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[Guide] AIO Guides For Hackintosh

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Thanks that worked great.  But it looks like I am one of those UEFI's with Clover where a variable is not saved after reboot.  I am on OSX Mavericks 10.9.3 with the latest compiled version of Clover 2745 using CLoverGrower.  With or without EmuVarUiableEFI the variable is not remembered after a reboot.  I am trying to see how LaunchD is going to resolve this.  Since RC scripts will be depreciated in 10.10 I am now trying to find an another alternative.


Its an Asus ROG G750JX laptop with a CodeRush Bios Patch for MSR 0x2e.  I hope that did not do anything to the nvram.  I have to assume native nvram does not exist then.  You would think on a modern day device it would.  This Haswell device came out end of last year or begining of this year.

You have to check Install RC Scripts in Clover installer. Since 2712, Clover used launchd instead of rc scripts, but forget to rename the function. Note that there is a bug in DP2 that prevents launchd from working at shutdown.

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really nice guide! great work!

hi poke, i have a some problems with the nvram since i updated the clover2721(latest).


the nvram works when i run the test command, all the datas are also saved, but when i reboot my computer, it seems that the laptop won't read the nvram and follow the nvram to set the configuration...


was the script changed? it was totally fine when i was using clover 26xx

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really nice guide! great work!


hi poke, i have a some problems with the nvram since i updated the clover2721(latest).


the nvram works when i run the test command, all the datas are also saved, but when i reboot my computer, it seems that the laptop won't read the nvram and follow the nvram to set the configuration...


was the script changed? it was totally fine when i was using clover 26xx

Well that means your PC doesn't support NVRAM R/W as most PCs (Apple's Mac have NVRAM R/W enabled) :/
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No it works with any version of OS X ranged from 10.6 to 10.10 DP1 ( DP2 got bugs about it ), as this is how Apple done things


Edit: just to prove, I'm on 10.9.3 with Clover 2721, nvram works fine


... i don't know what's wrong with my nvram. when i adjust my brightness and use "nvram -p" to check the "backlight-level" and i find it was changing. but when i restart my computer, and find that the "backlight-level" is reset to %00%00 ... it seems that the nvram data can't be saved into the nvram.plist?


but it was really strange, that the value "MyVar TestValue" was successfully saved and remained!

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... i don't know what's wrong with my nvram. when i adjust my brightness and use "nvram -p" to check the "backlight-level" and i find it was changing. but when i restart my computer, and find that the "backlight-level" is reset to %00%00 ... it seems that the nvram data can't be saved into the nvram.plist?


but it was really strange, that the value "MyVar TestValue" was successfully saved and remained!

If you're using ACPIBacklight.kext of RehabMan, the value is "acpi-backlight-level".


You can check the modification date of nvram.plist in your Mac drive (hidden) to check if it's updated at shutdown.

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If you're using ACPIBacklight.kext of RehabMan, the value is "acpi-backlight-level".


You can check the modification date of nvram.plist in your Mac drive (hidden) to check if it's updated at shutdown.


yeah i ran "ls -l /nvram.plist"

and it shows that the file was modified as i shutdown the computer.


but the brightness isn't reset to the value as the last time...


but when i roll back to the Clover 26xx with the same config.plist configuration and same DSDT/SSDTs, then the nvram works. i assume that it was the problem of latest version of Clover 

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Ok, please make sure the brightness value is saved correctly, by compare the nvram value before shutdown and the value in nvram.plist after restarting. The value in plist is 64-bit value, you have to convert 64-bit to ASCII.

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vusun, I had a nvram problem :P now it's fixed w/ the update, and SLEEP is awesome, the only problem is that if I have USB plugged in, I must wait @ least 4mins for the lap in sleep mode to wake it afterward, I used a patch in poken's tool to prevent OS X from hibernating, even though, before I applied that patch and I unchecked the NeverHib option in Clover, I can power the lap from hibernation but 3/5 times works, and 2/5 I can get to the login screen, but can't move anything, and it just reboot. Another problem is sound doesn't work after sleep, I need to patch then manually the kext, but now I'm not using OS X for some other fixings :P and thanks for the patches :D

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vusun, I had a nvram problem :P now it's fixed w/ the update, and SLEEP is awesome, the only problem is that if I have USB plugged in, I must wait @ least 4mins for the lap in sleep mode to wake it afterward, I used a patch in poken's tool to prevent OS X from hibernating, even though, before I applied that patch and I unchecked the NeverHib option in Clover, I can power the lap from hibernation but 3/5 times works, and 2/5 I can get to the login screen, but can't move anything, and it just reboot. Another problem is sound doesn't work after sleep, I need to patch then manually the kext, but now I'm not using OS X for some other fixings :P and thanks for the patches :D

Oops. What was your problem with nvram? And what did you update to solve that problem?

