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really need some help i really want to run os x leopard


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hello all


my computer is built up of:


gigabtye s-series m61pme-s2 (motherboard)


AMD athlon 64 2.6ghz (single core) socket am2


2GB DDR2 800mhz ram


nvidia geforce 9400gt 512mb


samsung super writemaster DVD RW


250GB IDE (clean) hard drive (for mac)


im not that bothered if it'll dual boot with windows as i can just use mac's parralels or somthing like that. as long it boots to mac i'm happy. but i do have a 250gb sata hd with windows 7 on if anyone knows hows to dual boot using both hard drives IDE for mac , sata for windows would be much thanked....


im up to try any method to get mac os x leopard to boot on my pc.


any links that i may need can be emailed to: J.D.Cobley@hotmail.co.uk as not aloud on the fourm and detailed video or manual or anything that will tell me what to do and how is also much need and will be a big help.


can anybody help??????


many thanks for your time...........

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i've listed my hardware above....




and when you sau try that. i need to know what to try, where to get it and how to install it....


You have a SATA DVDRW I assume?


Connect your IDE HDD as Master to your MOBO IDE channel, and for installing Snow Leopard see here.......and here........for Leopard, use a AMD compatible distro like LawlessPPC 10.5.4 or XxX_x86_10.5.6_Install_Disc_Universal_Final.v2 or iPC 10.5.6........

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HDD IDE WORKING WITH OSX !!! I have instaled IATKOS S3 v2 in my pc


NVIDIA 7200/7300 GS






everything's working , i chage in bios IDE to RAID , try this seting in your bios and after instalation try to boot

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HDD IDE WORKING WITH OSX !!! I have instaled IATKOS S3 v2 in my pc


NVIDIA 7200/7300 GS






everything's working , i chage in bios IDE to RAID , try this seting in your bios and after instalation try to boot


What you have to do will depend on the BIOS itself.........some BIOSs allow you to set AHCI mode, others implicitly set AHCI mode to on when you enable RAID..........

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@ verdant


so what your saying is that i get lawlessPPC..... leo install that ( with my IDE HD in and then once installed leopard and its working then i can get snow leopard??????


if so do you think you could provide some intructions on installing lawless?? and how to get it working. i.e. how to start up lawless installation to the finished working os desktop.....




and yes i do have a SATA DVDRW


many thanks.....

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