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[Topic ufficiale] The Doors


The Doors  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Quale album dei Doors preferisci?

    • The Doors
    • Strange Days
    • Waiting For The Sun
    • The Soft Parade
    • Morrison Hotel
    • L.A. Woman

36 posts in this topic

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Questo topic nasce con l'intento di diventare un punto di riferimento per tutti gli appassionati di questo gruppo che ha segnato in maniera indelebile la storia della musica Rock. :)



Intanto vediamo quanti iscritti ci saranno.

Possiamo condividere un pò tutto, da foto riperite sul web a musica, da video a recensioni, da interviste a opinioni personali, etc. etc.

L'intento è quello di aver un "luogo" dove poter parlare di tutto quello che riguarda il Re Lucertola e i Doors e, perché no, creare una piccola enciclopedia multimediale.

Fatevi sentire! ;)


Iscritti :(








Album studio

Post #24

Track list, testi, traduzioni e commenti.

Work in progress :moil::help:


Poesie di James Douglas Morrison

The Severed Garden - Il Giardino Reciso

Post #4

Per chi volesse ascoltarla

c'è il video.

Thanks JoЯel



Live In New York

Felt Forum 17-18 Gennaio 1970

Post #11


un film di James Douglas Morrison

Post #25


Wallpaper o Desktop

Post #26

Thanks JoЯel per l'idea :idea:



Post #36

Jim Morrison - Intervista di Lizze James (1968)

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Avanti il prossimo!

The Severed Garden

Il Giardino Reciso


Wow, I'm sick of doubt

Wow, sono stanco del dubbio

Live in the light of certain

Vivo nella luce della certezza



Cruel bindings.

Crudeli legature.

The servants have the power

I servi hanno il potere

Dog-men and their mean women

Gli uomini cane e le loro meschine donne

Pulling poor blankets over

Tirano su povere coperte

Our sailors

I nostri marinai


I'm sick of dour faces

Sono stanco delle facce austere

Staring at me from the tv

Che mi fissano dalla tv

Tower, I want roses in

Torre, ci voglio delle rose dentro

My garden bower; dig?

Il mio giardino dimora; scavo?

Royal babies, rubies

Bambini reali, rubini

Must now replace aborted strangers in the mud

Adesso devono sostituire stranieri abortiti nel fango

These mutants, blood-meal

Questi mutanti, farina-sangue

For the plant that's plowed.

Per lo stabilimento che è arato.


They are waiting to take us into

Aspettano di portarci

The severed garden

nel Giardino Reciso,

Do you know how pale and wanton thrillful

come pallida gioiosa fremente

Comes death on a strange hour

arriva la morte all'ora strana,

Unannounced, unplanned for

inattesa, imprevista

Like a scaring over-friendly guest you've

come una orrida ospite compagnona

Brought to bed

che ti sei portata a letto

Death makes angels of us all

la morte ci rende tutti angeli

And gives us wings

ci dà ali dove

Where we had shoulders

avevamo spalle lisce

Smooth as raven's Claws

come artigli di corvo

No more money, no more fancy dress

Via i soldi, via i bei vestiti

This other kingdom seems by far the best

l'altro regno sembra migliore di questo

Until it's other jaw reveals incest

finchè l'altra sua fauce non svela l'incesto

And loose obedience to a vegetable law.

e una vaga obbedienza alle leggi vegetali.


I will not go!

Non ci andrò!

Prefer a feast of friends

preferisco una festa di amici

To the giant family.

a una famiglia gigante.






Ps: Dopo questa chicca, come minimo.... mi devi fare Presidente onorario ;)

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Ottima chicca ;)

Che dici, aggiungiamo una traduzione? Magari riga per riga, così chi è meno ferrato con l'inglese avrà maggior possibilità di comprensione.

In rete ce ne sono diverse, ne conosci qualcuna in particolare? Oppure ne hai fatta una tu?

Io via via aggiorno il primo post e aggiungo i link ai vari interventi.

Se vuoi puoi anche aggiungere un commento personale, come mai hai scelto proprio questa poesia?

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Ottima chicca ;)

Che dici, aggiungiamo una traduzione? Magari riga per riga, così chi è meno ferrato con l'inglese avrà maggior possibilità di comprensione.

In rete ce ne sono diverse, ne conosci qualcuna in particolare? Oppure ne hai fatta una tu?

Io via via aggiorno il primo post e aggiungo i link ai vari interventi.

Se vuoi puoi anche aggiungere un commento personale, come mai hai scelto proprio questa poesia?

L'ho scelta perchè secondo me, è una sorta di "testamento" di Jim.

E poi ci sono "affezzionato" perchè sono riuscito a dirla all'esame di maturità.... :)

...Beccai una GRANDE prof!

Ps: aggiungo la traduzione da un libro che ho...quelle del web non mi garbano.

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Aspetto la traduzione (di Tempesta Elettrica per caso?) e poi aggiorno il primo post.

Traduzione aggiunta...vedi se ti và bene (la traduzione della parte finale "aspettano di portarci..." è presa dal Film)

Il libro si chiama semplicemente: The Doors (testi con traduzione a fronte)

era già vecchio quando lo comprai (in lire)

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Live In New York

Felt Forum 17-18 Gennaio 1970



Excerpts: Liner Notes From The Doors' Live In New York

By Bruce Botnick


We were all pumped up [for the Felt Forum shows], everybody was at the concerts, and the vibes were superb. Jim was terrific. For all four concerts, the air was filled with a high expectation of supercharged excitement, and there was a feeling that something amazing might happen. Robby’s solo on “Little Red Rooster” is a classic—his technique and passion just ooze all over the stage. A couple of versions of “Light My Fire” have similar moments in the dialog between Robby, Ray, and John; and when The Doors were locked and hitting on all cylinders, nobody could match them for virtuosity and feel. Everybody’s favorite bar song, “Roadhouse Blues,” started off all the concerts with Jim’s amazing basement-to-the rooftops scream, “Come on, yeah!” The crowd went wild. Later on, Jim was calling out, “Bring out your dead… bring out your dead.” It was rock theater at its best.

TECHNICAL NOTE: A long, long time ago, when nobody thought that we would ever need the 8-track tapes again, many bits and pieces were removed from these shows and were scattered through many Doors albums. Large chunks were used in Absolutely Live, An American Prayer, and Alive, She Cried. Goings-on between Jim and the audience, as well as parts of songs from the 8-track masters, have disappeared forever, though some do exist on the live 2-track tapes. Through the generous help of a few of our Doors collectors, we were able to obtain personal copies of audience recordings that helped us sort out the road map, show us what bits went where, and determine exactly what was missing.

In putting this project together, The Doors and I agreed that it was very important to have complete shows. The plan was to insert the audience and the live 2-track recordings where chunks were missing from our masters, in order to have a faithful reproduction of the concert. So, you might be rocking to “Five To One” or “Light My Fire,” and all of a sudden the sound might change into the live 2-track or an audience recording, and then back again. We tried to keep this at a minimum, but felt that going about it in this fashion would, in the end, be a more satisfying experience.

Beyond the audience recordings that have been circulating through the Doors-o-sphere, this is the first time that we have all four concerts complete.

— Excerpted From Producer/Engineer Bruce Botnick’s Liner Notes for LIVE IN NEW YORK


Fonte: http://www.rhino.com/article/excerpts-line...s-live-new-york


Il Roadhouse Blues Tour si aprì il 17 gennaio 1970. I Doors fecero quattro concerti in due giorni al Felt Forum, il teatro da 4.000 posti sotto il Madison Square Garden di New York. Cominciarono il primo show con un'infuocata Roadhouse Blues, poi Jimbo il predicatore si attaccò al microfono.


JIM: D'accordo. D'accordo. [Applausi] Ehi, ascoltate, ascoltate, ascoltate ragazzi. Non so quanti di voi credono all'astrologia...

Ragazza in prima fila: Tu sei un sagittario!

JIM: Sì, è vero, baby, è vero. Sono un sagittario... Il segno più filosofico di tutti.

Ragazza in prima fila: Ti amo. Anch'io sono sagittario!

JIM: Ma in ogni caso, io non credo a questa roba.

Ragazza in prima fila: Neanch'io!

JIM: Per me è solo un mucchio di stronzate. [Applausi e grida] Ma fatemi dire questo, ragazzi. Fatemi dire questo. Io non so cosa succederà, ragazzi... MA VOGLIO DIVERTIRMI PRIMA CHE QUESTO POSTO DI MERDA VADA IN FIAMME. [Applausi e grida] D'ACCORDO! D'ACCORDO! [Ovazione nel teatro strapieno].


I Doors suonarono con precisione, quella sera. Nella scaletta del primo show c'erano pezzi nuovi come Peace Frog, Blue Sunday e Ship Of Fools. Il giovane pubblico, ormai figlio degli Zeppelin, non li aveva ancora sentiti e non amava Jim che sussurrava Blue Sunday. Chiedevano tutti a gran voce Light My Fire e andarono in visibilio quando finalmente fu eseguita. Il bis fu una Soul Kitchen da urlo. Nell'intervallo tra i due show qualcosa infastidì Jim dietro le quinte, ma nessuno sapeva cosa, dato che era arrivato per conto suo, con il suo staff, e a nessuno era permesso entrare nel suo camerino. Quando salì sul palco per il secondo show, brontolò: "Be', è andato tutto a p*****e, come al solito".