Ok, please make sure the brightness value is saved correctly, by compare the nvram value before shutdown and the value in nvram.plist after restarting. The value in plist is 64-bit value, you have to convert 64-bit to ASCII.

Hi,poke. I saw your post in the Project OS X forum. After all, do you find a way to solve the brightness issue with version 2703+

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Oops. What was your problem with nvram? And what did you update to solve that problem?

Well, nvram didn't save system's settings (brightness, and other values doesn't change at all) and only saves settings that I put in w/ the nvram test="test" command, but after the update to 2741 (well the latest one, I don't remember it because I'm not using OS X these times because of tablet fixing :/ ) and I re-installed the "latest" version of nvram emulator that came w/ the installer and the RC scripts, I made sure that the nvram saving mode is "Auto" in Clover.prefpan and the EFI isn't mounted (just because it's annoying :o ) and I let the brightness to the lowest value (just before turning off the screen), after the reboot it worked and the brightness came back as I set it to before :frantics: . Nothing Special :P

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Well, nvram didn't save system's settings (brightness, and other values doesn't change at all) and only saves settings that I put in w/ the nvram test="test" command, but after the update to 2741 (well the latest one, I don't remember it because I'm not using OS X these times because of tablet fixing :/ ) and I re-installed the "latest" version of nvram emulator that came w/ the installer and the RC scripts, I made sure that the nvram saving mode is "Auto" in Clover.prefpan and the EFI isn't mounted (just because it's annoying :o ) and I let the brightness to the lowest value (just before turning off the screen), after the reboot it worked and the brightness came back as I set it to before :frantics: . Nothing Special :P

Good for you. Mine is almost fine except for the brightness value gets store in the nvram.plist but it goes all the way up after restart.

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Good for you. Mine is almost fine except for the brightness value gets store in the nvram.plist but it goes all the way up after restart.

I reported the error here. It's not related to nvram:


Hopefully it will fix yours in next release.


But I think you should use RehabMan's ACPIBacklight to control brightness. It has more advanced functions:



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Pokenguyen, congrats for the amazing job!


About your post concerning hardware, when you talk about only a few AMD CPUs being supported by Mavericks, your statement is incorrect. In fact, most 64-bit CPUs, if not all, are currently supported. That said, it would be important to say that, as AMD systems require a compiled kernel, they won't be able to run any of Apple's cloud services, at least without workarounds, and iMessage/FaceTime won't ever work. Besides, because of the CPU-specific patches, some apps may malfunction and require workarounds, when available.


Thank you for linking the AMD development forum!


All the best!

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P.S.: forgot to add: many otherwise unsupported 64-bit intel CPUs, such as older Pentium D's and other non-SSS3, also can run Mavericks with the AMD kernels, thanks to the built-in SSSE3 emulator, with the same limitations of course. Pentium Haswell remains untested, but might as well work.

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How to fix iCloud/iMessage/Facetime on your Hackintosh

3.1 Use Information from a system with working iMessage/Facetime




Hi pokenguyen,


It looks like @heryts has edited his first post because the serials he shared have been blocked by Apple (used by too many people :) !).  However, the information is still valuable because it seems the only way you can activate iMessage reliably (& login/logout, not attaching a credit card to your AppleID) is to use the genuine serials from a Mac...


Thanks to ElNono_/flux84's iMessage debug tool, I was able to spoof my Mac mini 2012 on my GA-P55aUD3/Intel i5-750/Radeon 5770 desktop and activate iMessages in Yosemite & Mavericks :).


