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Mac Lion on Thinkpad T61 with Intel X3100


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I’ve decided to start this post to help anyone out there who is trying to install Lion on a Lenovo T61 notebook with X3100 video chipset. For those of you who have NVidia video chipset, I’m sorry but there is no way to enable QE/CI for your video chipset yet.

To install Mac Lion on your machine you will need the following:

1. A working OSX installation.
2. A USB drive of minimum 8GB
3. Conti’s “MyHack” installer witch you can get here: http://osx86.sojugarden.com/2011/07/myhack-2-0-rc1/
4. Install OS X Lion.app or InstallESD.dmg from the Install OS X Lion.app

Step 1:
Mount MyHack.dmg and copy the MyHack.app to /Applications, because it can not run from the dmg’s read-only file system.
Make sure that you have inserted your USB drive, which you will use. Run the MyHack.app, select the install type: “Create OS X 10.7 Install Disk”. You can use Conti’s installer to create a Snow Leopard bootable USB drive as well, please refer to his guide for more information: http://osx86.sojugarden.com/guide/ .
MyHack will ask you for administrative password, please enter it. Select the target volume (your USB flash!) to run MyHack on.
The installer will now ask you to choose between automatically locating the Lion.app or to browse manually for it.
MyHack will then prompt to warn you that all data on the target you selected will be erased. Once you press ok it will ERASE all data on the target volume you selected and copy the files to it.

Step 2:
If everything is configured properly, you should be able to boot from your USB device.
From this point run a normal OS X installation, however you want.

Step 3:
After starting up Lion for the first time and making all the necessary settings, after you make it to your desktop go and open finder, go to your USB device, locate and copy MyHack again to /Applications folder. Run the app, this time choosing “Install Chameleon + Extra” option and set the target to “/”. It will install the boatloader and Extra folder.

Step 4:
Until now I had problems with the following:
- PS2 kext; my keyboard wasn’t recognized, so I had to replace the AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller.kext with the ones from SL. I installed this to Extra folder.
- I’ve replaced Conti’s generic FakeSmc with my own;
- Removed AppleHDA from S/L/E and installed VoodooHDA, but it is still causing KP, this is a problem I didn’t solved totally yet ☹ (if anyone can help me with this problem please do, because out of 5 power up’s, 2 of them are KernelPanics)
- Replaced IOAudioFamily with the one from SL to resolve problems regarding sound buffering, that I had;
- For battery I’ve installed Voodoo Battery and AppleACPIPlatform,
sometimes battery is recognized and sometimes it just appears with an “x”.

I’ve also used MaLd0n DSDT auto-packer to generate my dsdt : http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=235523 , I’ve placed it in the Extra folder, to get my Bluetooth working and hopefully my fingerprint reader. For now Upek is working on True Suite for Mac (http://support.authentec.com/KnowledgeBase/KBview/tabid/843/ArticleId/335/TrueSuite-for-MAC-OS-X-10-7-aka-Lion.aspx ) and I’m hoping it will work for me because it’s working in SL with DSDT.

For those of you who are trying to get X3100 working, the only way I got it to work is to edit org.chameleon.Boot.plist and add arch=i386 with Graphics Enabler->Yes.

I have attached my DSDT, though I don’t recommend using it, if do, use it at your own risk!
Also I’ve attached the text I’ve used.
This post is meant to be a guide, for questions regarding the installer, please refer to Conti, he will help you. I must say that without his help I woudn’t be writing this guide from my Lion installation. Thank you very much Conti and good luck to all Thinkpad T61 users, i will try to help you in any way I can.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your files.

I have the same issue with the battery.
Icon is marked with a 'X" :-(

Did you get Sleep mode working ?
Pressing Fn+F4 make the T61 sleeping but impossible to wake up after .... :/

My X3100 was still working after upgrading from 10.6.8 but still have some strange message in kernel

Kext com.apple.driver.AppleIntelGMAX3100 - library kext com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily not found.
Can't load kext com.apple.driver.AppleIntelGMAX3100 - failed to resolve library dependencies.

Any issue with AppleStore connection ?
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I found a way to make the battery work, you just have to install the AppleACPIBatteryManager.kext i've attached to E/E and you're done :). Also I successfully patched the AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext and now i have brightness controll working :D, just install it to S/L/E and repair permissions. Good luck :thumbsup_anim:




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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been working on getting Lion 10.7.2 working well on my X3100 Thinkpad T61.