Lo spettacolo fu una lezione di R&B alla Doors: Crawling King Snake, Build Me A Woman, Back Door Man. Non suonarono nulla da The Soft Parade, sebbene avessero tentato Wild Child un paio di volte prima di lasciar perdere. Jim fece commenti sarcastici su New York, mostrando al pubblico un sottile spinello lanciatogli da qualcuno e dicendo che era una tipica canna newyorkese. Poi alcuni ragazzi salirono sul palco e, dopo che furono trascinati via, Jim disse: "Tipico di New York. Gli unici a saltare sul palco sono i maschi".

Terminarono con una The End da brivido: nell'introduzione Ray suonava i campanelli e Jim gridava: "Portate fuori i morti!", con una voce impastata di whisky, come un raccoglitore di cadaveri durante la peste nera. A quel punto, il viaggio spirituale che si conclude con il parricidio e l'incesto poteva diventare anche una specie di scherzo. Quando l'assassino si svegliava prima dell'alba, i ragazzi in prima fila strillarono: "He put his boots on!". Difficile proseguire su quella falsariga, perciò Jim sfoderò il suo tono ironico finché non arrivò alla porta. Robby suonò la sua canzone della capra andalusa. "Ehi vecchio idiota... Ti voglio ammazzare... Donna? Ti voglio... S*****E, MAMMA, TUTTA LA NOTTE." La band rimase in sordina per un attimo, poi esplose in un rumore bianco sotto gli spaventosi ululati di Jim, che si gettò a terra contorcendosi come in preda a un'atroce agonia.

Gli show di New York venivano registrati, perciò la sera dopo, domenica 18 Gennaio, i Doors riscaldarono l'ambiente con Roadhouse Blues e l'indiavolato funky di Peace Frog, quindi divagarono con chicche come Moonlight Drive e l'intera Celebration Of The Lizard. Jim riuscì a zittire completamente il turbolento pubblico: ("Basta. Basta, adesso. Zitti. Abbiate un pò di rispetto. Mostrate un pò di rispetto. Zitti.") Le sue tecniche di controllo del pubblico funzionavano sempre bene. Quando la sala fu silenziosa come una chiesa, attaccò "When I Was Back There in Seminary School", e la folla scoppiò in un applauso fragoroso e spontaneo che coprì persino il numero del radiopredicatore folle. La registrazione di quest'ultimo show documenta che, dopo aver pronunciato "I tell you we must die" durante Alabama Song, Jim aggiunse, lontano dal microfono: "Speriamo di no".

peccato per il link in alto (che si rimuove facilmente)

però è uno dei miei wall preferiti




Che link in alto? ^_^

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una delle mie preferite:


Five to one, baby

one in five

no one here gets out alive

now, you get yours, baby

I'll get mine

gonna make it baby if we try


The old get old, baby

and the young get stronger

may take a week and it may take longer

they got the guns but, we got the numbers

gonna win yeah, we're TAKIN OVER!

come on


Your ballroom days are over, baby

night is drawin near

shadows of the evenings

crawl across the years

you walk across the floor

with a flower in your hand

tryin to tell me no one understands

trade in your hours for a handful of dimes

gonna make it baby in our prime

come together one more time

come together one more time


get together one more time

get together one more time

get together one more time

get together one more time

get together one more time

get together one more time

get together one more time.......


Che link in alto? ^_^


se apri il link lo vedi

è sopra il testone di Jim

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Qua la versione del concerto di Miami (la qualità è pessima), in un concerto storico.


A proposito del concerto di Miami, cito frase storica, ripoposta anche nel film di Stone:

"Adolf Hitler è vivo e vegeto e vive a Miami.... lo so perchè me lo sono scopato ieri sera..."

J.D.M. Miami, Marzo 1969


si faceva anche con l anteprima di OSX ma non credo che andrefg di Deviantart

ne sarebbe contento


meglio toglierlo per non avere problemi

ci pensi tu?


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chissà poi se è morto davvero

quando ho visto

ho avuto la pelle d oca


vi immaginate????


Io penso che Jim sia morto. Vero che ci sono molte "cose" strane ed ambigue riguardo la sua morte, ma penso sia davvero morto. Anche se lui vorrebbe essere ancora qua. Si consolerà col fatto che sarà insieme ad altri fantastici artisti come Jimi Hendryx, Janis Joplin, Elvis, etc. etc.


si faceva anche con l anteprima di OSX ma non credo che andrefg di Deviantart

ne sarebbe contento


meglio toglierlo per non avere problemi

ci pensi tu?


Mi sono perso qualcosa?


A proposito del concerto di Miami, cito frase storica, ripoposta anche nel film di Stone:

"Adolf Hitler è vivo e vegeto e vive a Miami.... lo so perchè me lo sono scopato ieri sera..."

J.D.M. Miami, Marzo 1969




Sai che coppia? :P

A parte gli scherzi, Jim odiava la guerra e odiava gli uomini che facevano la guerra (sono quasi convinto che odiasse anche suo padre). The Unknown Soldier ne era la prova, vero e proprio pezzo di propaganda contro la guerra, un'opera d'arte che richiedeva immediata attenzione da parte dei giovani, a cui si rivolgeva. I Doors (poiché nessun'altra band avrebbe potuto farlo) composero una canzone (e poi un filmato) devastante, violenta e incredibilmente esplicita.

Descriveva l'esperienza della violenza bellica vista in TV, e la morte di un soldato, un soldato qualunque mandato nella nebbia della guerra, agli ordini di vecchi uomini con un'ideologia da difendere.

In seguito i Doors avrebbero trasformato l'esecuzione dal vivo della canzone in una recita, con una scena che comprendeva una finta fucilazione. Eccola

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Car mojo, pur adorando i Doors, preferisco non partecipare, considerando quello un capitolo chiuso della mia vita; purtroppo pur rimanendo artisticamente uno dei ricordi più belli della mia vita, dal punto di vista sentimentale è legato ad un dolorosissimo lutto (un amico fraterno) per cui ancora leggere, vedere ed ascoltare riapre la ferita.


Un saluto a tutti gli appassionati.



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Car mojo, pur adorando i Doors, preferisco non partecipare, considerando quello un capitolo chiuso della mia vita; purtroppo pur rimanendo artisticamente uno dei ricordi più belli della mia vita, dal punto di vista sentimentale è legato ad un dolorosissimo lutto (un amico fraterno) per cui ancora leggere, vedere ed ascoltare riapre la ferita.


Un saluto a tutti gli appassionati.




Mi dispiace.


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The Doors





01 - Break On Through (To The Other Side)


You know the day destroys the night

Night divides the day

Tried to run

Tried to hide

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side


We chased our pleasures here

Dug our treasures there

But can you still recall

The time we cried

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side


Everybody loves my baby

Everybody loves my baby

She gets, she gets

She gets, she gets


I found an island in your arms

A country in your eyes

Arms that chain us

Eyes that lied

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side


Made the scene from week to week

Day to day, hour to hour

The gate is straight

Deep and wide

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side

Break on through to the other side

Break on through, break on through

Break on through, break on through

Yeah, yeah, yeah,

Yeah, yeah, yeah, . . .


02 - Soul Kitchen


Well, the clock says it's time to close now

I guess I'd better go now

I'd really like to stay here all night


The cars crawl past all stuffed with eyes

Street lights share their hollow glow

Your brain seems bruised with numb surprise


Still one place to go

Still one place to go


Let me sleep all night in your soul kitchen

Warm my mind near your gentle stove

Turn me out and I'll wander, baby

Stumbling in the neon groves


Your fingers weave quick minarets

Speak in secret alphabets

I light another cigarette

Learn to forget, learn to forget

Learn to forget, learn to forget


Let me sleep all night in your soul kitchen

Warm my mind near your gentle stove

Turn me out and I'll wander, baby

Stumbling in the neon groves


Well the clock says it's time to close now

I know I have to go now

I really want to stay here all night

All night

All night


03 - The Crystal Ship


Before you slip into unconsciousness

I'd like to have another kiss

Another flashing chance at bliss

Another kiss

Another kiss


The days are bright and filled with pain

Enclose me in your gentle rain

The time you ran was too insane

We'll meet again

We'll meet again


Oh tell me where your freedom lies

The streets are fields that never die

Deliver me from reasons why

You'd rather cry

I'd rather fly


The crystal ship is being filled

A thousand girls, a thousand thrills

A million ways to spend your time

When we get back

I'll drop a line


04 - Twentieth Century Fox


Well, she's fashionably lean

And she's fashionably late

She'll never rank a scene

She'll never break a date

But she's no drag

Just watch the way she walks


She's a twentieth century fox

She's a twentieth century fox


No tears, no fears

No ruined years

No clocks

She's a twentieth century fox


She's the queen of cool

And she's the lady who waits

Since her mind left school

It never hesitates

She won't waste time

On elementary talk


'Cause she's a twentieth century fox

She's a twentieth century fox


Got the world locked up

Inside a plastic box

She's a twentieth century fox, oh yeah

Twentieth century fox, oh yeah

Twentieth century fox

She's a twentieth century fox


05 - Alabama Song (Whisky Bar)