Clover Users

I ran the attached tool on my Mac mini and used the values from the mini in the config.plist of my hack (easiest to edit config.plist with Clover Configurator):

  • IOPlatformSerialNumber---->Enter 12 character SerialNumber key in SMBIOS section of config.plist
  • IOPlatformUUID ----> Enter SmUUID key in SMBIOS section (32 characters separated by dashes ie XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX).  The System-ID of the Mac is related to its IOPlatformUUID and infact used to calculate IOPlatformUUID through some hashing process (but the two values are never the same).  To find its value, type in terminal: ioreg -l -p IODeviceTree | grep \"system-id.  So System-ID ----> Enter CustomUUID key in SystemParameters section (32 characters separated by dashes ie XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX).  Also set InjectSystemID to true in the config.plist.
  • ROM: <xxxxxxxx xxxx> ----> Enter 12 character ROM key in RtVariables section of config.plist (12 characters without the space).
  • MLB: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ----> Enter 17 character MLB in RtVariables section and also in BoardSerialNumber SMBIOS key

For Illustration Purposes Only (Serials below are fake)

1.  On your Mac, run the imessage_debug tool by double clicking on it and record the outputs eg copy & paste to text file, say imessage_debug.txt....

Last login: Sun Jul 20 17:46:04 on console
Macintosh:~ xxxxxxx$ /Users/xxxxxxx/Downloads/imessage_debug ; exit;
2014-07-20 17:53:27.769 imessage_debug[2168:507] Gq3489ugfi: <d8c15ff0 e78ee640 3706e44d fe02bcde 8d>
2014-07-20 17:53:27.771 imessage_debug[2168:507] Fyp98tpgj: <f55f3cfc 3b3a06b8 c36c8e3f 4585dd39 e1>
2014-07-20 17:53:27.772 imessage_debug[2168:507] kbjfrfpoJU: <b564e0c3 49a48929 eba1c85f d18faf47 b9>
2014-07-20 17:53:27.772 imessage_debug[2168:507] IOPlatformSerialNumber: CK129U13DB67
2014-07-20 17:53:27.773 imessage_debug[2168:507] IOPlatformUUID: 24A86654-2EBB-5998-A85E-266C65CD7005
2014-07-20 17:53:27.773 imessage_debug[2168:507] board-id: Mac-F2238BAE
2014-07-20 17:53:27.774 imessage_debug[2168:507] product-name: iMac11,3
2014-07-20 17:53:27.774 imessage_debug[2168:507] 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:ROM: <61d67611 29f2>
2014-07-20 17:53:27.775 imessage_debug[2168:507] 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:MLB: CK148614DB6F940D2
2014-07-20 17:53:27.775 imessage_debug[2168:507] oycqAZloTNDm: <88d06b7b 2d2161b4 5715fe5a 3a952de4 4b>
2014-07-20 17:53:27.776 imessage_debug[2168:507] abKPld1EcMni: <130d938e 2277b7bc 01f04dd8 e25ce8e0 28>

[Process completed]

2.  Also open up OSX terminal & run the command below to determine the system-id of your Mac....

Macintosh:~ xxxxxxx$ ioreg -l -p IODeviceTree | grep \"system-id
    |       "system-id" = <a8dd17a0cf104323984129a9f08c1d49>

     Again, copy and paste the output to a text file eg imessage_debug.txt

3.  On your hack, open Clover's config.plist with Clover Configurator and enter the serials you obtained in steps 1 & 2 into the corresponding SMBIOS, Rt Variables & System Parameters sections....






4.  After rebooting your hackintosh, run the debug tool again and confirm the MLB, ROM, IOPlatformUUID, IOPlatformSerialNumber are identical to your Mac's. In my case, the hack even shows as a Mac mini (late 2012) in 'About this Mac' despite using an iMac SMBIOS :hysterical: ....



Chameleon Users with FileNVRAM

You can change your MLB and ROM using terminal commands.  In the above example, we want to set ROM=61d6761129f2 & MLB=CK148614DB6F940D2, so type the following....

sudo nvram 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:ROM=%61%d6%76%11%29%f2

sudo nvram 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:MLB=CK148614DB6F940D2

Note ROM is represented as: %<byte as two hex char>%<byte as two hex char>%<byte as two hex char>...

and not as sudo nvram 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:ROM=61d6761129f2


The other serials are entered into your SMBIOS.plist:

IOPlatformSerialNumber---->Enter 12 character SMserial key and SMchassisserial key

System-ID ----> Enter SMsystemuuid key (32 characters separated by dashes ie XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX)


Sample SMBIOS.plist using Serials from iMessage_debug

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">


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