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Mplayer Extended FullScreen


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I've been trying to play an .mkv file


In VLC, I just hear the sound and I don't see the video


Mplayer OSX Extended works fine. When I go into fullscreen, I see it struggles for a second. The video looks smooth but once in a while a frame would skip. Turning the volume up or navigating (play and pause buttons, etc) seem to struggle to fade in and it's a bother


The real problem is the skipping frames once in a while. I really would like to play this in VLC. What do I do?


I'm running this on a Toshiba L305 and I'm running 10.5.7



EDIT: Also X4500MHD graphics


I used iAtkos to install this





I got VLC 0.9.2. and video didn't show up. I went to Video -> Normal size.


Video plays fine in both windowed and fullscreen.


Fading effect in the playback buttons are a bit sluggish and it's not smooth when I switch from Window to Fullscreen. Any way to fix that?

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