Well, show me the way

To the next whiskey bar

Oh, don't ask why

Oh, don't ask why


Show me the way

To the next whiskey bar

Oh, don't ask why

Oh, don't ask why


For if we don't find

The next whiskey bar

I tell you we must die

I tell you we must die

I tell you, I tell you

I tell you we must die


Oh, moon of Alabama

We now must say goodbye

We've lost our good old mama

And must have whiskey, oh, you know why


Oh, moon of Alabama

We now must say good-bye

We've lost our good old mama

And must have whiskey, oh, you know why


Well, show me the way

To the next little girl

Oh, don't ask why

Oh, don't ask why


Show me the way

To the next little girl

Oh, don't ask why

Oh, don't ask why


For if we don't find

The next little girl

I tell you we must die

I tell you we must die

I tell you, I tell you

I tell you we must die


Oh, moon of Alabama

We now must say goodbye

We've lost our good old mama

And must have whiskey, oh, you know why


06 - Light My Fire


You know that it would be untrue

You know that I would be a liar

If I was to say to you

Girl, we couldn't get much higher


Come on baby, light my fire

Come on baby, light my fire

Try to set the night on fire


The time to hesitate is through

No time to wallow in the mire

Try now we can only lose

And our love become a funeral pyre


Come on baby, light my fire

Come on baby, light my fire

Try to set the night on fire, yeah


The time to hesitate is through

No time to wallow in the mire

Try now we can only lose

And our love become a funeral pyre


Come on baby, light my fire

Come on baby, light my fire

Try to set the night on fire


You know that it would be untrue

You know that I would be a liar

If I was to say to you

Girl, we couldn't get much higher


Come on baby, light my fire

Come on baby, light my fire

Try to set the night on fire


Try to set the night on fire

Try to set the night on fire

Try to set the night on fire


07 - Back Door Man

Whoa, yeah!

C'mon, yeah

Yeah, c'mon, yeah

Yeah, c'mon

Oh, yeah, ma


Yeah, I'm a back door man

I'm a back door man

The men don't know

But the little girls understand


Hey, all you people that tryin' to sleep

I'm out to make it with my midnight dream, yeah

'Cause I'm a back door man

The men don't know

But the little girls understand

All right, yeah


You men eat your dinner

Eat your pork and beans

I eat more chicken

Than any man ever seen, yeah, yeah


I'm a back door man, what

The men don't know

But the little girsl understand


Well, I'm a back door man

I'm a back door man

Whoa, baby, I'm a back door man

The men don't know

But the little girls understand


08 - I Looked At You

I looked at you

You looked me

I smiled at you

You smiled at me


And we're on our way

No we can't turn back

Yeah, we're on our way

And we can't turn back

'Cause it's too late

Too late, too late

Too late, too late


And we're on our way

No we can't turn back

Yeah, we're on our way

And we can't turn back


I walked with you

You walked with me

I talked to you

You talked to me


And we're on our way

No, we can't turn back

Yeah, we're on our way

And we can't turn back

'Cause it's too late

Too late, too late

Too late, too late


And we're on our way

No, we can't turn back

Yeah, we're on our way

And we can't turn back

'Cause it's too late

Too late, too late

Too late, too late


09 - End Of The Night


Take the highway to the end of the night

End of the night

End of the night

Take a journey to the bright midnight

End of the night

End of the night


Realms of bliss

Realms of light

Some are born to sweet delight

Some are born to sweet delight

Some are born to the endless night


End of the night

End of the night

End of the night

End of the night


Realms of bliss

Realms of light

Some are born to sweet delight

Some are born to sweet delight

Some are born to the endless night


End of the night

End of the night

End of the night

End of the night


10 - Take It As It Comes


Time to live

Time to lie

Time to laugh

Time to die


Take it easy, baby

Take it as it comes

Don't move too fast if you want your love to last

You've been movin' much too fast


Time to walk

Time to run

Time to aim your arrows

At the sun


Take it easy, baby

Take it as it comes

Don't move too fast if you want your love to last

You've been movin' much too fast


Go real slow

You like it more and more

Take it as it comes

Specialize in havin' fun


Take it easy, baby

Take it as it comes

Don't move too fast if you want your love to last

You've been movin' much too fast

Movin' much too fast

Movin' much too fast


11 - The End


This is the end, beautiful friend

This is the end, my only friend

The end of our elaborate plans

The end of everything that stands

The end


No safety or surprise

The end

I'll never look into your eyes again


Can you picture what will be

So limitless and free

Desperately in need of some stranger's hand

In a desperate land


Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain

And all the children are insane

All the children are insane

Waiting for the summer rain

There's danger on the edge of town

Ride the King's highway

Weird scenes inside the gold mine

Ride the highway West, baby


Ride the snake

Ride the snake

To the lake

To the lake


The ancient lake, baby

The snake is long

Seven miles

Ride the snake


He's old

And his skin is cold

The West is the best

The West is the best

Get here and we'll do the rest


The blue bus is calling us

The blue bus is calling us

Driver, where are you taking us?


The killer awoke before dawn

He put his boots on

He took a face from the ancient gallery

And he walked on down the hall


He went into the room where his sister lived

And then he paid a visit to his brother

And then he walked on down the hall

And he came to a door

And he looked inside


Yes son?

I want to kill you

Mother, I want to. . .


C'mon baby, take a chance with us

C'mon baby, take a chance with us

C'mon baby, take a chance with us

And meet me at the back of the blue bus


This is the end, beautiful friend

This is the end, my only friend

The end


It hurts to set you free

But you'll never follow me


The end of laughter and soft lies

The end of nights we tried to die


This is the end


Strange Days





01 - Strange Days


Strange days have found us

Strange days have tracked us down

They're going to destroy our casual joys

We shall go on playing or find a new town


Strange eyes fill strange rooms

Voices will signal their tired end

The hostess is grinning

Her guests sleep from sinning

Hear me talk of sin and you know this is it


Strange days have found us

And through their strange hours

We linger alone

Bodies confused

Memories misused

As we run from the day

To a strange night of stone


02 - You're Lost Little Girl

You're lost, little girl

You're lost, little girl

You're lost

Tell me who are you?


Think that you know what to do

Impossible yes

But it's true


I think that you know what to do


Sure that you know what to do


You're lost, little girl

You're lost, little girl

You're lost

Tell me who are you?


Think that you know what to do

Impossible yes

But it's true


I think that you know what to do


Sure that you know what to do


You're lost, little girl

You're lost, little girl

You're lost


03 - Love Me Two Times


Love me two times, baby

Love me twice today

Love me two times, girl

I'm goin' away


Love me two times, girl

One for tomorrow

One just for today

Love me two times

I'm goin' away


Love me one time

I could not speak

Love me one time

Yeah, my knees got weak


Love me two times, girl

Last me all through the week

Love me two times

I'm goin' away

Love me two times

I'm goin' away


Love me one time

I could not speak

Love me one time

Yeah, my knees got weak


Love me two times, girl

Last me all through the week

Love me two times

I'm goin' away

Love me two times

I'm goin' away


Love me two times, baby

Love me twice today

Love me two times, girl

I'm goin' away


Love me two times, girl

One for tomorrow

One just for today

Love me two times

I'm goin' away


Love me two times, baby

Love me twice today

Love me two times, girl

I'm goin' away

04 - Unhappy Girl

Unhappy girl

Left all alone

Playing solitaire

Playing warden to your soul

You are locked in a prison of your own devise

And you can't believe what it does to me

To see you cryin'


