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  1. Well, you obviously can't check if discoveryd is unloaded during sleep directly, but you can check that it is loaded (the sudo is very important here so make sure to remember it): sudo launchctl list | grep com.apple.networking.discoveryd This should return something. Otherwise discoveryd is not loaded. Another thing you can try before adding /Library/LaunchDaemons/de.bernhard-baehr.sleepwatcher.plist is to check and see if your rc scripts work. I.e /usr/local/sbin/sleepwatcher -V -s /etc/rc.sleep in a terminal and then try to sleep or /usr/local/sbin/sleepwatcher -V -s /etc/rc.sleep -w /etc/rc.wakeup and then try to sleep In both these cases the terminal window will not report anything until you actually wake up from sleep again, and you have to initiate sleep manually (or wait until automatic sleep). Enter CTRL+C to stop SleepWatcher after testing. Refer to the SleepWatcher documentation for more details.
  2. You're absolutely right. Yet another edit. Thanks By the way, wake on LAN does not need to be disabled for this configuration to work.
  3. EDIT: It now works. I changed the configuration in the original post to reflect this. To check that it is working: pmset -g log | grep DarkWake
  4. Another approach which might be more future proof is to just unload discoveryd when the machine is about to go to sleep and then load it again at wakeup. Sleepwatcher can be used to run scripts at sleep and wakeup events. My /Library/LaunchDaemons/de.bernhard-baehr.sleepwatcher.plist looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>de.bernhard-baehr.sleepwatcher</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/usr/local/sbin/sleepwatcher</string> <string>-V</string> <string>-s /etc/rc.sleep</string> <string>-w /etc/rc.wakeup</string> </array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> <key>KeepAlive</key> <true/> </dict> </plist> /etc/rc.sleep: #!/bin/sh # Unload discoveryd to disable maintenance wakeup every two hours launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.discoveryd.plist /etc/rc.wakeup: #!/bin/sh # Load discoveryd to enable network launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.discoveryd.plist EDIT: Changed to working configuration
  5. End of the line Unfortunately, my trusty GA-P35-DS4 died last week. As a result I won't be able to update this script anymore and a Mavericks version definitely won't be forthcoming (not from me at least). If anyone wants to take over feel free. It's been fun
  6. finalize was meant to run from the USB pen drive. If you want to run it directly you would need to "cd /Volumes/mLion/Users/ema/Desktop/install" first, but I still recommend running it from the USB drive.
  7. There seem to be an issue with building a bootable USB with 10.8.3. At least with my graphics card (Radeon 6870) the boot stops with a white screen. I don't know of any way to solve this so make sure you don't have this issue before deleting your <10.8.3 "Install Mac OS X" app.
  8. I don't understand what you mean. With reinstallation I mean follow the guide and reinstall the OS. I don't think I can be any clearer.
  9. As I already mentioned I reinstall and restore my user during the installation process. I would recommend that process on both real macs and on hackintoshes. org.chameleon.boot.plist should reside in /Extra but i still recommend reinstalling.
  10. Best option: Install from scratch. During the installation you get the option of migrating from a TimeMachine backup. Restore your user (and possibly some of the other stuff but my advice is to be conservative), then run finalize. Other option: just run finalize and see if it works. Whenever I reinstall the OS I only migrate my user. The rest is easily reinstalled manually. That has the added benefit of removing the crud that builds up over time in most operating systems.
  11. You need to add a DSDT specific to your board before running mkboot. Even with that you might have issues with at least sound.
  12. I just ran the App store installer. I didn't need to do anything else.
  13. 10.8.2 works without issues on my system, in case anyone is wondering
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