext

sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache



i use this one too at the end : diskutil repairPermissions /


then reboot

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