Unhappy girl

Tear your web away

Saw thru all your bars

Melt your cell today

You are caught in a prison of your own devise


Unhappy girl

Fly fast away

Don't miss your chance

To swim in mystery

You are dying in a prison of your own device


05 - Horse Latitudes


When the still sea conspires an armor

And her sullen and aborted

Currents breed tiny monsters

True sailing is dead


Awkward instant

And the first animal is jettisoned

Legs furiously pumping

Their stiff green gallop

And heads bob up





In mute nostril agony

Carefully refined

And sealed over


06 - Moonlight Drive

Let's swim to the moon


Let's climb thru the tide

Penetrate the evenin' that the city sleeps to hide


Let's swim out tonight, love

It's our turn to try

Parked beside the ocean

On our moonlight drive


Let's swim to the moon


Let's climb thru the tide

Surrender to the waiting worlds that lap against our side


Nothin' left open

And no time to decide

We've stepped into a river

On our moonlight drive


Let's swim to the moon

Let's climb thru the tide

You reach a hand to hold me

But I can't be your guide


Easy to love you as I watch you glide

Falling through wet forests

On our moonlight drive

Moonlight drive


C'mon, baby, gonna take a little ride

Goin' down by the ocean side

Gonna get real close

Get real tight

Baby gonna drown tonight

Goin' down, down, down


07 - People Are Strange


People are strange when you're a stranger

Faces look ugly when you're alone

Women seem wicked when you're unwanted

Streets are uneven when you're down


When you're strange

Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange

No one remembers your name


When you're strange

When you're strange

When you're strange


People are strange when you're a stranger

Faces look ugly when you're alone

Women seem wicked when you're unwanted

Streets are uneven when you're down


When you're strange

Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange

No one remembers your name


When you're strange

When you're strange

When you're strange


08 - My Eyes Have Seen You


My eyes have seen you

My eyes have seen you

My eyes have seen you

Stand in your door

Meet inside

Show me some more

Show me some more

Show me some more


My eyes have seen you

My eyes have seen you

My eyes have seen you

Turn and stare

Fix your hair

Move upstairs

Move upstairs

Move upstairs


My eyes have seen you

My eyes have seen you

My eyes have seen you

Free from disguise

Gazing on a city

Under television skies

Television skies

Television skies


My eyes have seen you

My eyes have seen you

Eyes have seen you

Let them photograph your soul

Memorize your alleys

On an endless roll

Endless roll

Endless roll

Endless roll


09 - I Can't See Your Face In My Mind


I can't see your face in my mind

I can't see your face in my mind

Carnival dogs consume the lines

Can't see your face in my mind


Don't you cry


Please don't cry

And don't look at me with your eyes


I can't seem to find the right lie

I can't seem to find the right lie


Insanity's horse adorns the sky

Can't seem to find the right lie


Carnival dogs consume the lines

Can't see your face in my mind


Don't you cry


Please don't cry

I won't need your picture

Until we say goodbye


10 - When the Music's Over


Yeah, c'mon


When the music's over

When the music's over here

When the music's over

Turn out the lights

Turn out the lights

Turn out the lights


When the music's over

When the music's over

When the music's over

Turn out the lights

Turn out the lights

Turn out the lights


For the music is your special friend

Dance on fire as it intends

Music is your only friend

Until the end

Until the end

Until the end


Cancel my subscription to the resurrection

Send my credentials to the house of detention

I got some friends inside


The face in the mirror won't stop

The girl in the window won't drop

A feast of friends alive she cried

Waiting for me outside


Before I sink into the big sleep

I want to hear

I want to hear

The scream of the butterfly


Come back, baby

Back into my arms


We're getting tired of hangin' around

Waitin' around

With our heads to the ground


I hear a very gentle sound

Very near

Yet very far

Very soft

Yet very clear

Come today

Come today


What have they done to the earth?

What have they done to our fair sister?


Ravaged and plundered

And ripped her

And bit her

Stuck her with knives

In the side of the dawn

And tied her with fences

And dragged her down


I hear a very gentle sound

With your ear down to the ground—

We want the world and we want it,

We want the world and we want it, now

Now? Now!


Persian night! babe

See the light! babe

Save us!


Save us!


So when the music's over

When the music's over, yeah

When the music's over

Turn out the light

Turn out the light


For the music is your special friend

Dance on fire as it intends

Music is your only friend

Until the end

Until the end

Until the end


So when the music's over

When the music's over, yeah

When the music's over

Turn out the light

Turn out the light


Waiting For The Sun





01 - Hello, I Love You

Hello, I love you

Won't you tell me your name?

Hello, I love you

Let me jump in your game

Hello, I love you

Won't you tell me your name?

Hello, I love you

Let me jump in your game


She's walking down the street

Blind to every eye she meets

Do you think you'll be the guy

To make the queen of the angels sigh?


Hello, I love you

Won't you tell me your name?

Hello, I love you

Let me jump in your game

Hello, I love you

Won't you tell me your name?

Hello, I love you

Let me jump in your game


She holds her head so high

Like a statue in the sky

Her arms are wicked, and her legs are long

When she moves my brain screams out this song


Sidewalk crouches at her feet

Like a dog that begs for something sweet

Do you hope to make her see, you fool?

Do you hope to pluck this dusky jewel?


Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello

I want you


I need my baby

Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello


02 - Love Street


She lives on Love Street

Lingers long on Love Street

She has a house and garden

I would like to see what happens


She has robes and she has monkeys

Lazy diamond studded flunkies

She has wisdom and knows what to do

She has me and she has you


She has wisdom and knows what to do

She has me and she has you


I see you live on Love Street

There's this store where the creatures meet

I wonder what they do in there

Summer Sunday and a year

I guess I like it fine, so far


She lives on Love Street

Lingers long on Love Street

She has a house and garden

I would like to see what happens


La, la, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la, la


03 - Not To Touch The Earth


Not to touch the earth

Not to see the sun

Nothing left to do, but

Run, run, run

Let's run

Let's run


House upon the hill

Moon is lying still

Shadows of the trees

Witnessing the wild breeze

C'mon baby run with me

Let's run


Run with me

Run with me

Run with me

Let's run


The mansion is warm, at the top of the hill

Rich are the rooms and the comforts there

Red are the arms of luxuriant chairs

And you won't know a thing till you get inside


Dead president's corpse in the driver's car

The engine runs on glue and tar

Come on along, not goin' very far

To the East to meet the Czar


Run with me

Run with me

Run with me

Let's run




Some outlaws lived by the side of a lake

The minister's daughter's in love with the snake

Who lives in a well by the side of the road

Wake up, girl, we're almost home


Ya, c'mon!


We should see the gates by mornin'

We should be inside the evenin'


Sun, sun, sun

Burn, burn, burn

Soon, soon, soon

Moon, moon, moon

I will get you





I am the Lizard King

I can do anything


04 - Summer's Almost Gone


Summer's almost gone

Summer's almost gone

Almost gone

Yeah, it's almost gone

Where will we be

When the summer's gone?


Morning found us calmly unaware

Noon burn gold into our hair

At night, we swim the laughin' sea

When summer's gone

Where will we be

Where will we be

Where will we be


Morning found us calmly unaware

Noon burn gold into our hair

At night, we swim the laughin' sea

When summer's gone

Where will we be


Summer's almost gone

Summer's almost gone

We had some good times

But they're gone

The winter's comin' on

Summer's almost gone


05 - Wintertime Love


Wintertime winds blow cold the season

Fallen in love, I'm hopin' to be

Wind is so cold, is that the reason?

Keeping you warm, your hands touching me


Come with me dance, my dear

Winter's so cold this year

You are so warm

My wintertime love to be


Winter time winds blue and freezin'

Comin' from northern storms in the sea

Love has been lost, is that the reason?

Trying desperately to be free


Come with me dance, my dear

Winter's so cold this year

And you are so warm

My wintertime love to be


La, la, la, la


Come with me dance, my dear

Winter's so cold this year

You are so warm

My wintertime love to be


06 - The Unknown Soldier


Wait until the war is over

And we're both a little older

The unknown soldier


Breakfast where the news is read

Television children fed

Unborn living, living, dead

Bullet strikes the helmet's head


And it's all over

For the unknown soldier

It's all over

For the unknown soldier




Hut ho hee up



Hut ho hee up



Hut ho hee up






Make a grave for the unknown soldier

Nestled in your hollow shoulder

The unknown soldier


Breakfast where the news is read

Television children fed

Bullet strikes the helmet's head


And, it's all over

The war is over

It's all over

The war is over

Well, all over, baby

All over, baby

Oh, over, yeah

All over, baby

Wooooo, hah-hah

All over

All over, baby

Oh, woa-yeah

All over

All over


07 - Spanish Caravan


Carry me Caravan take me away

Take me to Portugal, take me to Spain

Andalusia with fields full of grain

I have to see you again and again

Take me, Spanish Caravan

Yes, I know you can


Trade winds find Galleons lost in the sea

I know where treasure is waiting for me

Silver and gold in the mountains of Spain

I have to see you again and again

Take me, Spanish Caravan

Yes, I know you can


08 - My Wild Love

My wild love went ridin'

She rode all the day

She wrote to the devil

And asked him to pay

The devil was wiser

It's time to repent

He asked her to give back

The money she spent


My wild love went ridin'

She rode to the sea

She gathered together

Some shells for her head

She rode and she rode on

She rode for a while

Then stopped for an evenin'

And lay her head down


She rode on to Christmas

She rode to the farm

She rode to Japan

And we entered a town

By this time the river

Had changed one degree

She asked for the people

To let her go free


My wild love is crazy

She screams like a bird

She moans like a cat

When she wants to be heard

My wild love went ridin'

She rode for an hour

She rode and she rested

And then she rode on

Ride, c'mon


09 - We Could Be So Good Together

We could be so good together

Ya, so good together

We could be so good together

Ya, we could, I know we could


Tell you lies

I tell you wicked lies

Tell you lies

Tell you wicked lies


Tell you 'bout the world that we'll invent

Wanton world without lament

Enterprise, expedition

Invitation and invention


Ya, so good together

Ah, so good together

We could be so good together

Ya, we could, know we could




Do da do do do do do bup bup de day


We could be so good together

Ya, so good together

We could be so good together

Ya, we could, know we could


Tell you lies

Tell you wicked lies

Tell you lies

Tell you wicked lies


The time you wait subtracts the joy

Beheads the angels you destroy

Angels fight, angels cry

Angels dance and angels die


Ya, so good together

Ah, but so good together

We could be so good together Ya, we could, know we could


10 - Yes, The River Knows


Please believe me

The river told me

Very softly

Want you to hold me, ooo


Free fall flow, river flow

On and on it goes

Breath under water 'till the end

Free fall flow, river flow

On and on it goes

Breath under water 'till the end

Yes, the river knows


Please believe me

If you don't need me

I'm going, but I need a little time

I promised I would drown myself in mysticated wine


Please believe me

The river told me

Very softly

Want you to hold me, ooo


I'm going, but I need a little time

I promised I would drown myself in mysticated wine


Free fall flow, river flow

On and on it goes

Breath under water 'till the end

Free fall flow, river flow

On and on it goes

Breath under water 'till the end


11 - Five To One


Yeah, c'mon

Love my girl

She lookin' good


One more


Five to one, baby

One in five

No one here gets out alive, now

You get yours, baby

I'll get mine

Gonna make it, baby

If we try


The old get old

And the young get stronger

May take a week

And it may take longer

They got the guns

But we got the numbers

Gonna win, yeah

We're takin' over

Come on!




