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No QE with 8600gts even though it says its supported


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ok, so i got the system up and running finally after much heartache. everything works fine but i went out and bought an 8600gts to speed up the video a bit on my 24" worked fine when installing quartz was working great but after i restarted the machine i lost QE even tho in system properties it says my cards supports it. also i tried installing the nvkush drivers but didnt fix it. im using iatkos v2 with the intergrated drivers. any help much appreciated. by the way the video card is an evga 8600gts 512mb. i guess i should also say its 10.5.2 because when i went to do an update through uhh update it borked my install.

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Enter the rm -rf commands in single user mode during the darwin bootup to see if it works for you. Remember to use fsck and umount otherwise you can't write to the file system. If it does work, use a different editor like nano or one you are more familiar with.


It's beeping at you because you don't have access to write in /etc. Make sure you are doing it as root.

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i know but the part i dont get is this:


Remember to use fsck and umount otherwise you can't write to the file system. If it does work, use a different editor like nano or one you are more familiar with.


i know how to do everything up until it beeps at me, i dont know how to get permissions, i dont know what umount is. im just asking for help here.

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Remember to use fsck and umount otherwise you can't write to the file system. If it does work, use a different editor like nano or one you are more familiar with.


That's only in single user mode, you have to press F8 before the boot and enter the "-s" parameter. If you don't do the fsck (file system check) and umount (to enable the write otherwise it's read only). The exact commands are on screen.


If you are in safe mode or normal boot, it will beep at you because you didn't sudo to become root to be able to write in /etc.

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