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Locking The Screen


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I have a (really should put system specs in sig) Compaq Presario c300 running iDeneb 1.4 as outlined here. My problem is that when I lock the screen, by leaving it alone or using hot corners, OSx86 activatess the screensaver, but does not require a password prompt.


On an unrelated note, I get the "wake image too old" problem, will this solve my hibernation issues? I use Chameleon RC4.

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That's news to me, it worked fine in 10.5.8 on my P4 hack last time I tried. That was a while ago though.


AFAIK they just changed the name when Snow came out but it should still work on 10.5.x. It's very nice for what it does, it's my favorite Swiss army knife type app. It has possibly the ugliest icon in the world though.

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