Your ballroom days are over, baby

Night is drawing near

Shadows of the evening crawl across the years

Ya walk across the floor with a flower in your hand

Trying to tell me no one understands

Trade in your hours for a handful dimes

Gonna' make it, baby, in our prime


Come together one more time

Get together one more time

Get together one more time

Get together, aha

Get together one more time!

Get together one more time!

Get together one more time

Get together one more time

Get together, gotta, get together




Hey, c'mon, honey

You won't have along wait for me, baby

I'll be there in just a little while

You see, I gotta go out in this car with these people and...


Get together one more time

Get together one more time

Get together, got to

Get together, got to

Get together, got to

Take you up in my room and...


Love my girl

She lookin' good, lookin' real good

Love ya, c'mon


The Soft Parade





01 - Tell All The People


Tell all the people that you see

Follow me

Follow me down

Tell all the people that you see

Set them free

Follow me down


You tell them they don't have to run

We're gonna pick up everyone

Come on, take me by the hand

Gonna bury all our troubles in the sand,

Oh yeah


Can't you see the wonder at your feet

Your life's complete

Follow me down

Can't you see me growing, get your guns

The time has come

To follow me down


Follow me across the sea

Where milky babies seem to be

Molded, flowing revelry

With the one that set them free


Tell all the people that you see

It's just me

Follow me down


Tell all the people that you see

Follow me

Follow me down

Tell all the people that you see

We'll be free

Follow me down


Tell all the people that you see

It's just me

Follow me down

Tell all the people that you see

Follow me

Follow me down


Follow me down You got to follow me down

Follow me down

Tell all the people that you see

We'll be free

Follow me down


02 - Touch Me


C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon now

Touch me, babe

Can't you see that I am not afraid?

What was that promise that you made?

Why won't you tell me what she said?

What was that promise that she made?


Now, I'm gonna love you

Till the heavens stop the rain

I'm gonna love you

Till the stars fall from the sky

For you and I


C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon now

Now touch me, baby

Can't you see that I am not afraid?

What was that promise that you made?

Why won't you tell me what she said?

What was that promise that she made?


I'm gonna love you

Till the heavens stop the rain

I'm gonna love you

Till the stars fall from the sky for you and I I'm gonna love you

Till the heavens stop the rain

I'm gonna love you

Till the stars fall from the sky

For you and I


03 - Shaman's Blues


There will never be

Another one like you

There will never be

Another one who can

Do the things you do, Oh


Will you give another chance?

Will you try a little try?

Please stop and you'll remember

We were together


All right!


Now, if you have a certain evening

You could lend to me

I'd give it all right back to you

Know how it has to be, with you

I know your moods

And your mind

And your mind

And your mind

And your mind

And your mind


Will you stop and think and wonder?

Just what you'll see

Out on the train-yard

Nursing penitentiary

It's gone

I cry out long


Go head, brother


Did you stop to consider

How it will feel,

Cold grinding grizzly bear jaws

Hot on your heels


Do you often stop and whisper

It's Saturday's shore

The whole world's a savior,

Who could ever ever ever ever, ever, ever

Ask for more?


Do you remember?

Will you stop?

Will you stop, the pain?


There will never be another one

Like you

There will never be

Another one who can

Do the things you do, Oh


Will you give another chance?

Will you try, a little try?

Please stop and you'll remember

We were together


All right


How you must think and wonder

How I must feel

Out on the meadows

While you're on the field

I'm alone for you

And I cry


"He's sweatin', look at him...

optical promise...

you'll be dead and in hell before

I'm born...

sure thing...bridesmaid...

the only solution...

Isn't it amazing?"


04 - Do It


Ha, ha, ha, ha


Please me, yeah

Please baby

Please, please


Please, please listen to me children

Please, please listen to me children

Please, please listen to me children

Please, please listen to me children

You are the ones who will rule the world


Listen to me children

Listen to me children

Please, please, listen to me children

Please, please, listen to me children

You are the ones who will rule the world


You gotta please me

All night

Please, please listen to me children

Said please, please, listen to me children

Please, yeah, please me

I'm askin' you


Please, please listen to me children

Please, please listen to me children

Please, please listen to me children

Please, my children

Please, children




05 - Easy Ride


And I know

It will be

An easy ride, all right

And I know

It will be

An easy ride, okay


The mask that you wore

My fingers would explore

The costume of control

Excitement soon unfolds


And I know

It will be

An easy ride, yeah

Joy, fought vaguely

With your pride

With your pride


Like polished stone

Like polished stone

I see your eyes

Like burnin' glass

Like burnin' glass

I hear you smile,

Smile, babe


The mask that you wore

My fingers would explore

The costume of control

Excitement soon unfolds


Easy, baby


Coda queen--be my bride

Rage in darkness by my side

Seize the summer in your pride

Take the winter in your stride


Let's ride

Easy, easy...

All right


06 - Wild Child

All right


Wild child full of grace

Savior of the human race

Your cool face


Natural child, terrible child

Not your mother's or your father's child

Your our child, screamin' wild


(An ancient lunatic reigns

in the trees of the night)


With hunger at her heels

And freedom in her eyes

She dances on her knees

Pirate prince at her side

Staring into the hollow idol's eye


Wild child full of grace

Savior of the human race

Your cool face

Your cool face

Your cool face


You remember when we were in Africa?


07 - Runnin' Blue


Poor Otis dead and gone

Left me here to sing his song

Pretty little girl with the red dress on

Poor Otis dead and gone


Back down, turn around slowly

Try it again, remembering when

It was easy, try it again

Much to easy, remembering when


All right, look at my shoes

Not quite the walkin' blues

Don't fight, too much to lose

Can't fight the runnin' blues


Well, I've got the runnin' blues

Runnin' away, back to L.A.

Got to find the dock on the bay

Maybe find it back in L.A.


Runnin' scared

Runnin' blue

Goin' so fast

What'll I do


Well, I've got the runnin' blues

Runnin' away, back to L.A.

Got to find the dock on the bay

Maybe find it back in L.A.


All right, look at my shoes

Not quite the walkin' blues

Don't fight, too much to lose

Can't fight the runnin' blues


All right, look at my shoes

Not quite the walkin' blues

Don't fight, too much to lose

Can't fight the runnin' blues


08 - Wishful Sinful


Wishful crystal

Water covers everything in blue

Cooling water


Wishful sinful

Our love is beautiful to see

I know where I would like to be

Right back where I came


Wishful, sinful, wicked blue

Water covers you

Wishful, sinful, wicked you

Can't escape the blue


Magic rising

Sun is shining deep beneath the sea

But not enough for you and me and sunshine

Love to hear the wind cry


Wishful sinful

Our love is beautiful to see

I know where I would like to be

Right back where I came


Wishful, sinful, wicked blue

Water covers you

Wishful, sinful, wicked you

Can't escape the blue


Love to hear the wind cry

Love to hear you cry, yeah, yeah


09 - The Soft Parade

When I was back there in seminary school

There was a person there

Who put forth the proposition

That you can petition the Lord with prayer

Petition the lord with prayer

Petition the lord with prayer

You cannot petition the lord with prayer!


Can you give me sanctuary

I must find a place to hide

A place for me to hide


Can you find me soft asylum

I can't make it anymore

The Man is at the door


Peppermint miniskirts, chocolate candy

Champion sax and a girl named Sandy

There's only four ways to get unraveled

One is to sleep and the other is travel

One is a bandit up in the hills

One is to love your neighbor till

His wife gets home



Nursery bones

Winter women Growing stones

(Carrying babies to the river)


Streets and shoes, Avenues

Leather riders selling news

(The monk bought lunch)


Successful hills are here to stay

Everything must be this way

Gentle streets where people play

Welcome to the Soft Parade


All our lives we sweat and save

Building for a shallow grave

Must be something else we say

Somehow to defend this place

(Everything must be this way

Everything must be this way)


The Soft Parade has now begun

Listen to the engines hum

People out to have some fun

A cobra on my left

Leopard on my right, yeah


Deer woman in a silk dress

Girls with beads about their necks

Kiss the hunter of the green vest

Who has wrestled before

With lions in the night


Out of sight!

The lights are getting brighter

The radio is moaning

Calling to the dogs

There are still a few animals

Left out in the yard

But it's getting harder

To describe sailors

To the underfed


Tropic corridor

Tropic treasure

What got us this far

To this mild equator


We need someone or something new

Something else to get us through


Calling on the dogs

Calling on the dogs

Calling on the dogs

Calling on the dogs

Calling in the dogs

Calling all the dogs

Calling on the gods

Meet me at the crossroads

Meet me at the edge of town

Outskirts of the city

Just you and I

And the evening sky

You'd better come alone

You'd better bring your gun

We're gonna have some fun


When all else fails

We can whip the horses' eyes

And make them sleep

And cry....

Morrison Hotel





01 - Roadhouse Blues


Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel

Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel

Yeah, we're goin' to the Roadhouse

Gonna have a real

Good time


Yeah, in back of the Roadhouse they got some bungalows

Yeah, in back of the Roadhouse they got some bungalows

And that's for the people

Who like to go down slow


Let it roll, baby, roll

Let it roll, baby, roll

Let it roll, baby, roll

Let it roll, all night long



Ashen lady, Ashen lady

Give up your vows, give up your vows

Save our city, save our city

Right now


Well, I woke up this morning, I got myself a beer

Yeah, I woke up this morning, and I got myself a beer

The future's uncertain, and the end is always near


Let it roll, baby, roll

Let it roll, baby, roll

Let it roll, baby, roll

Let it roll, all night long


02 - Waiting For The Sun


At first flash of Eden, We race down to the sea.