I started with iAtkos L2 and modified a little.

Things have been going good so far... have good video acceleration (it's FAST) and dimming working with DSDT + modified x3100 FB .kext



If I try to normal sleep (pmset = 3) I get immediate wake up. Console says wake reason USB3. Is this bluetooth or something?????


If I try to hibernate (pmset = 0) I am unable for it to use the hibernate image.



I've tried deleting AppleLPC.kext

I'm using sleepenabler for Lion

I've tried the hardware wireless switch both ON and OFF

I have not messed with AppleHPET ... some people think this can have an effect on sleep...



audio - using voodoohda

dsdt - using my own dsdt I autopatched

boot loader - using chimera

wifi - using stock 10.7.2 IO80211Family modified with device string match for my wifi card



DREAM LIST FOR 10.7.X on T61:

dsdt modified for proper hardward temp monitoring and fan speed (see this thread for other thinkpads)

dsdt modified for proper c/p states for best battery life

sleep working - both regular and hibernate

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  • 1 month later...



Did you get Sleep mode working ?
Pressing Fn+F4 make the T61 sleeping but impossible to wake up after .... :/

On OS X 10.6.8 (not Lion, haven't tried) to wake up I simply press and hold the power button for 1 second and it prompts me: Restart, Sleep, Cancel, Shut Down and I can use the mouse/keyboard again... Give that a try..
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I'm having a bit of an issue with putting Lion on my T61. It's a very basic model, with X3100 graphics and a T7100 CPU. It's a 14.1" widescreen model, resolution of 1280x800. That just about covers the basics.


The problem I'm facing is that upon a clean install (I've tried many - ######, Conti's, Maldon's), everything appears to run OK but I get a lot of application freezes/crashes. This happens even when almost no drivers/kexts are installed besides the bare minimum to get running.


I saw another post about freezing graphics on the X3100 but I don't think my problem is the same.


Whenever I open any windows (Finder, Safari, TextEditor), sometimes it'll open fine. Other times, maybe the window will open about 1/4 of the size and it will be transparent. You can sometimes still click and select things on the window. Most of the time though, the application will freeze. I'll then have to press cmd-alt-esc to allow me to force quit it. Sometimes windows will just randomly freeze (with the spinning cursor wheel showing). Relaunching enough times will let me do what I want. However, it's hardly an ideal situation.


For what it's worth, I've managed to get the X3100 running at the correct resolution, and I think that QE/CI is running since I can open up chess and move pieces about. I've also followed Silencer's guide to DSDT editing and managed to implement most mods besides vanilla speedstep (which I tried but doesn't appear to work for me).


I don't think it's a hardware failure since everything runs OK in Windows.


Any help would be appreciated.

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  • 3 months later...



I've tried deleting AppleLPC.kext
I'm using sleepenabler for Lion
I've tried the hardware wireless switch both ON and OFF
I have not messed with AppleHPET ... some people think this can have an effect on sleep...



DREAM LIST FOR 10.7.X on T61:
dsdt modified for proper hardward temp monitoring and fan speed (see this thread for other thinkpads)
dsdt modified for proper c/p states for best battery life
sleep working - both regular and hibernate

Any news on this? I'm also trying to get sleep working, but without success.

Any idea how to get the perfect Sound? VoodooHDA has some distortions for me.

I'd like to have a nice dsdt patch for speedstep, c/p/states etc. Can't find something for the T61.

Also: Does the Trackpoint work for anyone of you? I got to know that it could work after disabling the Touchpad in the BiOS, but I'd prefer to use both of them.
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  • 3 months later...

Not sure if this thread is still monitored. I have a T61, model 7661-XAU. I'm using a pre-built .dmg someone made for their T61, and

I'm writing this on Lion now, but QE is not enabled. My model has the 1440x900 LCD, but the best I can get is 1280x800. Enabling the high res in the Chameleon plist doesn't work and corrupts the display, and bluetooth doesn't work. I've tried creating my own DSDT, but the system won't get past TSC CPU errors and ends up KPing. Bluetooth isn't as crucial so much as getting the screen to work. Also, when I use the modified X3100 kexts, I end up with the backlight on and a black screen when the GUI is trying to come up. The guy who authored the .dmg is helping, but we're having some language barrier issues and I'm not so sure he understands exactly what's going on.

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