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El Capitan Kernel Diff/Patches


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This thread is aimed at developers and people who are willing to help with the AMD kernel specifically the FX problems.

Here are two diff files from my kernels in an attempt to get FX working as it should. I am no developer so I'm hoping someone can help us. 
If you've made a kernel different from these sources please share your diff too so it can help us.


Note that this topic is not for testing but discussing the source itself. For FX testing visit here, http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/310796-amd-os-x-el-capitan-1011-fx-kernel-task-force/






To build the kernel you will need xCode installed which is available from the App Store. Once installed perform the following commands to install the dependencies,

curl -O https://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/dtrace/dtrace-168.tar.gz
curl -O http://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/AvailabilityVersions/AvailabilityVersions-22.40.2.tar.gz
tar zxf dtrace-168.tar.gz
cd dtrace-168
mkdir -p obj sym dst
xcodebuild install -target ctfconvert -target ctfdump -target ctfmerge ARCHS="x86_64" SRCROOT=$PWD OBJROOT=$PWD/obj SYMROOT=$PWD/sym DSTROOT=$PWD/dst
sudo ditto $PWD/dst/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain
cd ..
tar zxf AvailabilityVersions-22.40.2.tar.gz
cd AvailabilityVersions-22.40.2
mkdir -p dst
make install SRCROOT=$PWD DSTROOT=$PWD/dst
sudo ditto $PWD/dst/usr/local `xcrun -sdk macosx -show-sdk-path`/usr/local
Now you can download the kernels source from here, http://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/xnu/xnu-3248.60.10.tar.gz
Copy to your desktop or chosen folder and extract then in terminal type "cd " without the quotes and with the space and drag the extracted folder onto window and press enter.
Now to apply a diff patch use the following,
patch -p1 < /Path/To/Diff/File
Replace /Path/To/Diff/File by dragging the diff file onto the terminal window.
Then you can edit the source within the xnu-3248.60.10 folder as you wish and to build the kernel enter the following,
Once complete the Kernel and matching System.Kext are found in xnu-3248.60.10/BUILD/dst/System/Library. You can ignore the Frameworks.
Edited by Shaneee
Updated kernel source links
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This is the right spot to share kernel related sources. Hope others follow


btw do u think it's worth to post some kernel build related tools? some people might get interested in building their sources.

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