Standing there on freedom's shore.


Waiting for the sun. Waiting for the sun. Waiting for the sun.


Can you feel it, now that spring has come?

That it's time to live In the scattered sun.


Waiting for the sun. Waiting for the sun. Waiting for the sun.

Waiting for the sun.



Waiting for you to

Come along.


Waiting for you to

Hear my song.


Waiting for you to come along.

Waiting for you to Tell me what went wrong.


This is the strangest life I've ever known.


Can't you feel it, now that spring has come?

That it's time to live In the scattered sun.


Waiting for the sun. Waiting for the sun. Waiting for the sun. Waiting for the sun


03 - You Make Me Real


I really want you, really do.

Really need you baby, God knows I do.

'Cause I'm not real enough without you;

Oh, what can I do? You make me real.

You make me feel like lovers feel.

You make me throw away mistake and misery.

Make me free, love, make me free.

I really want you, really do.

Really need you baby, really do.

Well I'm not real enough without you;

Oh, what can I do?


You make me real.

Only you, baby have that appeal.


So let me slide in your tender sunken sea.

Make me free, love, make me free.

Roll now, baby, roll

Well, roll now, baby, roll

You gotta roll now, baby, roll

Roll now, honey, roll

You gotta roll now, baby, roll

Make me free

You make me real.

You make me feel like lovers feel.

You make me throw away mistake and misery.

Make me free, love, make me free.

Make me free, You make me free.


04 - Peace Frog


There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles

There's blood on the streets, it's up to my knee

Blood on the streets in the town of Chicago

Blood on the rise, it's following me

She came...

Just about the break of day


She came, then she drove away

Sunlight in her hair


Blood in the streets runs a river of sadness

Blood in the streets it's up to my thigh

The river runs down the legs of the city

The women are crying red rivers of weeping


She came into town and then she drove away

Sunlight in her hair


Indians scattered on dawn's highway bleeding

Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile egg-shell mind


Blood in the streets in the town of New Haven

Blood stains the roofs and the palm trees of Venice

Blood in my love in the terrible summer

Bloody red sun of phantastic L.A.


Blood screams her brain as they chop off her fingers

Blood will be born in the birth of a nation

Blood is the rose of mysterious union


There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles

Blood in the streets, it's up to my knee

Blood in the streets of the town of Chicago

Blood on the rise, it's following me


05 - Blue Sunday


I found my own true love was on a blue Sunday.

She looked at me and told me I was the only one in the world.

Now I have found my girl.

My girl awaits for me in tender time.

My girl is mine, She is the world,

She is my girl.

My girl awaits for me in tender time.

My girl is mine, She is the world,She is my girl.


06 - Ship Of Fools


The human race was dying out.

No one left to scream and shout.

People walking on the moon.

Smog will get you pretty soon.

Everyone was hangin' out.

Hangin' up and hangin' down.

Hangin' in and holdin' fast.

Hope our little world will last.

Along came Mr. Goodtrips Looking for a new a ship.

Come on, people, better climb on board.

Come on, baby, now we're going home.

Ship of fools, ship of fools.

The human race was dying out.

No one left to scream and shout.

People walking on the moon.

Smog gonna get you pretty soon.

Ship of fools, ship of fools. Ship of fools, ship of fools.

Ship of fools, ship of fools.

Ship of fools.

Yeah, climb on board Ship's gonna leave ya far behind

Climb on board

Ship of fools

ship of fool


07 - Land Ho!


Grandma loved a sailor who sailed the frozen sea.

Grandpa was that whaler and he took me on his knee.

He said, "Son, I'm goin' crazy From livin' on the land.

Got to find my shipmates and walk on foreign sands."

This old man was graceful, with silver in his smile.

He smoked a briar pipe and He walked for country miles.

Singing songs of shady sisters and old time liberty.

Songs of love and songs of death And songs to set men free.

I've got three ships and sixty men, A course for ports unread.

I'll stand at mast, let north winds blow Till half of us are dead.

Land ho!

Well, if I get my hands on a dollar bill, Gonna buy a bottle and drink my fill.

If I get my hands on a number five, Gonna skin that litlle girl alive.

If I get my hands on a number two, Come back home and marry you, marry you, marry you. All right! Land ho!

Yeah, land ho Yeah, land ho

Well, if I get back home And I feel all right

You know I'm gonna love you tonight

Love tonight Love tonight

Yeah, land ho!


08 - The Spy


I'm a spy in the house of love.

I know the dream, that you're dreamin' of.

I know the words that you long to hear.

I know your deepest, secret fear.

I'm a spy in the house of love.

I know the dream, that you're dreamin' of.

I know the words that you long to hear.

I know your deepest, secret fear.

I know ev'rything. Ev'rything you do. Ev'rywhere you go. Ev'ryone you know.


I'm a spy in the house of love.

I know the dreams, that you're dreamin' of.

I know the words that you long to hear.

I know your deepest, secret fear.

I know your deepest, secret fear.

I know your deepest, secret fear. I'm a spy, I can see you

What you do.

And I know.


09 - Queen Of The Highway


She was a princess, Queen of the highway

Sign on the road said: "Take us to Madre"

No one could save her, save the blind tiger

He was a monster, black dressed in leather

She was a princess, Queen of the highway


Now they are wedded, She is a good girl

Naked as children out in the meadow,

Naked as children, wild as can be,

Soon to have offspring, start it all over

Start at all over


American boy, American girl,

Most beautiful people in the world

Son of a frontier Indian swirl,

Dancing through the midnight whirl-pool


Hope it can

continue a little while longer


10 - Indian Summer


I love you, the best.

Better than all the rest.

I love you, the best.

Better than all the rest, That I meet in the summer.

Indian summer.

That I meet in the summer.

Indian summer.

I love you, the best.

Better than all the rest.


11 - Maggie M'Gill


Miss Maggie M'Gill she lived on a hill.

Her daddy got drunk and left her the will.

So she went down down to "Tangie Town."

People down there Really like to get it on.

Now if you're sad, And you're feeling blue.

Go out and buy a Brand new pair of shoes.

And you go down, Down to "Tangie Town."

The people down there really like to get it on.

Get it on. Illegitimate son Of a rock n' roll star.

Illegitimate son of a rock n' roll star.

Mom met dad in the back f a rock n' roll car.

Well, I'm an old blues man and I think that you understand.

I've been singing the blues ever since the world began.

Maggie, Maggie, Maggie M'Gill. Roll on, roll on, Maggie M'Gill.

Maggie, Maggie, Maggie M'Gill. Roll on, roll on, Maggie M'Gill.


L.A. Woman





01 - The Changeling






I live uptown

I live downtown

I live all around


I had money, and I had none

I had money, and I had none

But I never been so broke

That I couldn't leave town


I'm a Changeling

See me change

I'm a Changelin'

See me change


I'm the air you breath

Food you eat

Friends your greet

In the sullen street, wow


See me change

See me change, you


I live uptown

I live downtown

I live all around


I had money, yeah, and I had none

I had money, yeah, and I had none

But I never been so broke

That I couldn't leave town


Well, I'm the air you breath

Food you eat

Friends your greet

In the sullen street, wow


Ew ma!

Uh, ah!


You gotta see me change

See me change

Yeah, I'm leavin' town

On a midnight train

Gotta see me change

Change, change, change

Change, change, change

Change, change, change

Change, change, change

Woa, change, change, change


02 - Love Her Madly

Don't ya love her madly

Don't ya need her badly

Don't ya love her ways

Tell me what you say


Don't ya love her madly

Wanna be her daddy

Don't ya love her face

Don't ya love her as she's walkin' out the door

Like she did one thousand times before


Don't ya love her ways

Tell me what you say

Don't ya love her as she's walkin' out the door


All your love

All your love

All your love

All your love


All your love is gone

So sing a lonely song

Of a deep blue dream

Seven horses seem to be on the mark


Yeah, don't you love her

Don't you love her as she's walkin' out the door


All your love

All your love

All your love


Yeah, all your love is gone

So sing a lonely song

Of a deep blue dream

Seven horses seem to be on the mark


Well, don't ya love her madly

Don't ya love her madly

Don't ya love her madly


03 - Been Down So Long


Well, I've been down so Goddamn long

That it looks like up to me

Well, I've been down so very damn long

That it looks like up to me

Yeah, why don't one you people

C'mon and set me free


I said, warden, warden, warden

Won't you break your lock and key

I said, warden, warden, warden

Won't ya break your lock and key

Yeah, come along here, mister

C'mon and let the poor boy be


Baby, baby, baby

Won't you get down on your knees

Baby, baby, baby

Won't you get down on your knees

C'mon little darlin'

C'mon and give your love to me, oh yeah


Well, I've been down so Goddamn long

That it looks like up to me

Well, I've been down so very damn long

That it looks like up to me

Yeah, why don't one you people

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon and set me free


04 - Cars Hiss By My Window


The cars hiss by my window

Like the waves down on the beach

The cars hiss by my window

Like the waves down on the beach

I got this girl beside me

But she's out of reach


Headlight through my window

Shinin' on the wall

Headlight through my window

Shinin' on the wall

Can't hear my baby

Though I called and called


Yeah, right



Windows started tremblin'

With a sonic boom

Windows started tremblin'

With a sonic boom, boom

A cold girl'll kill you

In a darkened room


Yeah, woo


Ride on


Wawa, eooo!

