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Mac connection sharing and port forwarding

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I have shared the connection between MAC and another Pc with UBUNTU. The connection works perfectly and is shared through one LAN On The MAC. I don't have have router and Firewall . When I start AMule I always obtain a LowID ... How cold i do PortFawarding?


Sorry for my English...

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OK i have find a solution but i'm not sure that work. Has someone ever tried the Natd configuration?


natd --help

natd: unknown option -help

Recognized options:


-unregistered_only [yes|no]

-u [yes|no]

alias only unregistered addresses


-log [yes|no]

-l [yes|no]

enable logging


-proxy_only [yes|no]

proxy only


-reverse [yes|no]

operate in reverse mode


-deny_incoming [yes|no]

-d [yes|no]

allow incoming connections


-use_sockets [yes|no]

-s [yes|no]

use sockets to inhibit port conflict


-same_ports [yes|no]

-m [yes|no]

try to keep original port numbers for connections


-verbose [yes|no]

-v [yes|no]

verbose mode, dump packet information


-dynamic [yes|no]

dynamic mode, automatically detect interface address changes


-clamp_mss [yes|no]

enable TCP MSS clamping


-in_port number|service_name

-i number|service_name

set port for incoming packets


-out_port number|service_name

-o number|service_name

set port for outgoing packets


-port number|service_name

-p number|service_name

set port (defaults to natd/divert)


-alias_address x.x.x.x

-a x.x.x.x

address to use for aliasing


-target_address x.x.x.x

-t x.x.x.x

address to use for incoming sessions


-interface network_if_name

-n network_if_name

take aliasing address from interface


-proxy_rule [type encode_ip_hdr|encode_tcp_stream] port xxxx server a.b.c.d:yyyy

add transparent proxying / destination NAT


-redirect_port tcp|udp local_addr:local_port_range[,...] [public_addr:]public_port_range [remote_addr[:remote_port_range]]

redirect a port (or ports) for incoming traffic


-redirect_proto proto local_addr [public_addr] [remote_addr]

redirect packets of a given proto


-redirect_address local_addr[,...] public_addr

define mapping between local and public addresses


-config file_name

-f file_name

read options from configuration file


-log_denied [yes|no]

enable logging of denied incoming packets


-log_facility facility

name of syslog facility to use for logging


-punch_fw basenumber:count

punch holes in the firewall for incoming FTP/IRC DCC connections


-enable_natportmap [yes|no]

enable NATPortMap protocol


-natportmap_interface network_if_name

take aliasing address to interface

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in system preferences on the mac. click sharing. click internet tab. click start internet sharing, configure ports. and it should work.

thats if you have one extra available port (like airport share to ethernet or vice versa)

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I have qualified the Root user and also this way there is none Tab I allow to do the Port Forwording. Please help me!!!

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