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Fujitsu T5010 Tablet PC - installed OSX 10.6.3

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Hello Gentlemen, running a Fujitsu T5010 Tablet PC with a WD 320GB 7200rpm HDD.


Will attempt to dual boot with the chameleon bootloader tomorrow, however this is the current progress.


Successfully installed OSX, with a few bugs.








Webcam (built in)

Processor recognized


Not working:



Lan/Wireless device

tablet/wacom device (pen-input not recognized)


Those are the initial impressions on the install, currently using a usb mouse/keyboard to use the darn thing. Replying to the forum from a second PC.


I'll give updates as I seek out drivers! :P

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  • 1 month later...

Just would like to add


I successfully installed OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.2 using the SnowOSXUniFlash1.0 build

(for some reason iATKOS does not work - it will just get stuck at the apple logo during boot)


did a lot of trial and error, and this how I managed to make most of it work

- Graphics on Intel GMA4500: Installed modified Chameleon and edited boot.plist, works on 1280x800x32


- Audio - Realtek AC97 - used VoodooHDA and deleted the stock AppleHDA


- Keyboard, touchpad everything else works

- Tablet screen: TabletMagic works flawlessly after a few tries and following the manual. This is THE most awesome feature!



- Wireless Intel 5300 does not work (no kext yet)

- Did not test webcam yet


Some bugs: Screen will be unresponsive if laptop lid is closed and opened again. Any ideas?

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...
There is finally a beta out for the intel wifi 5100/5300:



Hi, I have a T5010 too and Im interested in getting Lion working on it.


how far have you now got with this?


do you run apps that need QE/CI i.e. aperture? Ive tried using vmware running 10.7.2 lion, but due to lack of QE/ CI support by vmware Im considering running native OS X and virtualising my windows 7 for work inside that instead so looking to see if I can expect a decent result before I go ahead.


Thanks in advance for any pointers. :)

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  • 1 year later...

To anyone trying to do this..

Download this http://bit.ly/HazardTorrent and burn it to a DVD at a slow speed (every time i burned at >2x it would be corrupt)
Make the following adjustments in your BIOS (I'm not sure which of these are actually necessary, its just what I got to work after trial/error)
Disable: Low Power, SpeedStep

Follow this tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_68573&feature=iv&src_vid=dEE84N-mFCI&v=-VfUBQqly-M

When you get to the part where you're booting and it says "press any key to boot normally or hit F8 for options" - hit F8
Type: -x -v -f
Wait for this, literally, for 15 minutes before giving up. It looks like it hangs, but it really just takes foreverrrrr

After you get it installed and are booting for the first time, when you get to the screen that says "hit any key to type boot options" - hit a key
Type: -x -v -F to get it to boot into safe mode

This should get you into a working OSX (safe mode)!

Now remove the AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement, Sleepenabler, and AppleTyMCEDriver kext's, and you should be able to boot normally. If not, try the -F or -x32 flags

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