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Dual boot Lion Win 8


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Hi Guy!!!

I have a great problem...

Pease help me!


The problem is ...i have installed win 8 on my notebook sony vaio vpcs12l9e,

I left 150 gb of space and then install lion iaktos l2.

when I go to install lion arrival at the installation screen choose disk utility but here and can not format the partition of 150 gb free? have chosen journaled guid clik but just tell me why can not format? there a solution?

pleas resolve me this annoying problem!!!

thank guy!

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Format the partition you created for OS X as FAT32 with any partitioning tool. Example: http://partedmagic.c...ds#.UU9EbhilqC8

Only after that try to install OS X, Disk Utility won't format empty spaces.

Install OS X first, then Windows. Then download and install EasyBCD.

Your AMD CPU could cause further issues, but I know nothing about it.

However we have people specialized in AMD CPUs.

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Format the partition you created for OS X as FAT32 with any partitioning tool. Example: http://partedmagic.c...ds#.UU9EbhilqC8

Only after that try to install OS X, Disk Utility won't format empty spaces.

Install OS X first, then Windows. Then download and install EasyBCD.

Your AMD CPU could cause further issues, but I know nothing about it.

However we have people specialized in AMD CPUs.


hI,thanks for this help .But,,,I already tried to install osx lion and first win after eight but the problem is that when I go to install or win7 or win 8 does not want other partizioni.i tried but I had to delete the other partitions and then you can install win8 and so 'I could move forward in the installation otherwise would not have installed.

Then I installed win8 by with bcd but despite the partition is created, but I think 'that win8 now we want the new version bcd otherwise you installa.ed and payment! V.2.1


try 'but I think I will try in vain'll let you know


thank for support

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Ciao Alessandro,piacere,

Ok italian leanguage!

Ciao,ah niente di che ho installato win8 dopo aver provato prima ad installare osx su un hd da 350gb due partizioni meta x win e meta per

osx cioe lion e tutto ok.

quando sono andato per installare win8 ...non mi permetteva di andare avanti ,solamente eliminando le partizioni create prima allora ho potuto proseguire con l'installazione.

ho lasciato una partizione da 150 gb che poi con win8 ho formattato in ntfs per poterla poi vedere con disk utility di lion.

Ma quando accedo a disk utility mi vede la partizione la formatto e qui si blocca dice impossibilie formattare la partizione...

ci sarà un modo prima con win xp e bcd riuscivo ad avere due sistemi operativi ma ora no.

la partizione per osx l'ho formattata da win8 in ntfs e dunque in mbr.



aggiungo che con quel programma ,che avevo già ,parted magic...non ci capisco una mazza...e un gran casino non so come utilizzarlo.




Ask help here: http://www.insanelym...gacykernel-irc/


Best regards!

Many thank for all support.

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In effetti ero scettico anch'io all'inizio.ma ora sinceramente devo dire che misto' abituando poi chissà,,, come velocità da la paga a lion e ml ...e non ho ancora avuto problemi se non per questa faccenda del boot...ma ci dobbiamo

saltare fuori in qualche maniera...ritornare a w7...reinstallare un fracasso di roba?...chiedo venia!!!

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