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Hackintosh i7


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so i want to build myself a i7 930 hackintosh, or possibly a 920 or so, and also a 120 SSD, i was wondering if someone could write me up a build thats compatible with the hackintosh RETAIL snow leopard? looked everyone where and cant find anything please someone help thanks

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a INTEL mobo, CPU, and the ati HD 5000 series is very well supported in osx


for the mobo i'd use a GA-X58-XXXX soemthing and for a CPU, a i7 930 or similar, your other components you were talking about were fairly high end so i recommend a Radeon HD 5850 or 5870.



their are many guides here on insanely on the X58 boards so you should have no issues


this will get you a pretty solid and FAST hackintosh

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