Oooo, owa, owaaa!

Wa, waaaaea!

Ooo, wa, wa, wa, wa, waa!



05 - L.A. Woman


Well, I just got into town about an hour ago

Took a look around, see which way the wind blow

Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows


Are you a lucky little lady in The City of Light

Or just another lost angel...City of Night

City of Night, City of Night, City of Night, woo, c'mon


L.A. Woman, L.A. Woman

L.A. Woman Sunday afternoon

L.A. Woman Sunday afternoon

L.A. Woman Sunday afternoon

Drive thru your suburbs

Into your blues, into your blues, yeah

Into your blue-blue Blues

Into your blues, ohh, yeah


I see your hair is burnin'

Hills are filled with fire

If they say I never loved you

You know they are a liar

Drivin' down your freeways

Midnite alleys roam

Cops in cars, the topless bars

Never saw a woman...

So alone, so alone

So alone, so alone


Motel Money Murder Madness

Let's change the mood from glad to sadness


Mr. Mojo Risin', Mr. Mojo Risin'

Mr. Mojo Risin', Mr. Mojo Risin'

Got to keep on risin'

Mr. Mojo Risin', Mr. Mojo Risin'

Mojo Risin', gotta Mojo Risin'

Mr. Mojo Risin', gotta keep on risin'

Risin', risin'

Gone risin', risin'

I'm gone risin', risin'

I gotta risin', risin'

Well, risin', risin'

I gotta, wooo, yeah, risin'

Woah, ohh yeah


Well, I just got into town about an hour ago

Took a look around, see which way the wind blow

Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows


Are you a lucky little lady in The City of Light

Or just another lost angel...City of Night

City of Night, City of Night, City of Night, woah, c'mon


L.A. Woman, L.A. Woman

L.A. Woman, your my woman

Little L.A. Woman, Little L.A. Woman

L.A. L.A. Woman Woman

L.A. Woman c'mon


06 - L'America


Yeeeaahh I took a trip down to L'America

To trade some beads for a pint of gold

I took a trip down to L'America

To trade some beads for a pint of gold

L'America, L'America, L'America

L'America, L'America, L'America


C'mon people, don't ya look so down

You know the rain man's comin' ta town

Change the weather, change your luck

And then he'll teach ya how ta...find yourself



Friendly strangers came to town

All the people put them down

But, the women loved their ways

Come again some other day

Like the gentle rain

Like the gentle rain that falls


I took a trip down to L'America

To trade some beads for a pint of gold

I took a trip down to L'America

To trade some beads for a pint of gold

L'America, L'America, L'America

L'America, L'America, L'America



07 - Hyacinth House


What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

To please the lions in this day


I need a brand new friend who doesn't bother me

I need a brand new friend who doesn't trouble me

I need someone and who doesn't need me


I see the bathroom is clear

I think that somebody's near

I'm sure that someone is following me, oh yeah


Why did you throw the Jack of Hearts away?

Why did you throw the Jack of Hearts away?

It was the only card in the deck that I had left to play


And I'll say it again, I need a brand new friend

And I'll say it again, I need a brand new friend

And I'll say it again, I need a brand new friend, the end


08 - Crawling King Snake


Well, I'm the Crawlin' King Snake

And I rule my den

I'm the Crawlin' King Snake

And I rule my den

Yeah, don't mess 'round with my mate

Gonna use her for myself


Caught me crawlin', baby, window

Grass is very high

Keep on crawlin' till the day I die

Crawlin' King Snake

And I rule my den

You better give me what I want

Gonna crawl no more


Caught me crawlin', baby

Crawlin' 'round your door

Seein' everything I want

I'm gonna crawl on your floor

Let's crawl

And I rule my den

C'mon, give me what I want

Ain't gonna crawl no more


Alright, crawl a while


C'mon crawl

C'mon crawl

Get on out there on your hands and knees, baby

Crawl all over me

Just like the spider on the wall

Ooo, we gonn' crawl, one more


Well, I'm the Crawlin' King Snake

And I rule my den

Call me the Crawlin' King Snake

And I rule my den

Yeah, don't mess 'round with my mate

Gonna use her for myself


09 - The WASP (Texas Radio And The Big Beat)


I wanna tell you 'bout Texas Radio and the Big Beat

Comes out of the Virginia swamps

Cool and slow with plenty of precision

With a back beat narrow and hard to master


Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance

Others, mean and ruthful of the Western dream

I love the friends I have gathered together on this thin raft

We have constructed pyramids in honor of our escaping

This is the land where the Pharaoh died


The Negroes in the forest brightly feathered

They are saying, "Forget the night.

Live with us in forests of azure.

Out here on the perimeter there are no stars

Out here we is stoned - immaculate."


Listen to this, and I'll tell you 'bout the heartache

I'll tell you 'bout the heartache and the lose of God

I'll tell you 'bout the hopeless night

The meager food for souls forgot

I'll tell you 'bout the maiden with raw iron soul


I'll tell you this

No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn


I'll tell you 'bout Texas Radio and the Big Beat

Soft drivin', slow and mad, like some new language


Now, listen to this, and I'll tell you 'bout the Texas

I'll tell you 'bout the Texas Radio

I'll tell you 'bout the hopeless night

Wandering the Western dream

Tell you 'bout the maiden with raw iron soul


10 - Riders On The Storm


Riders on the storm

Riders on the storm

Into this house we're born

Into this world we're thrown

Like a dog without a bone

An actor out alone

Riders on the storm


There's a killer on the road

His brain is squirmin' like a toad

Take a long holiday

Let your children play

If you give this man a ride

Sweet memory will die

Killer on the road, yeah


Girl ya gotta love your man

Girl ya gotta love your man

Take him by the hand

Make him understand

The world on you depends

Our life will never end

Gotta love your man, yeah




Riders on the storm

Riders on the storm

Into this house we're born

Into this world we're thrown

Like a dog without a bone

An actor out alone

Riders on the storm


Riders on the storm

Riders on the storm

Riders on the storm

Riders on the storm

Riders on the storm

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un film di James Douglas Morrison


Questo film traccia una cruda immagine della psiche di un uomo condotto al crimine.

Così Frank Lisciandro: "La sceneggiatura originale parlava di un autostoppista chiamato "The Kid" che usciva da una regione desertica e cominciava a girare per il paese insieme a una banda di vagabondi, sulla strada che conduce alla città egli uccide un poliziotto, e possibilmente non uno solo.

Quindi viene inseguito e messo in prigione. A questo punto del film si sarebbe dovuta avere una sequenza onirica nella quale "The Kid" viene giustiziato per l'omicidio; quindi alla fine si sarebbe dovuto riunire agli stessi vagabondi conosciuti all'inizio della storia. Così tu dovresti capire che l'inizio del film era vista come una resurrezione, e tu ti trovi di fronte ad un personaggio/archetipo, forse Jesse James, forse Billy the Kid, forse Jack lo squartatore, che ritorna ad ogni nuova vita e poiché è guidato dal destino, ogni volta ripercorre lo stesso cammino, come per una sorta di misterioso rituale.

Gli altri personaggi hanno il nome di "Doc" e di "Clown Boy". Unitamente a "The Kid", possono essere identificati come tre aspetti di Jim. Egli vedeva se stesso a volte come un clown, a volte come una specie di saggio (il tipo più vecchio, di nome Doc) e a volte come un bambino (The Kid)".




Subito dopo Pasqua le stesse persone che collaborarono a "Feast of Friends" si riunirono per realizzare "HWY".

I compiti furono divisi in parti eguali tra tutti i membri del gruppo, ma per la maggior parte Paul Ferrara usò la telecamera, Babe Hill curò il suono e Frank Lisciandro curò il montaggio. Come avveniva per la maggior parte dei progetti di Jim, il film fu girato con l'enfasi tipica della creazione spontanea.

Lisciandro così commenta: "Andammo nel deserto per girare il film, ma ancora non avevamo una idea precisa di cosa avremmo fatto. Girammo lì per tre o quattro giorni ed in città per due, ma non riuscimmo a girare tutte le scene necessarie per completare il film. Jim decise di usare il materiale che avevamo girato come "biglietto da visita" per trovare i fondi per completarlo. Così mettemmo insieme le scene girate, tanto da formare una sequenza lineare - i personaggi uscivano dalla montagna ed andavano in città - e noi fummo soddisfatti del lavoro svolto".

Più che di un film, si trattava di una poesia sotto forma di filmato. Girato in 35 mm il film, della durata di 50 minuti, contiene immagini molto suggestive dell'uomo messo in relazione con se stesso e con la natura, ma l'unico elemento che rimane della sceneggiatura originale è l'autostoppista.

Jim è inizialmente mostrato mentre si muove silenziosamente in mezzo al deserto, pieno di simboli che richiamano alla natura (la cascata, il cielo, la luna, etc.).

Il film parte con un barbuto Jim che emerge a torso nudo dall'acqua di un fiume. Alle sue spalle una splendida cascata.

Questa scena fu filmata a Parkwood Falls, vicino a Palm Springs e Jim era vestito soltanto dei suoi proverbiali pantaloni di pelle.

Più tardi comincia a fare l'autostop: mentre aspetta sul ciglio della strada Jim tira fuori dal suo fianco una pistola immaginaria, oppure agita come un torero la sua giacca di pelle contro le macchine che passano.

In una scena sale su di una vecchia e sporca macchina abbandonata, posta ad un lato dell'autostrada, quindi improvvisamente inizia a saltare sul cofano, rompendo il parabrezza con le suole dei suoi stivali. Finalmente qualcuno su una "Shelby Mustang" (senza dubbio si tratta della macchina di Jim!) si ferma e gli offre un passaggio.

Noi non vediamo la persona alla guida, né quello che avviene in seguito, ma possiamo pensare ad un omicidio, poiché nella scena successiva vediamo Jim che guida da solo la stessa macchina. Per la strada incontra un gruppo di giovani che cantano e ballano e decide di unirsi a loro.

Più tardi lo vediamo mentre fa girare la Shelby in cerchio, sollevando una grande quantità di polvere e sabbia. Riguardo alle scene girate nel deserto, la più interessante e' quando l'autostoppista si ferma per guardare un cojote ferito sulla strada, poiché si tratta di un parallelo con il famoso incidente stradale accaduto nell'infanzia di Jim. Mentre il cojote, simbolo del selvaggio e del primitivo, sta disteso sulla strada dimenandosi (probabilmente sul punto di morire), un cane "domestico" guarda la scena al sicuro da una macchina parcheggiata poco distante. Improvvisamente il cane per un istante diventa disperatamente calmo, quindi balza in avanti e cerca di nascondersi sotto il sedile. La scena evoca gli indiani morenti sull'autostrada così come erano stati visti dal giovane Jim Morrison dalla macchina dei suoi genitori, mentre sentiva per la prima volta nella sua vita la presenza Sciamanica.

Dopo aver fatto il pieno di benzina e dopo essersi soffermato a guardare alcune cartoline pornografiche disposte su un portacarte girevole, l'autostoppista si rimette in viaggio, passando accanto a muri immiseriti da spazzatura e graffiti. Come scende la notte, stende una mappa sul terreno e vi passa sopra con una bacchetta da rabdomante. Alla fine arriva in città, dove entra in una stanza di un hotel a poco prezzo (il famoso "Alta Cienega Motel") e orina. Dopo aver fatto tappa in un bar, egli fa una strana telefonata, parlando molto tranquillamente di come avesse ucciso un guidatore che gli aveva offerto un passaggio.

[Qui chiama l'amico poeta McClure, che pensa ad uno scherzo. Questa traccia audio la si sente anche in An American Prayer, nella traccia "L'autostoppista", con lo sfondo di Riders On The Storm, nota di Le Duc].

Più tardi lo vediamo camminare su un tetto e contemplare la città. Durante la lavorazione di "HWY" Jim disse di voler trovare un posto da cui si potesse ammirare il panorama di Los Angeles illuminata di notte. "Un nostro vecchio compagno di classe ai tempi dell'Ucla Film School, ci fece avere libero accesso sul tetto del "9000 Building", un famoso grattacielo di L.A.. Ricorda ancora Frank Lisciandro: "Una volta che l'equipaggiamento e lo staff al completo si trovò sul tetto, Jim sorprese tutti andando sull'orlo del cornicione che circonda l'edificio. Lui ci disse di voler essere filmato mentre camminava sul cornicione. Nessuno fu in grado di fargli cambiare idea. La ripresa che Jim aveva in mente lo mostrava mentre camminava, passo dopo passo, molto lentamente, sull'orlo del mondo, con la notte ingioiellata di Los Angeles che brillava alle sue spalle. Lui rifiutò una corda e ignorò i nostri consigli, secondo i quali senza una adeguata illuminazione sarebbe apparso al massimo come una vaga ombra che si stagliava sulle luci della città. Quando iniziò la sua passeggiata abbiamo tutti trattenuto il respiro, consapevoli che un passo sbagliato avrebbe potuto fargli fare un volo di trenta piani. Perché prendersi un rischio del genere?". L'ovvia risposta starebbe nel fatto che lui si aspettava che qualcuno lo afferrasse per provargli la sua amicizia. Invece secondo Babe Hill sentiva un complesso di inferiorità verso gli amici che veramente stimava. "Il mio pensiero era: se proprio vuoi cadere, {censored} you, vai e cadi! Non mi puoi mettere in questi fottuti trip riguardo a ciò, perché è questo che secondo me stava cercando di fare. Jim voleva solo metterci in imbarazzo".

Frank Lisciandro: "Quel giorno avevamo bevuto molto, ma lui non era così ubriaco come lo avevo visto altre volte; era cioè abbastanza sobrio da avere ancora un certo autocontrollo. Lo chiamavamo "The Human Fly"…".

Il film, più che terminare, si interrompe e di conseguenza lascia lo spettatore con la sensazione che l'azione non sia mai veramente partita, che nulla sia mai iniziato. Mentre "HWY" da una parte possiede immagini molto potenti, in pratica non possiede dialogo e come molti "film d'arte" di quel periodo, ha scene molto lente: l'attenzione è posta sui minimi dettagli piuttosto che sulla trama. "Una sequenza sulla città" (della durata di parecchi minuti) mostra un laborioso "gioco ad incastro" delle immagini, da come è mescolata dall'alba al giorno, all'imbrunire, alla notte procedendo come attraverso istantanee. Lo stesso posto (ad esempio un distributore di benzina) viene filmato varie volte in diversi momenti della giornata. Come il giorno progredisce possiamo vederne i principali caratteri evolversi.

E' facile immaginare Jim e gli altri, tutti presi dalla gioia di fare un film, che abbandonano il modo tradizionale di raccontare una storia per una forma meno strutturata. La colonna sonora del film è interessante, soprattutto quei passaggi che assomigliano a canti/preghiere delle tribù degli indiani, ed un paio di indimenticabili canzoni folk cantate da Georgia Ferrara. "HWY" doveva essere una tappa di avvicinamento verso una forma di lungometraggio più esteso. "Era un demo" - continua Lisciandro - "Jim pensava che se ci fosse stato un pubblico adatto ed un distributore con i soldi il film l’avrebbe finito. Infatti alla fine la spesa fu di circa 40.000 dollari. Anche in seguito fu dimostrato che fare un film non è per niente una cosa economica".

Jim disse queste parole riguardo al film: "Per me è una cosa ancora più poetica, più di una esercitazione, una specie di riscaldamento. Praticamente non esiste una vera traccia da seguire e non c'è nemmeno una storia, almeno nel senso tradizionale del termine. Una persona, di cui io faccio la parte, esce dalle montagne e fa l'autostop sulla strada lungo il deserto. Prende una stanza in un motel, quindi esce e va in un night club o in qualche altro posto. Il finale è di questo tipo... E quando la musica finisce, spegni la luce... E' un film molto bello".

Nelle sequenze finali si vede un gruppo di ragazzini correre attorno ad alcune rocce, vicino alla cascata dove il film è iniziato, presumibilmente a significare la forma ciclica della storia; che ricomincia da capo.

Il lavoro, finito, può sembrare datato e con pretese artistiche, ma giova ricordare che mentre innumerevoli altre rockstars parlavano di fare dei film basati sugli anni '60, Jim è l'unico a non aver fatto nulla di tutto ciò. Sebbene lui non avesse alcuna linea da seguire, non si può dire molto sulle capacità di Jim come attore, se non che la sua presenza sullo schermo è molto marcata, decisa.

Anche se rimasto in forma incompleta, "HWY" è stato accolto con largo successo sia al "Vancouver Film Festival" sia al "Jim Morrison Film Festival" a Toronto.


Scusate per la traduzione, la feci molto tempo fa e non ricordo neanche da dove, altrimenti avrei postato il link.


Stamattina ho ordinato When You're Strange (songs from the motion picture), appena mi arriva posto una recensione.




1. Poem: Cinema

2. Poem: The Spirit Of Music

3. Moonlight Drive

4. Poem: The Doors Of Perception

5. Break on Through (To the Other Side) (Live – Isle Of Wight 1970)

6. Poem: A Visitation Of Energy

7. Light My Fire (Live – The Ed Sullivan Show 1967)

8. To Really Be a Superstar – Jim Morrison (Interview)

9. Five To One

10. Poem: Wasting The Dawn

11. When The Music's Over (Live – Danish TV 1968)

12. a The Four of Us Are Musicians – Jim Morrison (Interview)

b I'd Like Them to Listen – Ray Manzarek (Interview)

c Rock & Roll And Jazz – John Densmore (Interview)

d Our Music Is Symbolic – Robby Krieger (Interview)

13. Hello, I Love You

14. Dead Serious – Jim Morrison (Interview)

15. People Are Strange

16. Poem: Inside The Dream

17. Soul Kitchen

18. Poem: We Have Been Metamorphosized

19. Poem: Touch Scares

20. Touch Me

21. Poem: Naked We Come

22. Poem: O Great Creator of Being

23. The End

24. Poem: The Girl of the Ghetto

25. L.A. Woman

26. Poem: Crossroads

27. Roadhouse Blues' (Live – New York 1970)

28. Poem: Ensenada

29. Riders On The Storm

30. Poem: As I Look Back

31. The Crystal Ship

32. Poem: Goodbye America

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